Proving the Volume of a Sphere using Multiple Intergration

In summary, this conversation is about figuring out the volume of a sphere using spherical coordinates. Benny thinks it can be done using xyz coordinates, but Dextercioby says it's a lot of work and won't be of much help.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Using the thechnique of multiple intergration prove that the volume of a sphere is 4/3 Pi r^3.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Equation for sphere is x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = r^2

Do I solve it using for example z = root(r^2 - x^2 - y^2)

Or is it best do solve it using angle such as y=r sin (Theta)

I hope this makes sence.

Cheers Ash
Physics news on
  • #2
You can't prove that. The volume of a sphere is zero.
  • #3
What do you mean because I am using the axis as the center of the sphere.

i was going to work out one octant and then multiply it by 8.
  • #4
In many places a sphere is regarded as being a hollow ball so that might be why dextercioby said the volume is zero.

Anyway just use spherical coordinates and the answer should follow easily.
  • #6
ye thanks for that. So just for you dextoer, to find the volume of a solid ball!

So Benny do you mean working it all out using y=r sin (Theta)

So having limits from 0 - Pi/2

  • #7
dextercioby is complete correct- and evil!

If you are going to use xyz- coordinates to find the volume of a ball of radius R, then you should take z going from [itex]-\sqrt{R^2- x^2- y^2}[/itex] to [itex]\sqrt{R^2- x^2- y^2}[/itex]. The projection of the ball onto the xy-plane is the disk (NOT "circle"! Don't want dextercioby complaining!) bounded by [itex]x^2+ y^2= R^2[/itex]. Let y go from [itex]-\sqrt{R^2- x^2}[/itex] to [itex]\sqrt{R^2- x^2}[/itex]. And x, of course, goes from -R to R.
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  • #8
IMO if this is not an assessed question and you haven't been taught how to use spherical coordinates then don't do this question. If you use xyz coordinates, even if it's 'do-able,' it'll just be a very long exercise in algebraic manipulation, waste of time if you ask me.

If you use spherical coordinates then x = pcos(phi)sin(theta), y = psin(phi)sin(theta) and z = pcos(theta). The angle conventions vary but if you can visualise the situation then the range of theta and phi should be fairly straight forward.

If I recall correctly, the volume integral will be:

V = \int\limits_0^{2\pi } {\int\limits_0^\pi {\int\limits_0^r {\rho ^2 \sin \theta d\rho d\theta d\phi } } }

You should check that the limits are correct and that you understand how everything comes together, otherwise the above won't be of much help to you.

Note: I don't believe this is giving too much away. If this is an assignment question full marks would not be given for just that much work and if it's just an exercise question then nothing is gained from just having the answer.

FAQ: Proving the Volume of a Sphere using Multiple Intergration

What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?

The formula for the volume of a sphere is V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius of the sphere.

What is multiple integration?

Multiple integration is a mathematical concept that involves integrating a function over a multidimensional region by breaking it down into smaller components and then combining them.

Why is multiple integration used to prove the volume of a sphere?

Multiple integration is used to prove the volume of a sphere because it allows us to integrate over a three-dimensional region, which is necessary for calculating the volume of a sphere.

What are the steps involved in proving the volume of a sphere using multiple integration?

The steps involved in proving the volume of a sphere using multiple integration include setting up the integral, choosing the order of integration, determining the limits of integration, and solving the integral to get the volume of the sphere.

What are some real-life applications of proving the volume of a sphere using multiple integration?

Some real-life applications of proving the volume of a sphere using multiple integration include calculating the volume of a spherical container, such as a water tank or a hot air balloon, and determining the volume of a solid object with a spherical shape, such as a medicine capsule or a sports ball.
