Proving Well-Ordered Subsets of Real Numbers

  • Thread starter srfriggen
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In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that if A is any well-ordered set of real numbers and B is a nonempty subset of A, then B is also well-ordered. The conversation includes a discussion on how to show that every non-empty subset of B has a minimal element, with the conclusion being that since A is well-ordered and B is a subset of A, B must also be well-ordered.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Prove that if A is any well-ordered set of real numbers and B is a nonempty subset of A, then B is also well-ordered"

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

If B [tex]\subseteq[/tex] A, then B[tex]\subseteq[/tex]{x1, x2, x3...xn}.

Since B[tex]\subseteq[/tex]A, the smallest possible subset B can be is {x1} which has a least element, ie x1.

Therefore B is well-ordered.
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  • #2
I think there is an important flaw here. So yes, we know that every subset of A has a minimal element right? But just because A is well ordered does not mean it is finite, or even countable!

So what do you need to show? To show that B is well ordered, you need to show that every non-empty subset of B has a minimal element right? So maybe start by taking a non-empty subset of B. Why does this set have to have a minimal element?
  • #3
Kreizhn said:
I think there is an important flaw here. So yes, we know that every subset of A has a minimal element right? But just because A is well ordered does not mean it is finite, or even countable!

So what do you need to show? To show that B is well ordered, you need to show that every non-empty subset of B has a minimal element right? So maybe start by taking a non-empty subset of B. Why does this set have to have a minimal element?

In the extreme case that A is not finite, then would every subset of A be finite, except for the subset that equals A? (say if you took the power set, without the empty set).

So every set not equal to A would be finite. Call one of those sets B. Then every subset of B would have a least element?

(Sorry if the above is just gibberish, I'm running into a mental roadblock with most questions involving sets. Trying very hard to comprehend though.)
  • #4
That's okay, we're here to help.

Think about the [itex] \mathbb R [/itex]. I know it's hard to imagine a well-ordering on the reals but there is one (by the Well-Ordering Theorem). Now notice that certainly not all subsets of [itex] \mathbb R [/itex] are finite.

I think you're thinking about this too hard. Remember that subset inclusion is a transitive operation, so that if [itex] X \subseteq Y [/itex] and [itex] Y \subseteq Z [/itex] then [itex] X \subseteq Z [/itex].

Now let [itex] B \subseteq A [/itex], and we want to show that B is well-ordered. So we need to show that every non-empty subset of B has a minimal element. So let's choose a non-empty subset [itex] C \subseteq B [/itex].

Can you connect the dots from here?
  • #5
Kreizhn said:
That's okay, we're here to help.

Think about the [itex] \mathbb R [/itex]. I know it's hard to imagine a well-ordering on the reals but there is one (by the Well-Ordering Theorem). Now notice that certainly not all subsets of [itex] \mathbb R [/itex] are finite.

I think you're thinking about this too hard. Remember that subset inclusion is a transitive operation, so that if [itex] X \subseteq Y [/itex] and [itex] Y \subseteq Z [/itex] then [itex] X \subseteq Z [/itex].

Now let [itex] B \subseteq A [/itex], and we want to show that B is well-ordered. So we need to show that every non-empty subset of B has a minimal element. So let's choose a non-empty subset [itex] C \subseteq B [/itex].

Can you connect the dots from here?

Ok so C[tex]\subseteq[/tex]B and B[tex]\subseteq[/tex]A, then C[tex]\subseteq[/tex]A? But what implication does that have on B being well ordered?

B contains more elements than C and less elements than a well-ordered set - but I don't see how that indicates B has a least element :/
  • #6
But A is well ordered right? So what does that mean? If [itex] C \subseteq A [/itex] is a non-empty subset, then...
  • #7
Kreizhn said:
But A is well ordered right? So what does that mean? If [itex] C \subseteq A [/itex] is a non-empty subset, then...

If C[tex]\subseteq[/tex]A, then every element of C is contained in A, and since C is a nonempty subset of A and A is well ordered, it follows that C has as least element. And since every element of C is in B, B must also contain the least element of C, so B is well ordered?
  • #8
Okay, let's slow down. You're finished, but you don't realize you're finished.

The definition of well ordered:
A set [itex] A [/itex] is well-ordered if [itex] A [/itex] has a strict total-ordering in which every non-empty subset has a least element.

Now we are given that [itex] A [/itex] is well ordered, and told that [itex] B \subseteq A [/itex] is a non-empty subset. We want to show that B is also well-ordered. Let's look at the definition to figure out what this means. Firstly, we know that B has a strict total-order inherited from A, so we don't care about that. This means that all we need to do is show that every non-empty subset of [itex] B [/itex] has a minimal element.

Now sure, B has a minimal element in A, but we don't care about that. We want to show that if [itex] C \subseteq B [/itex], then C has a minimal element. But [itex] C \subseteq A [/itex] and A is well-ordered, so by definition C has a minimal element and we're done, since C was chosen arbitrarily.

See? Everything is there! We've finished the proof. It's just a matter now of you seeing that the proof is indeed done.
  • #9
Im starting to get it. I'm going to have to go over it a bit later when I get back and really get it down.

Thanks for your help and patience!

FAQ: Proving Well-Ordered Subsets of Real Numbers

What is a well-ordered subset of real numbers?

A well-ordered subset of real numbers is a subset of the real numbers that is ordered in such a way that every non-empty subset has a least element.

How do you prove that a subset of real numbers is well-ordered?

To prove that a subset of real numbers is well-ordered, you must show that it has the properties of being ordered, having a least element, and containing all of its elements.

What are the properties of a well-ordered subset of real numbers?

The properties of a well-ordered subset of real numbers include being ordered, having a least element, and containing all of its elements. Additionally, it must not have any infinite descending chains, meaning that there is no sequence of elements that continually decreases in value.

What is the importance of proving well-ordered subsets of real numbers?

Proving well-ordered subsets of real numbers is important in mathematics because it allows us to establish a clear and consistent ordering of the real numbers. This is essential for many mathematical proofs and helps us understand the properties and relationships of real numbers.

What are some common techniques for proving well-ordered subsets of real numbers?

Some common techniques for proving well-ordered subsets of real numbers include using mathematical induction, contradiction, and the well-ordering principle. These techniques help to establish the ordering and least element of the subset, as well as show that it does not contain any infinite descending chains.

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