Proving Vector Norm Properties Using Different Definitions

In summary, you are trying to solve an Apostol problem in Chapter 12 using the triangle inequality. However, you get lost and lose confidence after seeing a video of Andrew Wiles. You finally find the solution by calculating A+B's norm and showing that it is equal to Slant-rightarrow Sum-of-squares-of-products-of-vectors-with-norms-greater-than-zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

this is an Apostol problem in chapter 12 and I guess it's a hypothetical definition of a norm of a vector
Assuming this different definition of the norm prove these statements-
[tex]Def. ||A||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}|a_{k}|, prove ||A||>0, if ||A||\neq0,||A||=0 if A=0, ||cA||=c||A||,triangle equality ||A+B||\leq ||A||+||B||,[/tex]

I just looked at this- do I just expand the sums out and then express them in sigma notation?

Use this definition in V2 and prove on a figure the set of all points (x,y) of norm 1- this is just the line x+y=1?

which of the above theorems/statements would hold if we take the absolute value of the summation?

[tex] Def. ||A||=|\sum_{k=1}^{n}a_{k}| [/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
mathnerd15 said:

Homework Statement

this is an Apostol problem in chapter 12 and I guess it's a hypothetical definition of a norm of a vector
Assuming this definition of the norm prove these statements-

[tex]Def. ||A||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}a_{k}\text{, prove }||A||>0\text{, if }||A||\neq0,[/tex]

You haven't told us what ##A## is or what the ##a_k## are. If ##n = 2## is ##v = \langle 1,-1\rangle \in A##? If so ##v \ne 0## but ##\|v\| = 0##.
  • #3
Mostly I'm asking about the triangle inequality proof, the problem just gives you a general vector A
I think the hypothetical definition is ||A||=|a1|+|a2|+|a3|...+|an|, so if ||A|| norm doesn't equal the zero vector (0,0...0) and at least one component |ak|>0, then the sum must be >0
  • #4
mathnerd15 said:
Mostly I'm asking about the triangle inequality proof, the problem just gives you a general vector A
I think the hypothetical definition is ||A||=|a1|+|a2|+|a3|...+|an|, so if ||A|| norm doesn't equal the zero vector (0,0...0) and at least one component |ak|>0, then the sum must be >0

You "think" that is the norm definition? It's your question -- is it or isn't it? I see you edited your post to change it to that. And given your last sentence, what is your question?

[Edit] Re the triangle inequality, what have you tried?
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  • #5
I'm just trying the TE for the first time. Apostol gives this 'incorrect' definition of the norm and asks you to prove the TE. I proved the law of cosines in norm form. here I see it is correct for a case where the signs of A and B are different

[tex]Def. ||A||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}|a_{k}|, triangle.inequality ||A+B||\leq ||A||+||B||. e.g.A=-2,B=1,|-1|\leq 3[/tex]
  • #6
mathnerd15 said:
I'm just trying the TE for the first time. Apostol gives this 'incorrect' definition of the norm and asks you to prove the TE. I proved the law of cosines in norm form. here I see it is correct for a case where the signs of A and B are different

[tex]Def. ||A||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}|a_{k}|, triangle.inequality ||A+B||\leq ||A||+||B||. e.g.A=-2,B=1,|-1|\leq 3[/tex]

What do you mean the signs of A and B? That doesn't make any sense. They are vectors, not scalars. You have to start by calculating A+B and its norm and compare it with the norms of A and B.
  • #7
I've attached the written problems, is this how I prove the triangle equality for this definition of norm, I ended up with something that seems analogous to Cauchy-Schwarz inequality?

anyways I started to lose confidence after thinking my handwriting was too messy after I saw a video of Andrew Wiles


  • Problems.pdf
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  • #8
mathnerd15 said:
I've attached the written problems, is this how I prove the triangle equality for this definition of norm, I ended up with something that seems analogous to Cauchy-Schwarz inequality?

anyways I started to lose confidence after thinking my handwriting was too messy after I saw a video of Andrew Wiles

You are making it way too hard. Like I said before, calculate A+B and its norm. You don't need to square anything. Just use a familiar inequality. Show your work here, not in a pdf.
  • #9
[tex]||A+B||\leqslant ||A||+||B||\rightarrow \sum_{k=1}^{n}|ak+bk|\leq \sum_{k=1}^{n}|ak|+\sum_{k=1}^n|bk|[/tex]
so this is trivially true by properties of absolute value? there are many more beautiful properties of absolute value functions

the last part of the solution is
|x|+|y|=1 and y=1-x, y=x+1, y=x-1, y=-x-1, and since |x|+|y|=1, then these lines become segments, 0<=x<=1 constrained and form a rectangle in V2 (similar to R2?)
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  • #10
mathnerd15 said:
[tex]||A||+||B||\leqslant ||A+B||\rightarrow \sum_{k=1}^{n}|ak|+ \sum_{k=1}^{n}|bk|\leq \sum_{k=1}^{n}|ak+bk|[/tex]
so this is trivially true by properties of absolute value?

