Q: What Subscript Should I Use for Physics Quantity?

In summary, the author is trying to refer to particles in chaotic motion around a central point, and he sometimes uses an electron as an example. However, none of the sources he refers to are in English, so he was not able to follow convention and use a subscript for the particle's index. He settled on using the first letter of the Russian word for "particle", so that with a projection to the x-axis, this looks like σчx.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am almost ashamed to put this question, as it verges on the silly, but it is a real question, and Physics Forums has come to my rescue so often...
I am translating a physics article from Russian, and at one place the author puts quantities (such as σ for standard deviation, etc.) with a double subscript: one indicating the particle involved, and the second the axis upon which the quantity is projected. I am not one to ask the author to change his style (let alone the content), but I do have to change the Russian letter he uses for "particle" to an English subscript. He uses the first letter of the Russian word for "particle", so that with a projection to the x-axis, this looks like σчx. If I used "p", this would look too much like momentum. I can't think of another natural single letter. Any suggestions?
I could then use a syllable instead of a letter: if I use, say, "par", then I have to come up with a natural way to combine them (without second-level subscripts such as σparx or σxpar): parx is obviously no good, but I am not sure about something like par(x), par-x, par.x, or par/x. So, any suggestions?
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  • #2
If the particle has some index or name, that could be used.
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Likes nomadreid
  • #3
mfb said:
If the particle has some index or name, that could be used.
Thanks for the suggestion, mfb. That sounds pretty good.
(But I am willing to hear other suggestions, for anyone else who reads this.)
Unfortunately, the generalized particle has no particular name; the author is trying to prove statements about particles in chaotic motion around a central point (no, not Brownian motion), and although he sometimes uses an electron as an example, the statements are supposed to be general. So no particular name. Alas.
  • #4
Does the article refer to any articles in English? If so, those might give examples of the customary notation for that field.
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Likes nomadreid
  • #5
jtbell said:
Does the article refer to any articles in English? If so, those might give examples of the customary notation for that field.
Thanks for the good suggestion, jtbell, and I will keep this idea in mind in future. Alas, all the sources referred to in this article are in Russian. However, I decided to take mfb's suggestion. Since much of the rest of the article introduces the author's own notation, and since when I asked him what he would like, he gave me a free hand, he appears not too interested in keeping to convention. I am just his translator, not his editor or peer reviewer, so I am satisfied with mfb's notation, and thereby declare this topic closed. Again, thanks to both of you for responding.

FAQ: Q: What Subscript Should I Use for Physics Quantity?

Q: What is a subscript in physics?

A subscript in physics is a small number or letter that is placed below and to the right of a symbol or variable to indicate a specific quantity or element. It is used to provide more information or clarify the meaning of the symbol or variable.

Q: Why is a subscript used in physics?

A subscript is used in physics to distinguish between different quantities or elements that may have the same symbol or variable. It helps to avoid confusion and makes equations and formulas more precise and accurate.

Q: How do I know which subscript to use in physics?

The subscript used in physics depends on the specific quantity or element that is being represented. It is usually provided in the problem or equation and should be carefully noted. Common subscripts in physics include mass (m), velocity (v), and length (l).

Q: Can I use any letter or number as a subscript in physics?

No, subscripts in physics follow specific conventions and should not be chosen arbitrarily. For example, mass is commonly represented by the letter "m" as a subscript, while time is represented by the letter "t". It is important to use the correct subscript to ensure accuracy and consistency in calculations.

Q: Are there any exceptions to using subscripts in physics?

There are some cases where subscripts may not be used in physics, such as when variables are clearly defined and there is no need to differentiate between them. Additionally, some quantities may use superscripts instead of subscripts, such as in nuclear physics. It is important to follow the conventions of the specific branch of physics being studied.
