Proving Tr(XY) = Tr(YX) (Sakurai, p. 59, prob. 1.4)

  • Thread starter bjnartowt
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I am currently going through Sakurai. I will have to get ahold of Messiah. I am also doing some work on the Dirac Delta function. I am reading EqWorld's entry on the Delta. I have to get in touch with my instructor to find out what we are using for our course this coming Fall. I am thinking I will be doing a lot of reading this summer so that I am ahead of the game. I am hoping to get my hands on the syllabus soon. I am getting anxious to get started, but I am also enjoying my break from school.In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove the equation Tr(XY) = Tr(YX) using bra-ket algebra. The solution involves considering the
  • #1

Homework Statement

You know [itex]{\rm{Tr}}(XY) = \limits^{?} {\rm{Tr}}(YX)[/itex], but prove it, using the rules of bra-ket algebra, sucka. (The late Sakurai does not actually call his reader "sucka").

Homework Equations

[tex]{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits} (X) \equiv \sum\nolimits_{a'} {\left\langle {a'} \right|X\left| {a'} \right\rangle } [/itex]

[tex]XY = Z = \left\langle {a''} \right|Z\left| {a'} \right\rangle = \left\langle {a''} \right|XY\left| {a'} \right\rangle = \sum\nolimits_{a'''} {\left\langle {a''} \right|X\left| {a'''} \right\rangle \left\langle {a'''} \right|Y\left| {a'} \right\rangle } [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Obviously: XY ≠ YX, but Tr(XY) = Tr(YX). Therefore: there must be something about the trace that allows for this, and not about “X” and “Y”. We are therefore prompted to consider the definition of trace:

[tex]{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits} (X) \equiv \sum\nolimits_{a'} {\left\langle {a'} \right|X\left| {a'} \right\rangle } [/tex]

We are also reminded of what matrix multiplication “looks like”:
[tex]XY = Z = \left\langle {a''} \right|Z\left| {a'} \right\rangle = \left\langle {a''} \right|XY\left| {a'} \right\rangle = \sum\nolimits_{a'''} {\left\langle {a''} \right|X\left| {a'''} \right\rangle \left\langle {a'''} \right|Y\left| {a'} \right\rangle } [/tex]

So: the trace of this is the sum of the diagonal elements: I now use the First equation in "relevant equations" to say:
[tex]{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits} (XY) = {\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits} \left( {\sum\nolimits_{a'''} {\left\langle {a''} \right|X\left| {a'''} \right\rangle \left\langle {a'''} \right|Y\left| {a'} \right\rangle } } \right) = \sum\nolimits_{b'} {\left( {\sum\nolimits_{a'''} {\left\langle {b'} \right|X\left| {a'''} \right\rangle \left\langle {a'''} \right|Y\left| {b'} \right\rangle } } \right)} [/tex]

Now: we calculated Tr(XY), but if I calculated Tr(YX) the same way, it seems the traces being equal would be thwarted by XY not being the same as YX.

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  • #2
Take your last line and put the <b'|X|a'''> term on the right side, and flip the order of the sums.
  • #3
chrispb said:
Take your last line and put the <b'|X|a'''> term on the right side, and flip the order of the sums.

Oh! You can flip the two <||> because <b'|X|a'''> and <a'''|Y|b'> are scalars, is that why?
  • #4
This seems a little longer than it should be:

[tex]\mathrm{Tr}(XY) = \sum_{a'}\langle a'|XY|a'\rangle=\sum_{a',a''}\langle a'|X|a''\rangle\langle a''|Y|a'\rangle = \sum_{a',a''}\langle a''|Y|a'\rangle\langle a'|X|a''\rangle=\sum_{a''}\langle a''|YX|a''\rangle = \mathrm{Tr}(YX)[/tex]

I think your biggest problem is that you use

[tex]Z\rightarrow \langle a''|XY|a'\rangle[/tex]

and somehow you come up with

[tex]{\sum_{a'''} \left\langle {a''} \right|X\left| {a'''} \right\rangle \left\langle {a'''} \right|Y\left| {a'} \right\rangle } } = \sum_{b'} {\left( {\sum\nolimits_{a'''} {\left\langle {b'} \right|X\left| {a'''} \right\rangle \left\langle {a'''} \right|Y\left| {b'} \right\rangle } } \right)} [/tex]

Which doesn't seem very good notation.
  • #5
jdwood983 said:
This seems a little longer than it should be:

[tex]\mathrm{Tr}(XY) = \sum_{a'}\langle a'|XY|a'\rangle=\sum_{a',a''}\langle a'|X|a''\rangle\langle a''|Y|a'\rangle = \sum_{a',a''}\langle a''|Y|a'\rangle\langle a'|X|a''\rangle=\sum_{a''}\langle a''|YX|a''\rangle = \mathrm{Tr}(YX)[/tex]


Which doesn't seem very good notation.

Oh, that works very nicely. Thank you. I am trying to prepare for Fall 2010's grad QM course.

FAQ: Proving Tr(XY) = Tr(YX) (Sakurai, p. 59, prob. 1.4)

1. What is the significance of proving Tr(XY) = Tr(YX)?

The trace of a matrix is an important mathematical concept that measures the sum of the elements on the main diagonal of a square matrix. Proving Tr(XY) = Tr(YX) shows that the trace is invariant under matrix multiplication, which has implications in various areas of mathematics, such as linear algebra and quantum mechanics.

2. How do you prove Tr(XY) = Tr(YX)?

The proof involves using the properties of the trace and matrix multiplication. First, it can be shown that Tr(AB) = Tr(BA) for any square matrices A and B. Then, by substituting X and Y for A and B, respectively, we can show that Tr(XY) = Tr(YX).

3. What is the intuition behind the proof of Tr(XY) = Tr(YX)?

The proof relies on the fact that the trace measures the sum of the diagonal elements, which are the same in both XY and YX. This means that the order in which the matrices are multiplied does not affect the sum of the diagonal elements, and thus the trace remains the same.

4. Can Tr(XY) = Tr(YX) be extended to non-square matrices?

No, this proof only applies to square matrices. Non-square matrices do not have a trace since the sum of the diagonal elements is not well-defined. However, there may be other similar properties that hold for non-square matrices.

5. What other properties can be derived from Tr(XY) = Tr(YX)?

Proving Tr(XY) = Tr(YX) can lead to other useful properties and identities in mathematics. For example, it can be used to show that the trace is a linear operator, meaning that it satisfies the properties of linearity. It can also be used to prove other properties related to matrix multiplication and trace, such as Tr(ABC) = Tr(CAB) = Tr(BCA).

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