Python - trajectory of a mass in a gravitational frield

In summary, the programmer is trying to solve a problem involving the effects of gravity on an apple. He has defined a vector field to represent the force of gravity at every point on the x-y plane, and has written a loop to find next period position, given current position and current velocity. However, the apple always flies off to infinity, violating energy conservation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is just a project for fun, not homework.
I'm writing something in python that takes in an apple's initial position vector and initial velocity vector, and for a given gravitational field due to a planet, returns the next position vector after a small time increment, until the apple crashes into the planet's surface and the program halts (or the apple flies off to infinity and the user halts it.)

Eventually I'd like to use a Tkinter GUI to show the trajectory in real time but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Homework Equations

* Newton's law of gravity (vector form) (I'm sorry but I don't know latex)

* The following recursive relationships:

v(t) = v(t-1) + dv(t) = v(t-1) + a(t) * dt

p(t) = p(t-1) + dp(t) = p(t-1) + v(t) * dt

where dt is a small change in t

The Attempt at a Solution

I won't bore you with my entire code (and the many comments to myself!), but here's the bare bones.

I define a vector field to represent the force of gravity at every point on the x-y plane (I set the planet to be centred on the point (0, 0)):

def Fgrav((x, y)):
return ( -1*G*M*m/(math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 3)) * x -1*G*M*m/(math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 3)) * y )

I tried a couple of other ways too, but I keep getting the same bad results (more on that later) for example

def Fgrav((x, y)):
return ( -1*G*M*m/(math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 2)) * math.cos(math.atan2(x, y)) ,
-1*G*M*m/(math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 2)) * math.sin(math.atan2(x, y)) )
Then I write a loop to find next period position, given current position and current velocity.

The looping process begins with the initial position vector, p0 (which is preloaded). The current period position variable, pt, takes the value p0 and is inputted into my vector field to return a vector value for force there (for the current period t):

Fgravt = Fgrav(pt)

Period t force is divided by m to give period t acceleration:

at = Fgravt / m

Which is used to give period t change in velocity (deltat is 1 but can be varied to adjust level of 'graininess')

deltavt = (at[0]*deltat, at[1]*deltat)

Current period velocity, vt, takes the initial value v0 (which is preloaded.) This is combined with deltav to return next period velocity:

vnext = (vt[0]+deltavt[0], vt[1]+deltavt[1])

A similar process returns next period position, given current period velocity:

deltapt = (vt[0]*deltat, vt[1]*deltat)

pnext = (pt[0]+deltapt[0], pt[1]+deltapt[1])

And all these values get stored in stacks for the last 10 periods. When we calculate the apple's position for the next period it gets stored at the top of the stack so it can be used as the basis for next period's calculation of next-next period's positon, and so on.

I get lists of position vectors at the end of this process which I can plot (I can't work out how to get excel to plot my ordered pairs so I have been reduced to using an online tool!). I include one for your examination. (Just to be clear, it begins at the point (0, 7million) and spirals out clockwise.)

The problem is that the apple seems to violate energy conservation: it always flies off to infinity. No matter how carefully I set the velocity to the critical value for circular motion at the beginning, it always spirals out like below. Even when the initial velocity is a little less than what would be required for circular motion.

I have tried more complicated things like introducing a circular set of pixels to represent the planet;s atmosphere in which the apple experiences a force of drag opposite to its velocity but that just went horribly wrong...

Sorry for the long post.
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  • #2
I thought I might add some more pictures. These are from an older version of the code, calibrated differently (in all but one, the planet is not centred on (0, 0), and some have different values for G, M and deltat). But I was having essentially the same problem. Also apologies for the ad-hoc way they're labeled (or not labeled).


this 0 initial velocity case went ok:

  • #3
Instead of returning a very complicated expression(from your second example)...
return ( -1*G*M*m/(math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 2)) * math.cos(math.atan2(x, y)) ,
-1*G*M*m/(math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 2)) * math.sin(math.atan2(x, y)) )
... it is probably easier to find bugs if you build up simpler expressions before returning the calculated values.

IOW, use temporary variables to store the computed value for the hypotenuse and sine or cosine, and then use those variables when you calculate the hor. and vertical components of the gravitational force.

You should verify that your formulas are giving you the correct values by doing a couple of the calculations by hand.

Also, instead of
math.pow(math.hypot(x, y), 2)
you can do this calculation: x*x + y*y. I never use any pow() function if all I'm doing is squaring a number. Although you probably wouldn't notice a difference, but multiplication is many times faster than a call to a library function such as pow().

And are you sure you want arctan(x/y) and not arctan (y/x)?
  • #4
Thanks for the advice, I have changed the vector field to use fewer calls to math library. The function seems to work fine, it returns exactly what we expect. Also, you're right about arctan, was a typo.

However the problem is still the gradual increase in tangential velocity that causes the apple to deviate from circular motion. Could this be due to computer rounding errors? Please see the most recent attached picture.

Note that in the apple begins near the centre and spirals outwards, clockwise. It began with the critical velocity for circular motion, accurate to 6 decimal places.

  • #5
wigglywoogly said:
Note that in the apple begins near the centre and spirals outwards, clockwise. It began with the critical velocity for circular motion, accurate to 6 decimal places.
Six decimal places might not be enough precision.

It would be helpful to see all of your code...
  • #6
Thanks for the help - I also posted on physics stack exchange and the community told me my problem was most likely due to my use of the Forward Euler numerical integration method (unbeknownst to me!) and that such a method is prone to large errors. They suggested either a Runge-Kutta method which is still prone to (smaller) errors, 'sympletic' integration, or some heuristic method of 'correcting' the magnitude of velocity at each step such that the sum of KE and GPE doesn't exceed it's initial value at the start of the process.

These are the most important 2 lines (with respect to our discussion)

# get next period velocity, vnext, from current period velocity, vt
vnext = (at[0]*deltat + vt[0], at[1]*deltat + vt[1])

# get next period position, pnext, from current period position, pt
pnext = (pt[0] + vt[0]*deltat + 0.5*at[0]*deltat*deltat, pt[1] + vt[1]*deltat + 0.5*at[1]*deltat*deltat)

FAQ: Python - trajectory of a mass in a gravitational frield

1. What is the formula for calculating the trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field?

The formula for calculating the trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field is given by Newton's second law of motion, which states that the force acting on a body is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. In the case of a gravitational field, the force is given by the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration due to gravity.

2. How does the trajectory of a mass change with different initial conditions?

The trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field is determined by the initial conditions, such as the mass of the object, its initial velocity, and the gravitational field strength. Changing any of these initial conditions will result in a different trajectory for the mass.

3. What factors can affect the trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field?

The trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field can be affected by various factors such as the mass and velocity of the object, the strength of the gravitational field, and the presence of other objects in the vicinity.

4. Can the trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field be predicted accurately?

In theory, the trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field can be predicted accurately using mathematical equations. However, in practice, there may be factors that can affect the trajectory and make it difficult to predict with complete accuracy.

5. How does the trajectory of a mass differ between different celestial bodies?

The trajectory of a mass in a gravitational field can differ between different celestial bodies due to variations in their mass, size, and gravitational field strength. For example, the trajectory of a mass on Earth will be different from that on the Moon due to the Moon's lower mass and weaker gravitational field.

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