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I using the pseudo-spectral method with RK4 integration to solve the nonlinear KdV equation.
My code works for both the linear KdV and the NLS equation; however, it nots working right for \(u_t + u_{xxx} + 6uu_x = u_t + u_{xxx} + 3(u^2)_x = 0\). I want to view from \(0\leq t\leq 10\) and \(-40\leq x\leq 40\) so \(L = 80\). I want accuracy of \(10^{-5}\) or less. The accuracy of RK4 is of order 4 and the accuracy of the pseudo spectral method is \(e^{-x/(\Delta x)}\).
I used the identity \(\mathcal{F}(u^2) = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(u)\mathcal{F}^{-1}(u)\).
The problem has to be related to the inverse transform setup of \((u^2)_x\).
Below you will see the code work with the plots and the code not work.
Numerical instability occurs at \(\Delta t < \frac{2\sqrt{2}(\Delta x)^2}{\pi^2}\) but if I choose a stable value for \(\Delta t\) the plots don't even come close to correct.
Code in Python linear:
Code in Matlab NLS:
Code in python nonlinear:
Numerical instability plot:
Stable Plot:
Code in Matlab nonlinear:
Numerical unstable plot:
Stable plot:
My code works for both the linear KdV and the NLS equation; however, it nots working right for \(u_t + u_{xxx} + 6uu_x = u_t + u_{xxx} + 3(u^2)_x = 0\). I want to view from \(0\leq t\leq 10\) and \(-40\leq x\leq 40\) so \(L = 80\). I want accuracy of \(10^{-5}\) or less. The accuracy of RK4 is of order 4 and the accuracy of the pseudo spectral method is \(e^{-x/(\Delta x)}\).
I used the identity \(\mathcal{F}(u^2) = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(u)\mathcal{F}^{-1}(u)\).
The problem has to be related to the inverse transform setup of \((u^2)_x\).
Below you will see the code work with the plots and the code not work.
Numerical instability occurs at \(\Delta t < \frac{2\sqrt{2}(\Delta x)^2}{\pi^2}\) but if I choose a stable value for \(\Delta t\) the plots don't even come close to correct.
Code in Python linear:
#!/usr/bin/env ipython
# The pseudo-spectral method for solving the Linear KdV equation
# u_t + u_{xxx} = 0
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
L = 200.0
N = 512.0
dt = 0.005
tmax = 5
nmax = int(np.floor(tmax / dt)) # also try ceiling
dx = L / N
x = np.arange(-L / 2.0, L / 2.0 - dx/2., dx)
k = np.hstack((np.arange(0,N / 2.0 - .1),np.arange(-N/2., 0))).T * 2.0 * np.pi / L
k3 = k ** 3
FWHM = 0.3 * np.pi
alpha = np.sqrt(0.5)
u = alpha * np.exp(-x ** 2 / (2 * FWHM ** 2))
udata = u
tdata = 0
for nn in range(1, nmax+1):
du1 = 1j * np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(u))
v = u + 0.5 * du1 * dt
du2 = 1j * np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(v))
v = u + 0.5 * du2 * dt
du3 = 1j * np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(v))
v = u + du3 * dt
du4 = 1j * np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(v))
u = u + (du1 + 2 * du2 + 2 * du3 + du4) * dt / 6.0
if np.mod(nn, np.floor(nmax / 100.0)) == 0:
udata = np.vstack([udata, u])
tdata = np.vstack([tdata, nn * dt])
plt.pcolor(x, tdata.ravel(), np.real(udata))
plt.title('Linear Dispersion in the $U_t+U_{xxx}=0$ Equation',fontsize=13)
Code in Matlab NLS:
% p2.m: the pseudo-spectral method for solving the NLS equation
% iu_t+u_{xx}+2|u|^2u=0.
