Proving Vector A is Perpendicular to Vector B: Proving a 90° Angle

In summary, the angle formed by joining any point on a circle to the end points of a diameter is 90 degrees.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that Vector A is perpendicular to Vector B if |VectorA + VectorB| = |VectorA-VectorB| and use this to prove that the angle formed by joining any point on a circle to the end points of a diameter is 90 degrees,

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I really have no idea where to begin, i no that VectorA (dot) VectorB=0 for them to be perpendicular but i still don't really understand the second part of the problem, if somebody could point me in the right direction that would be appreciated thank you
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  • #2
(A+B).(A+B)=A.A+2A.B+B.B. What's (A-B).(A-B)? How can they be equal? For the circle problem take A to be the vector connecting the center of the circle to your point and B to be the vector connecting the center to one of the endpoints of the diameter. Do you see it now?
  • #3
For the first part i meant that if |A+B|=|A-B| then A and B are perpendicular and i forgot to note it is in 3 space A(Ai,Aj,Ak), and i see what your saying for the second part but as i am picturing it the angle will be any angle depending on the vectors? Like if the vectors are perpendicular of coarse the angle will be 90degrees but the way i am understanding the question is that no matter what the angle will be 90 degrees
  • #4
It doesn't depend on how many dimensions the space has it's still true. If |A+B|=|A-B| then A.B=0. Use the vectors. |A+B|^2=(A+B).(A+B). |A-B|^2=(A-B).(A-B). Again for the circle problem A+B and A-B are both points on the circle.
  • #5
oo ok i see now, the only way for part one of the question to hold true is if the vectors are perpendicular and by using these vectors the second part of the question would hold true, i just assumed that the second part of the question held true for any two vectors, thanks for the help

FAQ: Proving Vector A is Perpendicular to Vector B: Proving a 90° Angle

What is a vector?

A vector is a mathematical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is usually represented by an arrow, with the length of the arrow representing the magnitude and the direction of the arrow representing the direction.

How do you prove that two vectors are perpendicular?

To prove that two vectors, A and B, are perpendicular, you can use the dot product. If the dot product of A and B is equal to zero, then the vectors are perpendicular. This means that the angle between the two vectors is 90 degrees.

What is the dot product?

The dot product is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors as input and returns a scalar value. It is also known as the scalar product or inner product. It is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them.

Can two non-zero vectors be perpendicular?

Yes, two non-zero vectors can be perpendicular. As long as the dot product of the two vectors is equal to zero, they are considered perpendicular. This means that the angle between them is 90 degrees.

What is the significance of proving two vectors are perpendicular?

Proving that two vectors are perpendicular is important in many areas of science and mathematics. It allows us to determine if two lines or planes intersect at a right angle. It is also used in calculating the work done by a force in physics and in finding the shortest distance between two lines in geometry.
