QED propagator in Coulomb gauge

In summary, the conversation discusses deriving the photon propagator in Coulomb gauge using Pokorski's book method. In this method, the photon propagator in Lorenz gauge is obtained by proving that the transverse field is equal to the Lorenz gauge field. In Coulomb gauge, the Faddeev-Popov ghosts decouple and the final gauge fixed QED Lagrangian is obtained. The propagator is then derived from evaluating the bilinear part of the photon fields. However, there is a leftover term in momentum space that needs to be cancelled, which is done by evaluating the Green function in configuration space. There is also a tensor that appears in the calculation that is not fully understood.
  • #1
Gold Member
My aim is to derive the photon propagator in an Coulomb gauge following Pokorski's book method.
In this book the photon propagator in Lorenz gauge was obtained as follows:

1. Lorenz gauge: ##\partial_{\mu}A^{\mu}=0##
2. It's proved that ##\delta_{\mu}A^{\mu}_T=0##, where ##A^{\mu}_T=(g^{\mu\nu}-\frac{\partial^{\mu}\partial{\nu}}{\partial^2})A^{\mu}## is the transverse field.
3. Then, ##\partial^2A^T_{\mu}=0\rightarrow (\partial^2-i\epsilon)D_{\mu\nu}(x-y)=-(g_{\mu\nu}-\frac{\partial_{\mu}\partial_{\nu}}{\partial^2})\delta(x-y)##, is the equation for the corresponding the Green's function in the transverse space.
4. After a Fourien transformations this becomes ##(-k^2-i\epsilon)\tilde{D}_{\mu\nu}(k)=-(g_{\mu\nu}-\frac{k_{\mu}k_{\nu}}{k^2})##.

Now, in Coulomb gauge,

5. Coulomb gauge: ##\partial_{\mu}A^{\mu}-(n_{\mu}\partial^{\mu})(n_{\mu}A^{\mu})=0, \; n_{\mu}(1,0,0,0)##

6. I've tried to do the same program as before but I'm stuck. It's supose the propagator we have to obtain is:

$$\tilde{D}^{\alpha\beta}_{\mu\nu}=\frac{\delta^{\alpha\beta}}{k^2+i\epsilon}\left[g_{\mu\nu}-\frac{k\cdot n(k_{\mu}n_{\nu}+k_{\nu}n_{\mu})-k_{\nu}k_{\mu}}{(k\cdot n)^2-k^2}\right]$$.

The reference,
Gauge Field Theories, 2000. Stefan Pokorski. Pages: 129-132.

I'll appreciate any help.
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  • #2
I checked the book. I also don't understand it ;-). I'd derive it in a very straight-forward way. Just do the usual Faddeev-Popov quantization. Since we deal with an Abelian gauge symmetry and use a linear gauge (Coulomb gauge),
$$\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{A}=u^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} u_{\nu} A^{\nu}-\partial_{\mu} A^{\mu}=0, \quad (u^{\mu})=(1,0,0,0)$$
the Faddeev-Popov ghosts decouple, i.e., are free fields and can thus be omitted for the calculation of Green's functions.

The upshot is that the final gauge fixed QED Lagrangian reads
$$\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4} F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu} -\frac{1}{2 \xi} (\vec{\nabla} \cdot A)^2 + \mathcal{L}_{\text{mat}}.$$
The propagator comes from evaluating the bilinear part for the photon fields. The inverse propagator after Fourier transformation to momentum space yields
$$(D^{-1})^{\mu \nu}=-k^2 \eta^{\mu \nu} + k^{\mu} k^{\nu} -\frac{1}{\xi} k_{\perp}^{\mu} k_{\perp}^{\nu}.$$
For convenience I have defined
$$k_{\perp}^{\mu}=k^{\mu} - u^{\mu} (u \dot k)=(0,k^1,k^2,k^3).$$
Taking the inverse of the matrix (I used Mathematica) leads to
$$D_{\mu \nu} = \frac{1}{k^2+\mathrm{i} 0^+} \left [-\eta_{\mu \nu} + \frac{(k \cdot u)(k_{\mu} u_{\nu}+k_{\nu} u_{\mu})-k_{\mu} k_{\nu}}{\vec{k}^2} \right]-\xi \frac{k_{\mu} k_{\nu}}{\left (\vec{k}^2 \right)^2}.$$
The Coulomb gauge in the sense of canonical quantization you get for ##\xi=0##.
  • #3
vanhees71 said:
Taking the inverse of the matrix (I used Mathematica) leads to
Would it make sense to assume that the inverse matrix would be:
[itex]K_{\mu \nu} = a \eta_{\mu \nu} + b k_{\mu} k_\nu[/itex]
and try to determine [itex]a,b[/itex]?
  • #4
That's not sufficient, because in the Coulomb (and also various axial) gauges there's an extra constant four-vector. In the case of the Coulomb and time-like axial gauges it introduces a preferred reference frame.

Your ansatz is valid for the covariant gauges leading to
$$\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4} F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu}-\frac{1}{2 \xi} (\partial_{\mu} A^{\mu})^2.$$
Then you get
$$D_{\text{inv}}^{\mu \nu} = -k^2 \left (\eta^{\mu \nu} - \frac{k^{\mu} k^{\nu}}{k^2} \right)-\frac{1}{\xi} \frac{k^{\mu} k^{\nu}}{k^2}.$$
The inverse is very easily found since the matrix structures on the right-hand side are mutual Minkowski-orthogonal projectors (transverse and longitudinal degrees of freedom):
$$D_{\mu \nu} = -\frac{1}{k^2+\mathrm{i} 0^+} \left (\eta_{\mu \nu} - (1-\xi) \frac{k_{\mu} k_{\nu}}{k^2+\mathrm{i} 0^+} \right).$$
The most common special cases are ##\xi=0## (Landau gauge), where the propgator is transverse and ##\xi=1## (Feynman gauge). It's also a good check to do calculations with arbitrary ##\xi## to check whether the S-matrix elements come out gauge invariant, i.e., independent of ##\xi##, as it should be.
  • #5
Thanks @vanhees71 i agree with your calculation.

