Pure Covalent Bonding: Understanding its Role in Atomic Bonds

In summary, the covalence of a metal-ligand bond can be measured by the hyperfine coupling of an unpaired spin with the metal center. The covalence of organic compounds is generally considered to be totally covalent.
  • #1

If two atoms of the same element form a bond together, would the bond be purely covalent or would it have a small ionic character as well ? If it does have an ionic character please explain why.

Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well pure covalent is a term used to describe little or no difference between the electronegativity of the atoms forming a bond.Since the atoms are identical,the net dipole moment is 0,so the bond is described as purely covalent.
p.s.bonds in some compunds may vary a lot.Hence Aluminium halides.AlF3 is ionic,AlCl3 is ionic as a solid and covalent as a gas,while AlI3 is covalent.
  • #3
The bond would generally be considered purely covalent, though you'd need to evaluate the local environment (i.e., ALL the bonds around each member of the bonding pair) to ascertain whether the bond can be polarized and thus have some degree of ionic character.
  • #4
In "The Nature of the Chemical Bond," Pauling says that the ionic structures of H2 (H-(1)H+(2) and H+(1)H-(2)) each contribute about 2% to stabilization energy of the H2 molecular bond. I don't know enough about his calculations to know how those percentages were determined and if someone could add that information, I'd really like to know. However, the short approximate reason is that all resonance structures must be used in determining the stabilization energy of the molecular bonds. And so even seemingly "totally covalent" molecules have a bit of ionic character.

I hope this answers your question and isn't totally outdated.
  • #5
jdy07 said:
In "The Nature of the Chemical Bond," Pauling says that the ionic structures of H2 (H-(1)H+(2) and H+(1)H-(2)) each contribute about 2% to stabilization energy of the H2 molecular bond. I don't know enough about his calculations to know how those percentages were determined and if someone could add that information, I'd really like to know. However, the short approximate reason is that all resonance structures must be used in determining the stabilization energy of the molecular bonds. And so even seemingly "totally covalent" molecules have a bit of ionic character.

I hope this answers your question and isn't totally outdated.

You're talking about "valence bond theory" which is an alternative to molecular orbital theory that looks at the energy of a molecule as the sum of different "resonance structures" which put positive or negative charges at various spots just as you describe for H2. It's interesting, though because it's not as easy to program into a computer, it's been pretty much left behind by molecular orbital theory. Some folks though are still into it. See
for an example.
  • #6
Thanks for the clarification EM. I didn't realize that was still valence bond theory. It feels different from the valence bond theory that was taught way back in O-chem, and I didn't realize it could be used in calculations for H2.

On the subject of covalence, in inorganic compounds, the covalence of a metal-ligand bond can be measured by the hyperfine coupling of an unpaired spin with the metal center. Is there anyway to measure the covalence in the bonds of a diamagnetic, organic compound? Or are these bonds generally considered to be totally covalent?
  • #7
The problem is that it is quite hard to define what "covalent" really means for two atoms at bonding distance. E.g. in the example of the valence bond treatment of the H2 molecule the contribution of ionic structures depends strongly on the choice of the atomic orbitals. If these are chosen to be orthogonal to each other, consideration of the covalent structure only won't lead to bonding and bonding is only obtained when resonance with ionic structures is included.
A more rigorous definition of "non-ionic" bond is possible on the basis of Bader's "atoms in molecule" definition:
  • #8
DrDu said:
The problem is that it is quite hard to define what "covalent" really means for two atoms at bonding distance. E.g. in the example of the valence bond treatment of the H2 molecule the contribution of ionic structures depends strongly on the choice of the atomic orbitals. If these are chosen to be orthogonal to each other, consideration of the covalent structure only won't lead to bonding and bonding is only obtained when resonance with ionic structures is included.
A more rigorous definition of "non-ionic" bond is possible on the basis of Bader's "atoms in molecule" definition:

We should be clear though that "atomic charge" is a phenomenological concept that we have from wanting to make simple rules about "electronegativities" and such, not a rigorous quantum mechanical entity. In the end, it's all arbitrary. Obviously things like Mulliken which are hilariously basis set dependent are pretty much useless (I suspect we only hear about them because you can make one interesting point with them and the H2 molecule in first semester P-chem) but even things like Bader analysis can have issues jiving with "chemical experience". See: J Comput Chem 25: 189–210, 2004 for a review that swears that only spatial integration (Vornoi or Hirshfeld) are reliable. You know, since there's never a paper saying "all ways work fine, whatever you'd prefer".

FAQ: Pure Covalent Bonding: Understanding its Role in Atomic Bonds

1. What is pure covalent bonding?

Pure covalent bonding is a type of chemical bond in which two atoms share electrons equally. This results in a stable molecule with no charge imbalance.

2. How does pure covalent bonding differ from other types of bonds?

In pure covalent bonding, the atoms involved have similar electronegativities, meaning they have similar abilities to attract electrons. This results in equal sharing of electrons, unlike in ionic or polar covalent bonds where there is an unequal distribution of electrons.

3. What is the role of pure covalent bonding in atomic bonds?

Pure covalent bonding is essential in creating stable molecules. It allows atoms to share electrons and form strong bonds, which are necessary for the formation of compounds and the stability of elements.

4. Can pure covalent bonds exist between any two elements?

No, pure covalent bonds can only exist between atoms of the same element or between atoms with similar electronegativities. This is because for pure covalent bonding to occur, there must be an equal sharing of electrons between the atoms.

5. How is the strength of a pure covalent bond determined?

The strength of a pure covalent bond is determined by the distance between the two atoms and the number of shared electrons. The closer the atoms and the more electrons shared, the stronger the bond will be.
