Proving X^(k*p-1)+1)mod p = x mod p

  • Thread starter SpiffyEh
  • Start date
In summary, the homework statement is to prove that x^(k(p-1)+1) mod p = x mod p for all primes p and integer k ≥ 0. The proof given in class states that if x is 0 mod p, then the statement is trivially true, so we assume gcd(x,p) = 1. We need to establish that x^(1(p-1)+1) = x mod p and left side = x^p. We then use FLT to conclude that x^(k(p-1)+1) = x mod p. Next, we assume that x^(k(p-1)+1) = x mod p for a given k
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that x^(k(p–1)+1) mod p = x mod p for all primes p and integer k ≥ 0.
Hint: Use Fermat’s Little theorem and induction on k.

Homework Equations

I understand that fermat's little theorm is:
Let p be prime, and b e Z_p. Then b^p = b (mod p).

The Attempt at a Solution

Proof given in class:

If x is 0 mod p, then the statement is trivially true, so assume gcd(x,p) = 1

Let k = 1. We need to establish that x^(1(p–1)+1) = x mod p
Left side = x^p, and this = p mod p by FLT.

Now assume true for a given k, so that x^(k(p–1)+1) = x mod p
A variant of FLT tells you that x^(p–1) = 1 mod p when gcd(x,p) = 1, so apply that to
x^(k(p–1)+1) = x mod p

x^(k(p–1)+1) times x^(p-1) = x times 1 mod p
x^((k+1)(p–1)+1) = x mod p

I don't understand how this proves it at all. To me it just seems to get more complex at the end. Can anyone explain to me how this works?
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  • #2
Can anyone help with this? I really need to understand how it works
  • #3
It sounds like you don't really understand induction. The basic idea is that you prove two things, for some statement S depending on a number:
  • S(1) is true
  • If S(k) is true, so is S(k+1).
And then this is taken - by induction - to prove that S(n) is true for all n, the truth "inheriting" through to all numbers.

The alternative statement of Fermat's Little Theorem in the middle of the proof there, that [itex] a^{p-1}\equiv1 \text{ mod }p[/itex], can be used to eliminate the need for induction. Then it's just a matter of knowing that 1k=1 for all k.

FAQ: Proving X^(k*p-1)+1)mod p = x mod p

1. What is the significance of proving X(k*p-1)+1 mod p = X mod p?

The equation is known as Fermat's Little Theorem and plays a crucial role in number theory and cryptography. It states that if p is a prime number, then for any integer X, Xp mod p = X mod p. This theorem has many applications in fields such as encryption, primality testing, and modular exponentiation.

2. How is this equation proven?

The equation can be proven using mathematical induction, which involves showing that the equation holds for a base case (usually when k = 1) and then assuming it holds true for some integer k and using that to prove it for k+1. Alternatively, it can also be proven using techniques from group theory and modular arithmetic.

3. Can this equation be used to generate prime numbers?

No, this equation alone cannot be used to generate prime numbers. It can only be used to check if a given number is prime or not. However, it is a critical component in several prime number generation algorithms, such as the Fermat primality test and the Miller-Rabin primality test.

4. What is the relationship between k and p in this equation?

The relationship between k and p is that p must be a prime number and k can be any positive integer. This means that for any prime number p, there are infinitely many values of k that satisfy the equation. However, not all values of k will produce distinct solutions, and some values may result in the same solution.

5. How is this equation used in cryptography?

This equation is used in cryptography to ensure the security and authenticity of data. It is used to generate large prime numbers, which are then used in encryption algorithms such as RSA. The equation is also used in primality testing to check if a given number is prime or not, which is crucial in ensuring the security of cryptographic systems.