However I was insisting on the calculation of Pokorski, and redefine the projection operator in Coulomb gauge as follows https://dl-mail.ymail.com/ws/download/mailboxes/@.id==VjJ-wEel3giyirs51tCc6stWMDCHQk66FApKzVSz8N35sfcyZLn8jbsULn3fO5PqCwxoGH4nkLovJSeSm65J69qU1w/messages/@.id==AIa-imIAIOcgWXjPXQDPCIhGVdc/content/parts/@.id==3/raw?appid=YahooMailNeo&ymreqid=6e23abce-7cd4-09ba-01d0-8800fa010000&token=zitEzqOML3j84e6ealFTT5U7-km5qEQF52lp7AcCuBZJX0cP3Smm0PLzoYxAZwyLAqSNYkOQUN8PUuanbftOsUJcnwk4dNUd4utEI3EJJsxRaGMi_a4dULZHRa_xD1WB
But, when i put the Green function in momentum space there's a leftover term, https://dl-mail.ymail.com/ws/download/mailboxes/@.id==VjJ-wEel3giyirs51tCc6stWMDCHQk66FApKzVSz8N35sfcyZLn8jbsULn3fO5PqCwxoGH4nkLovJSeSm65J69qU1w/messages/@.id==AIa-imIAIOcgWXjPXQDPCIhGVdc/content/parts/@.id==4/raw?appid=YahooMailNeo&ymreqid=6e23abce-7cd4-09ba-01d0-8800fa010000&token=zitEzqOML3j84e6ealFTT5U7-km5qEQF52lp7AcCuBZJX0cP3Smm0PLzoYxAZwyLAqSNYkOQUN8PUuanbftOsUJcnwk4dNUd4utEI3EJJsxRaGMi_a4dULZHRa_xD1WB compared with the result in the book.
In order to solve this i followed this reasoning: in configuration space this leftover term must be canceled because when the Green function is acting on the gauge field space, we have to evaluate https://dl-mail.ymail.com/ws/download/mailboxes/@.id==VjJ-wEel3giyirs51tCc6stWMDCHQk66FApKzVSz8N35sfcyZLn8jbsULn3fO5PqCwxoGH4nkLovJSeSm65J69qU1w/messages/@.id==AIa-imIAIOcgWXjPXQDPCIhGVdc/content/parts/@.id==5/raw?appid=YahooMailNeo&ymreqid=6e23abce-7cd4-09ba-01d0-8800fa010000&token=zitEzqOML3j84e6ealFTT5U7-km5qEQF52lp7AcCuBZJX0cP3Smm0PLzoYxAZwyLAqSNYkOQUN8PUuanbftOsUJcnwk4dNUd4utEI3EJJsxRaGMi_a4dULZHRa_xD1WB in Coulomb Gauge. Are you agree with that?

On the other hand, there's a https://dl-mail.ymail.com/ws/download/mailboxes/@.id==VjJ-wEel3giyirs51tCc6stWMDCHQk66FApKzVSz8N35sfcyZLn8jbsULn3fO5PqCwxoGH4nkLovJSeSm65J69qU1w/messages/@.id==AIa-imIAIOcgWXjPXQDPCIhGVdc/content/parts/@.id==6/raw?appid=YahooMailNeo&ymreqid=6e23abce-7cd4-09ba-01d0-8800fa010000&token=zitEzqOML3j84e6ealFTT5U7-km5qEQF52lp7AcCuBZJX0cP3Smm0PLzoYxAZwyLAqSNYkOQUN8PUuanbftOsUJcnwk4dNUd4utEI3EJJsxRaGMi_a4dULZHRa_xD1WB tensor i don't know where it comes from. Any idea?
  • #6
I don't have the book here. So can't check his calculation right now.

Related to QED propagator in Coulomb gauge

1. What is the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge?

The QED propagator in Coulomb gauge is a mathematical expression that describes the probability amplitude for a quantum particle to travel from one point to another in a specific gauge field, in this case, the Coulomb gauge. It is an essential component of quantum electrodynamics, which is a theory that explains the interactions between electrically charged particles.

2. How is the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge derived?

The QED propagator in Coulomb gauge is derived from the Feynman path integral, which is a mathematical framework for calculating the probability amplitude of a quantum particle moving from one point to another. It involves summing over all possible paths that the particle could take between the two points and weighting them by their respective probability amplitudes. This integral is then solved using perturbation theory to obtain the final expression for the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge.

3. What is the significance of the Coulomb gauge in QED?

The Coulomb gauge is a specific choice of gauge in quantum electrodynamics that simplifies the calculations involved in describing the interactions between charged particles. It is particularly useful in studying the long-range interactions between particles, such as the Coulomb force between two stationary charged particles. The QED propagator in Coulomb gauge is an essential tool in understanding these interactions.

4. Can the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge be used to make predictions?

Yes, the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge can be used to make predictions about the interactions between charged particles in the Coulomb gauge field. By calculating the probability amplitude for a particle to travel from one point to another, we can determine the likelihood of different outcomes and make predictions about the behavior of these particles.

5. Are there any limitations to using the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge?

Like any mathematical model, the QED propagator in Coulomb gauge has its limitations. It is based on certain assumptions and approximations, and may not accurately describe all physical phenomena. Additionally, it is a perturbative calculation, meaning it is only valid for weak interactions between particles. In situations where strong interactions are present, a more advanced approach, such as lattice QED, may be necessary.

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