QED Hydrogen Atom: Formulating and Solving Problem

In summary: I don't remember the exact article, but it was about how the Bethe-Salpeter equation is inconvenient, but it is still a useful tool for certain problems. I am not sure who the author was.
  • #1
I have a fairly straightforward question: how does one formulate the problem of hydrogen atom with quantum field theoretical treatment?

I understand that one can just take Uehling potential and find approximately the bound states' energies and wave functions, but it would not make electron field second quantized! So how to formulate and solve the problem with all fields involved (photonic and electron) second quantized?

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  • #2
The usual approach is to split the field into a classical part solving the classical e.o.m. and a fluctuation

[tex]\phi = \phi_\text{class.} + \tilde{\phi}[/tex]

Then 2nd quantization is applied to the fluctuation. Introducing creation and annihilation operators requires distorted waves, so you don't use a plane wave basis but solutions of the modified wave equation in the classical background.

Usually perturbation theory is used. It starts with the 2nd order b/c the 1st order vanishes due to the e.o.m. (this is due to the Euler-Lagrange eq. for the classical field). In addition matrix elements for 1st order terms vanish.

Now you can apply the standard mechanism, expand the Hamiltonian H or any other operator e.g. to 2nd order and calculate the corrections for the matrix elements
  • #3
Thanks for the explanation. Might it be you can give me a reference?
  • #6
LayMuon said:
Thanks for the explanation. Might it be you can give me a reference?
As a starting point any QM II textbook with relativistic QM, introduction to field quantization and especially Lamb-shift calculation will do. I don't remember exactly, but I guess that Messiah, Cohen-Tannoudji or Bjorken and Drell will contain a chapter.
  • #7
Messiah vol II gives an exact solution of the Dirac Equation for the hydrogen atom. Bjorken and Drell vol I gives a brief discussion of the Lamb shift in the first quantized framework, but they don't ever come back to it in vol II :frown:

The best treatment by far is in the ancient book "Theory of Photons and Electrons" by Jauch and Rohrlich, which devotes two full chapters to it - Theory of the External Field, including both scattering and bound states, followed by External Field Problems, which includes Coulomb scattering and Delbruck scattering, and a very detailed treatment of the Lamb Shift.
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  • #8
I will check the Jauch and Rohrlich's book.

I am wondering, can't we just expand the wave function operator in terms of hydrogen bound state eigenfunctions and take the emerging coefficients as new creation and annihilation operators, then redefine new commutations, propagators, etc, and then through wick theorem obtain contractions and everything else? Is there any book or article that went in this direction?

Thanks again for all your answers.
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  • #9
Yes, you can do this as well, but keep in mind that especially for the Lamb-shift the task is different. It's not about a refinement in the fermionic sector but about a QFT treatment of the el.-mag. field. Here the starting point is not a solution of a Schrödinger-like problem with eigenstates b/c the field is not quantized at all. So you want to quantize it w/o having any eigenstates as a basis to start with.

Usually you do both: expand all fields using either the coupling constant alpha or hbar as small parameter and take all corrections up to a certain order into account. If you already have the solution of an e.o.m. to start with you will use it, of course.
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  • #11
Bill_K said:
The Bethe-Salpeter Equation is so inconvenient that even Bethe and Salpeter themselves do not use it.
this is not true.The success of bethe salpeter was proved for positronium hyperfine splitting case for deriving the α5 corrections which includes two photon virtual annihilation.It is not treated in the book because it is rather advanced and very few treatments are done with it.
  • #13
andrien said:
this is not true.The success of bethe salpeter was proved for positronium hyperfine splitting case for deriving the α5 corrections which includes two photon virtual annihilation.It is not treated in the book because it is rather advanced and very few treatments are done with it.
What I have seen so far is that from the BS eq. you can't expect new conceptual insights, but it may be useful for selected problems.
  • #15
jonjacson said:
The link doesn't work.

After three years? Not surprising.
  • #16
Vanadium 50 said:
After three years? Not surprising.

Do you know what was the article about? Or who was the author?
  • #17
jonjacson said:
Do you know what was the article about? Or who was the author?

The poster who gave the link, DrDu, is still active at Physics Forums. You could send a Physics Forums message to DrDu.
  • #18
George Jones said:
The poster who gave the link, DrDu, is still active at Physics Forums. You could send a Physics Forums message to DrDu.

Well I thought that maybe other people could be interested in this topic so it would be nice if we upload the file again.

But you are right I saw he is still active, but I cannot find a button to "send message".

Are you able to send him a message?
  • #19
jonjacson said:
Well I thought that maybe other people could be interested in this topic so it would be nice if we upload the file again.

But you are right I saw he is still active, but I cannot find a button to "send message".

Are you able to send him a message?

Mouse-over "INBOX" at the top of the Physics Forums webpage, and the click on "Start a New Conservation" at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

You could ask DrDu to post an updated link (if DrDu has one) in the thread.
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  • #20
George Jones said:
Mouse-over "INBOX" at the top of the Physics Forums webpage, and the click on "Start a New Conservation" at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

You could ask DrDu to post an updated link (if DrDu has one) in the thread.
I get an error message:

"You may not start a conversation with the following recipients: DrDu."

Apparently I can't send messages to him.
  • #21
I am sorry, I also don't have the article anymore. Neither do I remember what it was about.
  • #22
DrDu said:
I am sorry, I also don't have the article anymore. Neither do I remember what it was about.

Thanks for your time anyway.

FAQ: QED Hydrogen Atom: Formulating and Solving Problem

1. What is the QED Hydrogen Atom and why is it important in science?

The QED Hydrogen Atom is a theoretical model that describes the behavior and interactions of a single hydrogen atom using quantum electrodynamics (QED). It is important in science because it provides a more accurate description of the atom's behavior and allows for precise calculations of its properties, which is crucial for understanding the fundamental principles of chemistry and physics.

2. How is the QED Hydrogen Atom formulated and solved?

The QED Hydrogen Atom is formulated by combining the principles of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism, which are the two main theories of physics that govern the behavior of subatomic particles. The solution to the problem involves solving the Schrödinger equation, which describes the wave function of the electron in the atom, and using perturbation theory to account for the effects of quantum fluctuations.

3. What are some of the challenges in formulating and solving the QED Hydrogen Atom problem?

One of the main challenges is that the QED Hydrogen Atom problem is a highly complex and mathematically intensive task that requires advanced techniques and computational methods. Additionally, the electron's behavior in a hydrogen atom is affected by both classical and quantum effects, which makes the problem more challenging to solve accurately.

4. How does the QED Hydrogen Atom differ from the classical model of the atom?

The classical model of the atom, also known as the Bohr model, describes the atom as a miniature solar system with electrons orbiting the nucleus in fixed circular paths. In contrast, the QED Hydrogen Atom takes into account the wave-like nature of electrons and their interactions with the electromagnetic field, providing a more accurate and detailed description of the atom's behavior.

5. What are some real-world applications of the QED Hydrogen Atom model?

The QED Hydrogen Atom has many practical applications, such as in the development of advanced technologies like lasers, transistors, and solar cells. It is also used in chemistry to understand the chemical bonding between atoms and in astrophysics to study the behavior of atoms in extreme environments such as in stars and black holes.