L = 80;
N = 256;
dt = 0.02;
tmax = 20;
nmax = round(tmax/dt);
dx = L/N;
x = (-L/2:dx:L/2-dx)';
k = [0:N/2-1 -N/2:-1]'*2*pi/L;
k2 = k.^2;
u = 1.2*sech(1.2*(x + 20)).*exp(1i*x) + 0.8*sech(0.8*x);
udata = u;
tdata = 0;
for nn = 1:nmax % integration begins
du1 = 1i*(ifft(-k2.*fft(u)) + 2*u.*u.*conj(u));
v = u + 0.5*du1*dt;
du2 = 1i*(ifft(-k2.*fft(v)) + 2*v.*v.*conj(v));
du3 = 1i*(ifft(-k2.*fft(v)) + 2*v.*v.*conj(v));
v = u + du3*dt;
du4 = 1i*(ifft(-k2.*fft(v)) + 2*v.*v.*conj(v));
u = u + (du1 + 2*du2 + 2*du3 + du4)*dt/6;
if mod(nn, round(nmax/25)) == 0
udata = [udata u];
tdata = [tdata nn*dt];
% integration ends
waterfall(x, tdata, abs(udata')); % solution plotting
colormap(jet(128)); view(10, 60)
text(-2, -6, 'x', 'fontsize', 15)
text(50, 5, 't', 'fontsize', 15)
zlabel('|u|', 'fontsize', 15)
axis([-L/2 L/2 0 tmax 0 2]); grid off
set(gca, 'xtick', [-40 -20 0 20 40])
set(gca, 'ytick', [0 10 20])
set(gca, 'ztick', [0 1 2])
Code in python nonlinear:
#!/usr/bin/env ipython
# The pseudo-spectral method for solving the nonLinear KdV equation
# u_t + u_{xxx} + 6uu_x = 0
import numpy as np
import pylab
L = 80.0
N = 200.0
dt = 0.02 # and 0.05
tmax = 10
nmax = int(np.floor(tmax / dt)) # also try ceil/floor
dx = L / N
x = np.arange(-L / 2.0, L / 2.0 - dx, dx)
k = np.hstack((np.arange(0, N / 2.0 - 1.0),
np.arange(-N / 2.0, 0))).T * 2.0 * np.pi / L
k1 = 1j * k
k3 = (1j * k) ** 3
u = 2 * (1 / (np.exp(x + 20.0) + np.exp(-x - 20.0))) ** 2
udata = u
tdata = 0.0
for nn in range(1, nmax + 1):
du1 = (-np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(u)) -
3 * np.fft.ifft(k1 * np.fft.ifft(u) * np.fft.ifft(u)))
v = u + 0.5 * du1 * dt
du2 = (-np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(v)) -
3 * np.fft.ifft(k1 * np.fft.ifft(v) * np.fft.ifft(v)))
v = u + 0.5 * du2 * dt
du3 = (-np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(v)) -
3 * np.fft.ifft(k1 * np.fft.ifft(v) * np.fft.ifft(v)))
v = u + du3 * dt
du4 = (-np.fft.ifft(k3 * np.fft.fft(v)) -
3 * np.fft.ifft(k1 * np.fft.ifft(v) * np.fft.ifft(v)))
u = u + (du1 + 2.0 * du2 + 2.0 * du3 + du4) * dt / 6.0
if np.mod(nn, np.ceil(nmax / 100.0)) == 0:
udata = np.vstack((udata, u))
tdata = np.vstack((tdata, nn * dt))fig = pylab.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.pcolor(x, tdata.ravel(), np.real(udata))
pylab.xlim((-40, 40))
pylab.ylim((0, 2))
Numerical instability plot:
Stable Plot:
Code in Matlab nonlinear:
% p2.m: the pseudo-spectral method for solving the KdV equation
% u_t+u_{xxx}+3(u^2)_x=0.
L = 80;
N = 100;
dt = 0.02; % and 0.05
tmax = 10;
nmax = round(tmax/dt);
dx = L/N;
x = (-L/2:dx:L/2-dx)';
k = [0:N/2-1 -N/2:-1]'*2*pi/L;
k1 = 1i*k;
k2 = (1i*k).^2;
k3 = (1i*k).^3;
u = 2*sech(x + 20).^2;
udata = u;
tdata = 0;
for nn = 1:nmax % integration begins
du1 = -ifft(k3.*fft(u)) - 3*ifft(k1.*ifft(u).*ifft(u));
v = u + 0.5*du1*dt;
du2 = -ifft(k3.*fft(v)) - 3*ifft(k1.*ifft(v).*ifft(v));
v = u + 0.5*du2*dt;
du3 = -ifft(k3.*fft(v)) - 3*ifft(k1.*ifft(v).*ifft(v));
v = u + du3*dt;
du4 = -ifft(k3.*fft(v)) - 3*ifft(k1.*ifft(v).*ifft(v));
u = u + (du1 + 2*du2 + 2*du3 + du4)*dt/6;
if mod(nn, round(nmax/15)) == 0
udata = [udata u];
tdata = [tdata nn*dt];
% integration ends
waterfall(x, tdata, abs(udata')); % solution plotting
view(10, 60)
%text(-2, -6, 'x', 'fontsize', 15)
axis([-40 40 0 tmax 0 2]);
grid off
Numerical unstable plot:
Stable plot:
Last edited: