Pseudoscalar Matrix Elements and Parity Transformation Behavior

In summary, the behaviour of a pseudoscalar particle under a parity transformation is that the polarization vector is unchanged.
  • #1
Hi all. I have a question. What is the behaviour of the polarization vector of a pseudoscalar particle under a parity transformation??
Let me explain my problem. I know for sure that the effective matrix element which links a [itex]D^*[/itex] and a [itex]\pi[/itex] can be written as:

\langle \pi(p)D^*(q,\lambda) | D^*(k,\eta)\rangle=\frac{g}{M_{D^*}}\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta} \lambda^\alpha \eta^\beta p^\gamma q^\delta,
where $g$ is an effective coupling.

What I am trying to prove is that such a matrix element is (as it must be) a scalar. Now if, for example, we put ourselves in the rest frame of the [itex]\pi[/itex] we have just [itex](\vec{\lambda}\times\vec{\eta})\cdot \vec{q}[/itex]. Is that a scalar function?

Thank you very much
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  • #2
Einj said:
What is the behaviour of the polarization vector of a pseudoscalar particle under a parity transformation??
Pseudoscalar particles don't have polarization vectors, Einj.
  • #3
I am sorry that's clearly a typo. I am talking about the [itex]D^*[/itex], a pseudovector. Sorry again.
  • #4
Einj said:
I know for sure that the effective matrix element which links a [itex]D^*[/itex] and a [itex]\pi[/itex] can be written as:

\langle \pi(p)D^*(q,\lambda) | D^*(k,\eta)\rangle=\frac{g}{M_{D^*}}\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta} \lambda^\alpha \eta^\beta p^\gamma q^\delta,
where $g$ is an effective coupling.
why it should strictly have this form.
  • #5
It is a consequence of Heavy Quark Effective Theory. You can take a look, for example, at arXiv:hep-ph/9605342 [hep-ph]. In this article there should be such a result.
  • #7
I am sorry but I wasn't able to find such a lagrangian in the reference, where is it?. However, let me just underline that we are talking of a matrix element between a [itex]\pi[/itex] and two [itex]D^*[/itex], not a [itex]D[/itex] and a [itex]D^*[/itex]. Does your point still hold also for such matrix element??
  • #8
##D^* ## is a vector with parity ##P = -1 ##
##\pi ## is a pseudoscalar ##P = -1##

So you have ##(-1)^3 = -1## for your matrix in and out states.

You have two vectors (three momentum, but not independent) and two pseudo-vectors(polarizations) ##P = +1 ## that you can decompose this matrix element into.

It should be proportional to the two polarizations for sure, and have no free indices.

##\eta_1^{\alpha} \eta_2^{* \beta}##

now you could just multiply this by the metric to get an invariant but this is ## P = +1 ##. You need a negative parity thing somewhere. If you introduce a momentum you'll have a free index if the polarizations are contracted. So you have a ## P = -1 ## thing but its not invariant.

##\eta_1^{\alpha} \eta_2^{* \beta} p_1^{\delta}##

So you use another momenta (assuming some metric multiplications here, any permutation)

##\eta_1^{\alpha} \eta_2^{* \beta} p_1^{\delta} p_2^{\sigma} ##

BUT now its positive parity again. Luckily we have a 4-index negative parity pseudo-tensor, the antisymmetric Levi-Civita tensor giving us an object:

##\epsilon_{\alpha \beta \delta \sigma} \eta_1^{\alpha} \eta_2^{* \beta} p_1^{\delta} p_2^{\sigma} ##

That has both the parity and lorentz-invariant properties of the amplitude. Throw in a constant out front for good measure.

For the Lagrangian look into Heavy Meson Chiral Perturbation Theory. the ##\frac{1}{M}## is from the expansion in the heavy quark mass.

In heavy meson chiral pt the vector and pseudoscalar mesons (D,DSTAR) are grouped into a spin-doublet "H" due to transformation properties.

You'll find the lagrangian as Eq 40 in

which is a great overview of HMxPT
  • #9
Thank you very much. You have been very clear! :biggrin:

FAQ: Pseudoscalar Matrix Elements and Parity Transformation Behavior

1. What are pseudoscalar matrix elements?

Pseudoscalar matrix elements are the mathematical quantities used to describe the relationship between two particles in quantum mechanics. They represent the probability amplitude for a particle to transition from one state to another.

2. How are pseudoscalar matrix elements calculated?

Pseudoscalar matrix elements are calculated using a combination of mathematical techniques, including the use of Feynman diagrams, perturbation theory, and the integration of the Schrödinger equation. These techniques allow for the calculation of the transition probability between two quantum states.

3. What is the significance of pseudoscalar matrix elements in physics?

Pseudoscalar matrix elements are important in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level. They provide a way to calculate the likelihood of a particle transitioning between two states, which is crucial in predicting and explaining the behavior of particles in physical systems.

4. How do pseudoscalar matrix elements differ from scalar matrix elements?

While scalar matrix elements represent the expectation value of a scalar quantity, pseudoscalar matrix elements represent the expectation value of a pseudoscalar quantity. This means that they take into account the spin of the particles involved, whereas scalar matrix elements do not.

5. What is the relationship between pseudoscalar matrix elements and the strong force?

Pseudoscalar matrix elements are used in the calculation of the strong force, which is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. The strong force is responsible for binding together particles that make up the nucleus of an atom, and pseudoscalar matrix elements play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of these particles.

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