Publish Article on Thin Films: Condensed Matter Physics

  • Thread starter blieveucanfly
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In summary, my research advisor has been vague about where he thinks I should publish my article on our findings in an experiment we've been running. He's asked me to write something about it, but I'm not sure where to start. I've done some literature research and I've found that a lot of previous work on the same system has been published in a few journals. I'm writing a first draft now, but I'm worried about the length. I've also started to compile a thesis or report and I'm not sure where to go from here. If you have any advice, it would be much appreciated.
  • #1
I was asked by my research advisor to write an article/short paper for publishing about our findings in an experiment we've been running. He's been (I feel) intentionally vague about where I should look to publish this in... So I need some advice.
Without giving much away, the field/subfield is Condensed Matter Physics/Thin Films. Essentially over a course of dozens of runs with widely ranging parameters, we've found evidence that suggests a more stable configuration of TixCy at high temperatures, despite the ratio of Ti:C varying from 70:30 to 49:51.

The synthesis technique is not new nor particularly exciting, but the results might suggest why its so difficult to obtain the stoichiometric ratio we're really looking for.

So.. WHERE in the world could I publish this? Most of the journals available to me via sciencedirect are focused on novel techniques or new synthesis, whereas this is something interesting about a known coating. Thin Solid Films is out, as is Surface Coating and Technology as it doesn't fall within the scope of their publishing aims.

So I'm kind of at a loss of how to compare journals and what they accept and how prestigious they are and their impact.

Also, if it matters, this is my very first chance/opportunity at publishing and I'm an undergrad physics student in the US.
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  • #2
I'm not particularly familiar with your field, but what I often do is just start writing. If you're worried about formatting, just pick a format at random. By the time you have a first draft, you can look at the majority of your references, and often that will give you a clue as to where you should submit.
  • #3
Phys. Rev. B brief reports or Journal of Alloys and Compounds come to mind, but I'm no expert on the subject either.

Do your literature research. You will see that a lot of previous research the same of similar systems was published in just a few journals. How long were these articles, and how long should your's be compared to that, given that you will cite them and build on their research?

Start writing and don't worry about the length. It is often better to write a long, explicit first draft and then boil it down to the essential. Doing the opposite (start out too short and then jam in details and missing information) usually leads to a big mess. Save the long text, it may eventually be useful for compiling a thesis or report of some kind.

I usally end up writing two manuscripts. When writing the first I (hopefully, when everything goes well) finally figure out what is really going on and how things fit in and how they should be presented. Then I throw away everything and start over, having a better view of the bigger picture.

Just write. Start with the easy parts (summary of previous work, description of the apparatus) and work towards the difficult part (interpretation, conclusion). Don't bother your professor with every paragraph you've written. Write a few pages, and when you think they are 80% done discuss what you have and how to proceed.
  • #4
That's kind of the conclusion I came up with- that is, to write and then worry about formatting. Thanks so much for the push in the right direction... it helped alot!
  • #5

Dear author,

Thank you for reaching out for advice on publishing your article on thin films in the field of Condensed Matter Physics. It is great to hear that you have conducted an experiment that has yielded interesting results.

Firstly, it is important to consider the scope and focus of the journals you are considering for publication. As you have mentioned, some journals may be more focused on novel techniques or new synthesis, while others may be more interested in the findings and implications of your research.

One suggestion would be to look at journals specifically focused on thin films or condensed matter physics, such as the Journal of Applied Physics or Physical Review B. These journals may be more interested in your findings and their implications for the field.

You could also consider journals that have a broader scope, such as Materials Research Express or Applied Physics Letters, which may also be interested in your research.

In terms of prestige and impact, it is important to consider the journal's impact factor and its ranking in the field. You can use tools such as Scopus or Web of Science to compare different journals and their impact factors.

As an undergraduate student, it may also be helpful to seek guidance from your research advisor or other faculty members who have experience in publishing in your field. They may be able to provide valuable insights and recommendations on where to submit your article.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the scope and focus of different journals, as well as their impact and prestige, when deciding where to submit your article. I wish you all the best in publishing your first article and congratulations on your findings.

Best regards,


Related to Publish Article on Thin Films: Condensed Matter Physics

1. What is the purpose of publishing an article on thin films in condensed matter physics?

The purpose of publishing an article on thin films in condensed matter physics is to share new research findings and contribute to the scientific community's understanding of this field. By publishing, scientists can also receive feedback and collaborate with others to further advance the knowledge and applications of thin films.

2. What are thin films and why are they important in condensed matter physics?

Thin films are layers of material with a thickness ranging from a few nanometers to a few micrometers. They are important in condensed matter physics because their unique properties, such as size, surface effects, and interfaces, make them ideal for studying fundamental physical phenomena and developing new technologies in areas such as electronics, optics, and energy storage.

3. How are thin films typically fabricated or produced?

Thin films can be fabricated or produced through a variety of methods, including physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and spin coating. These techniques involve depositing or growing a thin layer of material onto a substrate under controlled conditions, such as temperature and pressure, to achieve the desired properties and structure of the film.

4. What are some current research areas or applications of thin films in condensed matter physics?

Some current research areas and applications of thin films in condensed matter physics include the development of thin film solar cells, the study of novel superconducting materials, and the exploration of 2D materials like graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. Thin films are also being used in the development of flexible and transparent electronics, as well as in micro- and nanoscale devices for sensing and energy harvesting.

5. How can publishing an article on thin films benefit scientists and the scientific community?

Publishing an article on thin films can benefit scientists and the scientific community in several ways. It allows scientists to share their findings and contribute to the collective knowledge and understanding of the field. It also provides opportunities for collaboration and feedback from other researchers, which can lead to new discoveries and advancements. Additionally, publishing can help scientists establish themselves as experts in their field and increase their visibility and impact in the scientific community.

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