QCD Ward Identity in Axial Gauge

In summary, QCD ward identities in the axial gauge can be derived by introducing a \xi term and working out the axial gauge gluon propagator for general values of \xi. This is necessary even though the unitary limit \xi\rightarrow 0 is of interest. The graphical ward identities are similar to those in the covariant gauge, but with only half the number of diagrams due to the decoupling of ghosts.
  • #1
How do (offshell) QCD ward identities look like in the axial gauge? How to derive them? The standard treatment of ward identities uses BRST symmetry in the covariant gauge. I don't know where I can read about the axial gauge version of the ward identities.
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  • #2
I figured out myself. One had to introduce a [itex]\xi[/itex] term [itex] -\frac 1 {2\xi} (n.A)^2 [/itex] and work out the axial gauge gluon propagator for general values of [itex]\xi[/itex], even though we're only interested in the unitary limit [itex]\xi\rightarrow 0[/itex]. The graphical ward identities are almost the same as the counterpart in the covariant gauge, except that now we have only half as many diagrams for external gluon lines since ghosts have decoupled.

FAQ: QCD Ward Identity in Axial Gauge

What is the QCD Ward Identity in Axial Gauge?

The QCD Ward Identity in Axial Gauge is a fundamental symmetry in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions. It relates the behavior of the theory under a gauge transformation to the behavior under a chiral transformation.

Why is the QCD Ward Identity important?

The QCD Ward Identity is important because it is a key tool for understanding the behavior of QCD at high energies. It is also crucial for making predictions and calculations in experiments involving strong interactions, such as those at the Large Hadron Collider.

How does the QCD Ward Identity relate to chiral symmetry breaking?

The QCD Ward Identity is closely related to chiral symmetry breaking, which is a phenomenon in which the symmetry between left- and right-handed particles is broken. The identity allows us to study the effects of chiral symmetry breaking and how it affects the behavior of QCD.

What is the relationship between the QCD Ward Identity and the Goldstone theorem?

The QCD Ward Identity is related to the Goldstone theorem, which states that when a continuous symmetry is spontaneously broken, there must be a massless particle associated with the broken symmetry. In QCD, this particle is the pion, and the QCD Ward Identity helps us understand its role in the theory.

How is the QCD Ward Identity used in practical calculations?

The QCD Ward Identity is used in practical calculations by allowing us to simplify and constrain the calculation of certain quantities in QCD. It can be used to derive relations between different observables that are experimentally measured, making it a powerful tool for testing the theory and making predictions.
