Psr b1913+16: Impact of Periastron Epoch Change on Orbital Period Rate

  • Thread starter TrickyDicky
  • Start date
In summary, the change in the epoch of periastron of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar, which accumulates in the last 35 years about 40 seconds of delay, relates to the rate of decrease of orbital period (orbital period rate of change) that amounts to approx. 76.5 microseconds per year.
  • #1
How does the change in the epoch of periastron of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar, which accumulates in the last 35 years about 40 seconds of delay, relate to the rate of decrease of orbital period (orbital period rate of change) that amounts to approx. 76.5 microseconds per year?
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  • #2
Hrmm. Interesting. I've been looking up info on this for the past 30 min, but I don't know enough unfortunently. For example, what does Epoch of periastron mean exactly? The reference point in time for the closest approach of the two pulsars? And how does the orbital period effect that?
  • #3
Drakkith said:
Hrmm. Interesting. I've been looking up info on this for the past 30 min, but I don't know enough unfortunently. For example, what does Epoch of periastron mean exactly? The reference point in time for the closest approach of the two pulsars? And how does the orbital period effect that?
Epoch of periastron refers to the shift in the time of arrival of the pulsar to the periastron, it is arriving now (well actually as of 2005) around 40 seconds earlier than in 1974- I wrote delay in the previous post but it is in fact the opposite, a time gain.
I just don't know how to reach this shift of more of a second per year from the yearly decrease of the orbit period of 76 millionths of a second.
  • #4
TrickyDicky said:
How does the change in the epoch of periastron of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar, which accumulates in the last 35 years about 40 seconds of delay,

Most of this is due to periastron shift predicted for orbits (e.g., the orbit of Mercury) by general relativity without taking into account gravitational radiation.
TrickyDicky said:
relate to the rate of decrease of orbital period (orbital period rate of change) that amounts to approx. 76.5 microseconds per year?

This is due to gravitational radiation
  • #5
George Jones said:
Most of this is due to periastron shift predicted for orbits (e.g., the orbit of Mercury) by general relativity without taking into account gravitational radiation.
No, that would be the periastron advance and is measured to be about 4.2 degrees per year, it advances in a single day by the same amount as Mercury's perihelion advances in a century.
The shift in the periastron time of arrival is the cumulated time over the years that the pulsar is observed to reach the periastron erlier than expected if its obit didn't decay, so it is a measure of orbital decay. I was trying to figure out the formula to get this shift from the decrease of orbital period observed which is about 76.5 millionths of a second per year.

  • #6
TrickyDicky said:
No, that would be the periastron advance and is measured to be about 4.2 degrees per year, it advances in a single day by the same amount as Mercury's perihelion advances in a century.
The shift in the periastron time of arrival is the cumulated time over the years that the pulsar is observed to reach the periastron erlier than expected if its obit didn't decay, so it is a measure of orbital decay. I was trying to figure out the formula to get this shift from the decrease of orbital period observed which is about 76.5 millionths of a second per year.


No, this is not correct. The Wikipedia link states
Orbital decay of PSR B1913+16. The data points indicate the observed change in the epoch of periastron with date while the parabola illustrates the theoretically expected change in epoch according to general relativity.

Here, "according to general relativity" means including periastron shift, orbital decay due to gravitational radiation, and other relativistic effects.
  • #7
George Jones said:
No, this is not correct.
What is not correct? I was talking about your confusing preccesion with orbital decay.
You said that periastron shift as referred to in the graphic I posted was due to an "orbit of mercury"-like effect, not related to gravitational radiation and I'm saying that on the contrary, the shift is just a way of showing the effects of gravitational radiation on orbital decay (both observed and predicted by GR).

George Jones said:
Here, "according to general relativity" means including periastron shift, orbital decay due to gravitational radiation, and other relativistic effects.
Periastron shift as depicted in that graphic is just a way of measuring orbital decay.
  • #8
So how does a reduced orbital period of 76.5 microseconds per year cause a 40 second delay in the time for the pulsars to reach periastron? Shouldn't it be reduced by the same amount as the orbital period? Or does some sort of relativity thing cause this?

Edit: I don't understand that precession has to do with this. Will the facing of the 2 pulsars towards us effect when/how we receive signals from them?
  • #9
I found the answer to my question clearly explained in this page, specifically is addressed just after formula (63) of section 5.1.
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  • #10
TrickyDicky said:
Periastron shift as depicted in that graphic is just a way of measuring orbital decay.

From An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics by Carroll and Ostlie
For example, recall from section 17.1 that as Mercury passes through the curved spacetime near the Sun, the position of perihelion in its orbit is shifted by 43" per century. For PSR 1913+16, general relativity predicts a similar shift in the point of periastron, where the two neutron stars are nearest each other. The theoretical value is in excellent agreement with the measurement of 4.226595 +/- 0.000005 degrees/year. This effect on the orbit is cumulative; with every orbit, the pulsar arrives later and later at the point of periastron. Figure 18.29 shows the incredible agreement between theoretical and observed values of the accumulating time delay.