No, that is so wrong it leaves me speechless. One more time I will ask you:

1. Write down A = ... and B = ... and then what is A + B is.
2. Then write down its norm ##\|A+B\| =##?
Then you are ready to try to get the inequality.
  • #11
Sorry I'm not sure what you mean, the text gives you a hypothetical definition of norm as the sum of absolute values of |ak|
the true definition of norm as dot product gives a proof of the triangle equality from algebra or as a consequence of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality


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  • #12
LCKurtz said:
No, that is so wrong it leaves me speechless. One more time I will ask you:

1. Write down A = ... and B = ... and then what is A + B is.
2. Then write down its norm ##\|A+B\| =##?
Then you are ready to try to get the inequality.

mathnerd15 said:
Sorry I'm not sure what you mean, the text gives you a hypothetical definition of norm as the sum of absolute values of |ak|
the true definition of norm as dot product gives a proof of the triangle equality from algebra or as a consequence of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

Sorry, but I will not download a pdf file for a simple problem like this. You can easily type it. But until you do 1. and 2. above, I don't see where we have anything to discuss.

The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality has nothing to do with this problem.

[Edit] I now see you have changed post #9 to make it correct, without noting that it was changed. That makes it very difficult to maintain continuity of the thread and is against forum rules.
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  • #13
[tex]A=\sum_{k=1}^{n}akEk, B=\sum_{k=1}^{n}bkEk, ||A||=\sqrt{A\cdot A}.
\\ ||A+B||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}[(ak+bk)^{2}]^{1/2},
\\ but here ||A||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}|ak|, ||B||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}|bk|,
\\ ||A||+||B||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}(|ak|+|bk|), ||A+B||=\sum_{k=1}^{n}\|ak+bk|
\\ \sum_{k=1}^{n}\|ak+bk| <=\sum_{k=1}^{n}(|ak|+|bk|) [/tex]

I'm sorry, so all vectors in Vn can be expressed as linear combinations of the orthogonal basis vectors [Ek,En] or other arbitrarily rotated orthogonal basis vectors as well as the imaginary basis vector on the C plane? I've written what I think is the definition of norm/length and also the hypothetical one (I'm not sure if there's some significance to Apostol's hypothetical problem)
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  • #14
LCKurtz said:
You haven't told us what ##A## is or what the ##a_k## are. If ##n = 2## is ##v = \langle 1,-1\rangle \in A##? If so ##v \ne 0## but ##\|v\| = 0##.
actually since ||A|| is defined as the sum of absolute values then if v=(1,-1) then ||v||=2, not 0, while normally
it is really the greatest achievement of humanity! by the way what would be an example of a difficult proof to try that is more advanced or a text?
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  • #15
am I correct in the last post?

FAQ: Proving Vector Norm Properties Using Different Definitions

1. What is "Longer Vector Algebra Proof"?

"Longer Vector Algebra Proof" refers to the mathematical process of proving the properties and relationships of vectors using algebraic equations and operations. It involves manipulating and solving equations to demonstrate the validity of a certain vector concept.

2. Why is "Longer Vector Algebra Proof" important in science?

"Longer Vector Algebra Proof" is important in science because vectors are a fundamental concept in many scientific fields, such as physics, engineering, and computer science. By using algebraic proofs, scientists can establish the properties of vectors and use them to solve complex problems and make accurate predictions.

3. What is the difference between "Longer Vector Algebra Proof" and other forms of vector proofs?

The main difference between "Longer Vector Algebra Proof" and other forms of vector proofs is the use of algebraic equations and operations. Other forms of vector proofs, such as geometric proofs, rely on visual representations and geometric principles to demonstrate vector properties.

4. How do you approach a "Longer Vector Algebra Proof" problem?

When approaching a "Longer Vector Algebra Proof" problem, it is important to first understand the properties and relationships of vectors involved. Then, use algebraic equations and operations to manipulate and solve the equations to prove the desired concept.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when doing "Longer Vector Algebra Proof"?

Some common mistakes to avoid when doing "Longer Vector Algebra Proof" include not fully understanding the properties of vectors, not being careful with algebraic manipulations, and not double-checking the final solution. It is also important to pay attention to units and make sure they are consistent throughout the proof.

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