Python vs Ruby: Which is Better?

  • Python
  • Thread starter BluberryPi
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    Python Ruby
In summary, the conversation discusses the question of whether Python or Ruby is a better programming language. Both have their own strengths and have been used to build popular websites and applications. It is ultimately up to personal preference and the type of programming one is doing. The conversation also mentions the subjective nature of determining which language is better and concludes with the thread being closed.
  • #1
Hello! BlueberryPi here, and I have got a question for you: is Python better than Ruby?

Background Info: Python is a strong programming language which allows GUI's to be built without much pain. It built sites like Google, You Tube, Pinterest, and DropBox.
Ruby is a flexible language which allows you to make behind the scenes magic. It built sites like YellowPages.
Which one is better? You decide.
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  • #2
Better for what kind of programming?
  • #3
Well, in this case, I mean all types. You can specify where you would use python and where you would use ruby.
  • #4
You can use python and ruby anywhere. There is no inherent advantage of one over the other except for familiarity.
  • #6
This is a very ambiguous topic, completely prone to opinion rather than fact. Like 'What is the best sport'.

What you have to decide is the general use of your programming - math & science, database, social media, etc. Languages evolve in contexts, not from an 'I am the best ever possible' paradigm. Next, try to pick a language that does not require math or logic skills you may not have. Haskell for beginners is tough, for example, unless you fully understand closures.

I think @TheDemx27 is on the right track. You should decide on your own. It is not up to us. Unless the fate of this thread is unique it will persist with another 50 posts, all in the vein of 'my language is better than yours'.
  • #7
Nobody can say Python sucks! It's great!
Same with Ruby!
I just want to know which one is better.
  • #8
BluberryPi said:
I just want to know which one is better.
As a few other people here are saying, which one is better is pretty subjective.

True, not all languages are built equal. However, in the case of python and ruby, there is no definite winner (as far as most people are concerned). You pick one and develop a preference. Different tools for different jobs and all that jazz.
  • #9
BluberryPi said:
Hello! BlueberryPi here, and I have got a question for you: is Python better than Ruby?

Background Info: Python is a strong programming language which allows GUI's to be built without much pain. It built sites like Google, You Tube, Pinterest, and DropBox.
Ruby is a flexible language which allows you to make behind the scenes magic. It built sites like YellowPages.
Which one is better? You decide.

You should elaborate your question further mate in terms of coding preferences , accesibility yada yada yada.
  • #10
Whether one programming language is "better" (by some measure) than another is pretty much in the eyes of the beholder. IOW, the answer is usually very subjective.

Thread closed.
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Likes jim mcnamara

Related to Python vs Ruby: Which is Better?

1. What are the main differences between Python and Ruby?

Python and Ruby are both popular programming languages, but they have some key differences. Python is a general-purpose language that emphasizes readability and simplicity, while Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented language that focuses on productivity and flexibility. Additionally, Python uses indentation to define code blocks, whereas Ruby uses keywords like "do" and "end". Python also has a larger standard library and a larger user community than Ruby.

2. Which language is better for beginners: Python or Ruby?

Both Python and Ruby are great languages for beginners, as they have intuitive and easy-to-learn syntax. However, Python may be a better choice for those completely new to programming, as it has a simpler and more structured approach. Ruby, on the other hand, may be better for those with some programming experience, as it offers more flexibility and advanced features.

3. Which language is better for web development: Python or Ruby?

Both Python and Ruby have frameworks that are commonly used for web development, such as Django for Python and Ruby on Rails for Ruby. Ultimately, the best language for web development depends on the specific project and the developer's preferences. However, Python is often used for data-heavy web applications, while Ruby is popular for creating dynamic and interactive websites.

4. Which language has better performance: Python or Ruby?

Python and Ruby are both interpreted languages, meaning that they are not compiled into machine code before execution. As a result, they are generally slower than compiled languages like C or Java. However, when comparing Python and Ruby, Python tends to have better performance due to its simpler syntax and optimized interpreter. In general, the performance of both languages can be improved through the use of specialized libraries or tools.

5. Can Python and Ruby be used together?

Yes, Python and Ruby can be used together. There are libraries and tools available that allow for interoperability between the two languages, such as RPyC and PyCall. This can be useful for projects that require the use of both languages, or for developers who are more familiar with one language and want to incorporate elements of the other. Ultimately, the choice to use both languages together depends on the specific project and the developer's preferences.