Figure 18.29 is the same as

General Relativity with Applications to Astrophysics by Straumann gives a very detailed and complicated treatment of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. Straumann derives a modified periastron aprecession equation that includes the effect of gravitational radiation damping. Straumann then writes an approximate equation for cummualtive time difference,

[tex]T_n - nP = \frac{\dot{P}}{2P} T_n^2 .[/tex]

Here, [itex]T_n[/itex] is the time of the nth periastron (with [itex]T_0 = 0[/itex] at the start of the data for the Hulse-Taylor pulsar) and P is the orbital period of the pulsar. Putting T_n = 30 years, P = 7.75 hours,and Pdot = -2.40 x 10^-12 into this approximate equation gives

[tex]T_n - nP = \frac{-2.40 \times 10^{-12}}{2 \times 7.75 \times 3600} \times \left(30 \times 3600 \times 24 \times 365.25 \right)^2 = - 39s .[/tex]
  • #11
Drakkith said:
So how does a reduced orbital period of 76.5 microseconds per year cause a 40 second delay in the time for the pulsars to reach periastron? Shouldn't it be reduced by the same amount as the orbital period? Or does some sort of relativity thing cause this?
I explained that it was not a delay but a time gain in my second post.

Drakkith said:
Edit: I don't understand that precession has to do with this. Will the facing of the 2 pulsars towards us effect when/how we receive signals from them?

To avoid confusions, we should differentiate two diferent types of precession, one of them, the rotation of the periastron similar to the perihelium advance of Mercury I already mentioned is not directly related to my OP.
The other,Geodetic precession however has to be accounted for, and actually is the reason we might lose sight of the pulsar beam around 2020.
  • #12
George Jones said:
From An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics by Carroll and Ostlie

Figure 18.29 is the same as

General Relativity with Applications to Astrophysics by Straumann gives a very detailed and complicated treatment of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. Straumann derives a modified periastron aprecession equation that includes the effect of gravitational radiation damping. Straumann then writes an approximate equation for cummualtive time difference,

[tex]T_n - nP = \frac{\dot{P}}{2P} T_n^2 .[/tex]

Here, [itex]T_n[/itex] is the time of the nth periastron (with [itex]T_0 = 0[/itex] at the start of the data for the Hulse-Taylor pulsar) and P is the orbital period of the pulsar. Putting T_n = 30 years, P = 7.75 hours,and Pdot = -2.40 x 10^-12 into this approximate equation gives

[tex]T_n - nP = \frac{-2.40 \times 10^{-12}}{2 \times 7.75 \times 3600} \times \left(30 \times 3600 \times 24 \times 365.25 \right)^2 = - 39s .[/tex]

Thanks for the formula, I guess it is equivalent to the one I linked that instead of the periods uses the orbital frequencies that are just the inverse of the orbital periods.

Still as you can check for yourself the formula only uses orbital parameters that are unrelated to the 4.2 degrees of periastron precession which is rotation of the orbit, so I would say that what is cumulative is the orbital period rate of decrease: P derivative = -2.40 x 10^-12 s/s
  • #13
TrickyDicky said:
To avoid confusions, we should differentiate two diferent types of precession, one of them, the rotation of the periastron similar to the perihelium advance of Mercury I already mentioned is not directly related to my OP.
The other,Geodetic precession however has to be accounted for, and actually is the reason we might lose sight of the pulsar beam around 2020.

I looked up Geodetic Precession, but I don't really understand it. I'll try to find some more info on this. Thanks!

Related to Psr b1913+16: Impact of Periastron Epoch Change on Orbital Period Rate

What is Psr b1913+16 and why is it important to study its impact on periastron epoch change?

Psr b1913+16 is a binary pulsar system consisting of two neutron stars orbiting each other. It was the first binary pulsar system discovered and has been studied extensively as it provides evidence for the existence of gravitational waves. Its impact on periastron epoch change is important because it allows scientists to further understand the effects of general relativity and the behavior of extreme gravitational fields.

How does the periastron epoch change affect the orbital period rate of Psr b1913+16?

The periastron epoch is the point in the orbit where the two stars are closest to each other. As this point changes over time, it affects the orbital period rate of Psr b1913+16. This is because the change in distance between the two stars affects the strength of their gravitational pull on each other, causing their orbital period to either increase or decrease.

What methods are used to study the impact of periastron epoch change on the orbital period rate of Psr b1913+16?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study this phenomenon, including precise timing measurements of the pulsar signals, analysis of the orbital parameters, and simulations of the system using computer models. They also compare their findings with predictions based on Einstein's theory of general relativity.

What have scientists learned from studying the impact of periastron epoch change on the orbital period rate of Psr b1913+16?

Through studying this system, scientists have been able to confirm Einstein's theory of general relativity and the existence of gravitational waves. They have also gained insight into the behavior of extreme gravitational fields and the evolution of binary systems. This research has also provided valuable data for future studies of binary pulsars and gravitational waves.

How does this research on Psr b1913+16 contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Studying Psr b1913+16 and its impact on periastron epoch change helps us to better understand the fundamental laws of physics and the behavior of extreme environments in the universe. It also contributes to our knowledge of binary systems and the role of gravitational waves in the evolution of galaxies. This research has the potential to lead to further discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the universe.

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