Q on satellite orbits + orbital drift

In summary, the rotation of the line of apsides can affect the argument of perigee of a satellite, causing it to shift south of the equator in a polar orbit.
  • #1
Im aware that due to the oblate nature of the Earth, the satellite's line of apside and line of nodes rotate according to the following formulas (where i = angle of inclination of orbit to Earth and K is mean motion per day)

Variance in right ascension of ascending node ([tex]\Omega[/tex]) due to rotation of line of nodes

d[tex]\Omega[/tex]/dt = -Kcos(i)

Variance in argument of perigree ( [tex]\omega[/tex] )due to rotation of line of apsides

d[tex]\omega[/tex]/dt = K(2 - 2.5sin(i)*sin(i) )

New argument of perigee (taking into consideration rotation of line of apsides)

[tex]\omega[/tex] = [tex]\omega[/tex]o + d[tex]\omega[/tex]/dt(t-to)

where [tex]\omega[/tex]o is argument of perigee at epoch, to is time at epoch

In a textbook example I am reading, the author is trying to visualise the drift of the orbits as a result of just the rotation of the line of apsides (in other words i=90 degrees and the orbit is polar).

He starts of by assuming the situation where the perigee is exactly over the ascending node (in other words [tex]\omega[/tex] = 0 degrees) and d[tex]\omega[/tex]/dt = - K/2. One orbital period (Pa) later, he states that the perigee would appear south of the equator (in other words [tex]\omega[/tex] = -KPa/2.

Mathematically, he is correct, but I cannot seem to visualise how the perigee would appear south of the equator. Would anyone be able to help me out here ?

If I am not clear, could anyone let me know ?
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  • #2

it is important to understand and visualize the concepts and formulas we use in our work. In this case, the rotation of the line of apsides and its effects on the satellite's orbit can be difficult to visualize, but I will try my best to explain it.

First, let's define some terms. The line of apsides refers to the line connecting the perigee (closest point to Earth) and apogee (farthest point from Earth) of the satellite's orbit. The line of nodes refers to the line where the satellite's orbital plane intersects with the Earth's equatorial plane. The inclination angle (i) is the angle between the orbital plane and the equatorial plane.

Now, let's look at the formula for the variance in argument of perigee (dω/dt) due to rotation of the line of apsides. This formula shows that the rate of change of the argument of perigee (ω) is directly proportional to the mean motion (K) and the sine of the inclination angle (i). This means that as the inclination angle increases, the rate of change of ω also increases.

In the textbook example you are reading, the author is assuming a polar orbit (i=90 degrees) and a starting argument of perigee (ωo) of 0 degrees. This means that the perigee is directly over the ascending node. Now, when we apply the formula for the new argument of perigee (ω) after one orbital period (Pa), we get ω = ωo + dω/dt(t-to) = 0 + (-K/2)(Pa-to). This means that after one orbital period, the new argument of perigee will be -KPa/2.

To visualize this, imagine the satellite orbiting the Earth in a polar orbit with the perigee directly over the ascending node. As the Earth rotates, the line of apsides also rotates, causing the perigee to shift slightly to the west. After one orbital period, the perigee will have shifted by -KPa/2, which means it will now be south of the equator.

I hope this helps you visualize the concept better. If you have any further questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. As scientists, it is important to understand and be able to visualize the concepts we work with, so keep asking questions and

FAQ: Q on satellite orbits + orbital drift

1. What is the difference between a geostationary and a polar orbit?

A geostationary orbit is one in which a satellite stays above the same point on the Earth's equator, appearing to be stationary in the sky. A polar orbit, on the other hand, is one in which a satellite passes over the Earth's poles, providing coverage of the entire planet. The main difference is the coverage area and the speed at which the satellite orbits.

2. How does orbital drift affect satellite positioning?

Orbital drift refers to the gradual change in the orbit of a satellite over time due to external forces such as atmospheric drag and gravitational pull from other bodies. This can cause a satellite to deviate from its intended orbit, which can affect its positioning and coverage area. To counteract this, satellites may need to make small adjustments to their orbit.

3. What factors can cause orbital drift?

There are several factors that can cause orbital drift, including atmospheric drag, gravitational pull from other bodies such as the Moon and Sun, and solar radiation pressure. These forces can cause a satellite to lose altitude and deviate from its intended orbit over time.

4. How do scientists monitor and predict orbital drift?

Scientists use a variety of tools and techniques to monitor and predict orbital drift. This includes tracking the satellite's position and velocity, measuring atmospheric conditions, and using mathematical models to predict the effects of external forces. Ground stations also regularly communicate with satellites to monitor their position and make any necessary adjustments.

5. What impact does orbital drift have on satellite communication and other services?

Orbital drift can have a significant impact on satellite communication and other services that rely on satellites. It can affect the coverage area, signal strength, and reliability of services such as television broadcasting, internet connectivity, and GPS navigation. To ensure the smooth operation of these services, satellites must be regularly monitored and adjusted for orbital drift.

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