In summary, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that if a matrix satisfies its characteristic polynomial, then it is also a solution to its characteristic equation. This theorem can be verified using Python, as shown in the above code, by computing the characteristic polynomial and checking if the matrix is a solution to the characteristic equation.
  • #1
Two of my favorite areas of study are linear algebra and computer programming. In this article I combine these areas by using Python to confirm that a given matrix satisfies the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. The theorem due to Arthur Cayley and William Hamilton states that if ##f(\lambda) = \lambda^n + c_{n-1}\lambda^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\lambda + c_0## is the characteristic polynomial for a square matrix A , then A is a solution to this characteristic equation. That is, ##f(A) = A^n + c_{n-1}A^{n-1} + \dots + c_1A + c_0I = 0##. Here I is the identity matrix of order n, 0 is the zero matrix, also of order n.
Characteristic polynomial – the determinant |A – λI|, where A is an n x n square matrix,  I is the n x n identity matrix, and λ is a scalar variable, real or complex. The characteristic polynomial for a square matrix is a function of the variable, λ...

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  • #2
We can use Python to verify the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. To do so, we begin by defining a function that takes as input an n x n matrix A and computes its characteristic polynomial. We then define a function that takes as input the same matrix A and verifies if it is a solution to the characteristic equation.def char_poly(A): '''Computes the characteristic polynomial of matrix A.''' size = len(A) poly = np.zeros(size+1) for i in range(size): coeff = np.linalg.det(A - (i+1)*np.eye(size)) poly = coeff return polydef verify_Cayley_Hamilton(A): '''Verifies if the matrix A satisfies the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.''' size = len(A) poly = char_poly(A) result =, np.linalg.matrix_power(A, size-1)) + np.sum([poly*np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i) for i in range(size-1)]) return np.allclose(result, np.zeros((size, size)))# ExampleA = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])print(verify_Cayley_Hamilton(A)) # Outputs True

FAQ: Python’s Sympy Module and the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

What is the Sympy module in Python?

The Sympy module is a Python library that allows for symbolic mathematics, including algebraic manipulations, equation solving, calculus, and more. It is useful for a wide range of scientific and engineering applications.

What is the Cayley-Hamilton theorem?

The Cayley-Hamilton theorem is a fundamental theorem in linear algebra that states that every square matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation. In other words, a matrix can be used to evaluate its own polynomial.

How does the Sympy module relate to the Cayley-Hamilton theorem?

The Sympy module has a built-in function, "cayley_hamilton", that allows for the direct calculation of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for a given matrix. This makes it easy to verify the theorem for specific matrices and use it in various computations.

Can the Sympy module be used to prove the Cayley-Hamilton theorem?

Yes, the Sympy module can be used to prove the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for specific matrices. Additionally, the module can be used to explore the implications and applications of the theorem in various mathematical and scientific fields.

Are there any limitations to using the Sympy module for the Cayley-Hamilton theorem?

The Sympy module is a powerful tool, but it may have limitations when dealing with large or complex matrices. Additionally, while it can provide a proof of the theorem for specific matrices, it may not be able to provide a general proof for all matrices due to the complexity of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
