Pulleys - find force to accelerate a block

In summary, the problem involves a system of two blocks, with a coefficient of friction between them and between the bottom block and the table. The system is in equilibrium and the goal is to find the required force to accelerate the bottom block at 2m/s^2. The solution involves identifying the forces acting on each block, setting up equations of motion using Newton's 2nd law, and solving for the applied force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A force F acts to the right on a 5.65 kg block. a 2.29 kg block is stacked on top of the 5.65kg block and can slide on it with a coefficient of friction of .15 between the blocks. The table has a coefficient of friction of .18. G= 9.8 m/s^2
system is in equilibrium
Find the F required to accelerate the 5.65kg block at 2m/s^2. answer in units of N

Homework Equations

I am lost... I tried but it was wrong and now I have no idea what to do...

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Show what you've tried.

What forces act on each block?
  • #3

So this is what I have its probably completely wrong because I did it this way and a graduate physics student did it another way but both of our answers are wrong.

(2.29+ 5.65)9.8
77.812(.18)= 14.006

(2.29)(9.8)(.18)= 4.03956

F=33.92576 (wrong answer)

I did not even understand what the graduate student but her answer was 30.9800 (also wrong)... so do u guys have any idea? sorry it took me so long to get back but I had an orgo exam and I have been crazy studying for it.Please help me... thanks
  • #4

(2.29+ 5.65)9.8
77.812(.18)= 14.006
This is the friction from floor. Good.

(2.29)(9.8)(.18)= 4.03956
Wrong coefficient of friction.

F=33.92576 (wrong answer)
Two problems: Wrong friction from upper block & wrong mass used. (You are applying Newton's law to the bottom block.)
  • #5

wrong again... sorry... ok so I was wondering since its a pully should not we multiply the bottom acceleration by 2. umm so the bottom block would be moving twice as fast as the top block? am I making any sense? o and I have one try left to plug in the answer so can someone do this for me please? If I am wrong one more time I get negative score..:(
  • #6

Pakbabydoll said:
wrong again... sorry... ok so I was wondering since its a pully should not we multiply the bottom acceleration by 2. umm so the bottom block would be moving twice as fast as the top block? am I making any sense?
Other than the title of this thread, this is the first time you mentioned a pulley. (I assumed that the title was a mistake, since you didn't mention a pulley in the problem statement.)

Why don't you describe the problem completely, exactly as given? Got a diagram?
  • #7

yes sir I am going to attach the hwk file. it is problem #15


  • problem_pdf.pdf
    44 KB · Views: 1,047
  • #8

so any help guys?
  • #9

Pakbabydoll said:
yes sir I am going to attach the hwk file. it is problem #15
Now the problem is clear. OK, so what's your attempted solution for this problem?

Redo your earlier solution, this time taking into account the string tension forces on each block and the constraint that the blocks are attached. Analyze the forces on each block and apply Newton's 2nd law.
  • #10

That was my solution for that problem! I am stuck at that point
  • #11

Pakbabydoll said:
That was my solution for that problem! I am stuck at that point
But you made no mention of tension forces or constraints. (That's why I thought your title was an error--you didn't mention a pulley in the problem statement.)

Anyway... What forces act on each block?
  • #12

ok so there is:
Friction between top and bottom block
Friction between bottom block and the tile
Normal force but would not that just cancel with gravity?
Tension in + and - X^ directions (since all the motion is in the X^ )

Oh and I can't turn that problem in anymore it was due this morning but I really just want to get it because that was the only one from that hwk set I could not figure out. I don't know if you noticed but those problems were really hard.
  • #13

Pakbabydoll said:
ok so there is:
Friction between top and bottom block
Friction between bottom block and the tile
Normal force but would not that just cancel with gravity?
Tension in + and - X^ directions (since all the motion is in the X^ )
Good. Don't forget the applied force F.

Look at each block in turn. Indentify the (horizontal) forces acting and set up Newton's 2nd law. You'll get two equations (one for each block). If you combine them you can solve for F.

How are the tensions acting on the blocks related? The accelerations of the blocks?

I don't know if you noticed but those problems were really hard.
Hard problems are good for you! :-p
  • #14

g=9.8 ms^-2
a=2 ms^-2
u1= coefficient of friction between the two blocks
The upper pulley acc. at 1/2 of the acc. of the bottom block.

So I got 2T-2.29*g*u1=2.29*a/2
T=2.83 N

F=20.73 N
  • #15

Please do not post complete solutions to problems.
physics_liker said:
So I got 2T-2.29*g*u1=2.29*a/2
This equation is incorrect.
  • #16

2T-2.29*9.8*0.15=(a=1*2.29) T=2.82815




FAQ: Pulleys - find force to accelerate a block

What is a pulley?

A pulley is a simple machine that consists of a wheel with a groove around its circumference and a rope or belt that runs through the groove. It is used to change the direction of a force and make it easier to lift or move heavy objects.

How do pulleys work?

Pulleys work by reducing the amount of force needed to lift or move an object. When a rope is pulled down on one side of the pulley, the object on the other side is lifted up. This is due to the principle of mechanical advantage, where the force applied is spread out over a greater distance, making it easier to overcome the weight of the object.

What is the formula for calculating the force needed to accelerate a block using a pulley?

The formula for calculating the force needed to accelerate a block using a pulley is F = m x a, where F is the force applied, m is the mass of the block, and a is the desired acceleration. This formula takes into account the weight of the block and the desired change in its velocity.

How does the number of pulleys affect the force needed to accelerate a block?

The more pulleys used in a system, the less force is needed to accelerate the block. This is because each additional pulley reduces the amount of force needed by half, due to the principle of mechanical advantage. Therefore, using multiple pulleys can greatly reduce the amount of force required to accelerate a block.

Are there any other factors that can affect the force needed to accelerate a block using a pulley?

Aside from the number of pulleys used, other factors that can affect the force needed to accelerate a block using a pulley include the friction in the pulley system and the angle at which the rope is pulling. Friction can reduce the efficiency of the pulley, while pulling at an angle can also decrease the mechanical advantage and require more force to achieve the desired acceleration.
