QFT and transitions between momentum states

In summary, the conversation discusses perturbation theory in quantum field theory and its classical mechanical analogue. It also explores the concept of momentum conservation and how it relates to transitions between different momentum states. The conversation concludes with a discussion on calculating probabilities for 2->2 processes in quantum field theory.
  • #1
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I'm trying to learn some QFT at the moment, and I'm trying to understand how interactions/nonlinearities are handled with perturbation theory. I started by constructing a classical mechanical analogue, where I have a set of three coupled oscillators with a small nonlinearity added. The eqns. of motion of that system are:

##m\frac{d^2 x_1(t)}{dt^2}=-kx_1(t)+k'(x_2(t)-x_1(t))-\lambda [x_1(t)]^3##
##m\frac{d^2 x_2(t)}{dt^2}=-kx_2(t)+k'(x_1(t)-x_2(t))+k'(x_3(t)-x_2(t))-\lambda [x_2(t)]^3##
##m\frac{d^2 x_3(t)}{dt^2}=-kx_3(t)+k'(x_2(t)-x_3(t))-\lambda [x_3(t)]^3##

Now, if ##\lambda = 0##, this system is easy to solve by finding out the linear combinations of ##x_1,x_2,x_3## that are the normal modes of this system and behave like independent oscillators.

In the perturbed case, where ##\lambda > 0##, I can still plot how the system oscillates in the normal modes of the unperturbed system, but now because of the nonlinear term, energy (kinetic+potential) is transferred between those normal modes (some transitions are symmetry-disallowed, though).

The QFT equivalent of this would be a one-dimensional Klein-Gordan field with the phi-fourth perturbation, which is obviously a system of infinite number of oscillators (normal modes of the KG field), unless I arbitrarily assign a cut-off at some value of momentum and discretize the k-space.

Now, suppose I have an initial state that describes a particle with definite value of momentum:


Now I'd like to calculate the temporary rate at which there happen transitions to states with some other values of momentum. From the Schrödinger equation, I have:

##\frac{\partial\left|\psi (t)\right>}{\partial t} = -iH\left|\psi (t)\right>## ,

where H is the hamiltonian operator. The initial transition amplitude from momentum state ##p_1## to momentum state ##p_2## is:

##-i< 0 | a_{p_2} H a_{p_1}^{\dagger} |0>## .

Now, the question I run into, is how do I simplify the term ##-i< 0 | a_{p_2} [\hat{\psi} (x)]^4 a_{p_1}^{\dagger} |0>##, where the psi-hat is the field operator? I should somehow be able to write that fourth power of ##\hat{\psi}(x)## in terms of the creation and annihilation operators. All textbooks I've read seem to do these things in the Heisenberg or interaction pictures, but I'd personally understand this easier if I saw it done in the Schrödinger picture.

EDIT: I understand that a particle of one momentum can't simply turn into a particle with some other momentum, because momentum must be conserved... It seems, however, that an excitation with some value of p could be converted to two excitations with different momenta.
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  • #2
If I write the phi-fourth interaction term with creation and annihilation operators, I get a sum like this:

##e^{i(p_{1}+p_{2}+p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2} a_{p_3} a_{p_4} +e^{i(p_{1}+p_{2}+p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2} a_{p_3} a_{p_3}^\dagger +e^{i(p_{1}+p_{2}-p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2} a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_4}##

##+e^{i(p_{1}+p_{2}-p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2} a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger +e^{i(p_{1}-p_{2}+p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3} a_{p_4} +e^{i(p_{1}-p_{2}+p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3} a_{p_3}^\dagger##

##+e^{i(p_{1}-p_{2}-p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_4} +e^{i(p_{1}-p_{2}-p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1} a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger+e^{i(-p_{1}+p_{2}+p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2} a_{p_3} a_{p_4}##
##+e^{i(-p_{1}+p_{2}+p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2} a_{p_3} a_{p_3}^\dagger +e^{i(-p_{1}+p_{2}-p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2} a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_4} ##

##+e^{i(-p_{1}+p_{2}-p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2} a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger +e^{i(-p_{1}-p_{2}+p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3} a_{p_4} ##

##+e^{i(-p_{1}-p_{2}+p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3} a_{p_3}^\dagger +e^{i(-p_{1}-p_{2}-p_{3}+p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_4} +e^{i(-p_{1}-p_{2}-p_{3}-p_{4})x}a_{p_1}^\dagger a_{p_2}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger a_{p_3}^\dagger##

and it is multiplied with a factor that is proportional to ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{E_1 E_2 E_3 E_4}}## and integrated over all possible values of ##x## and the momenta ##p_1 , p_2 , p_3 , p_4##. The exponential factors in the sum above are probably meant to create a momentum-conserving delta function, if I've understood correctly(?)

If I'm trying to calculate probabilities for 2->2 processes where particles with momenta ##p_1 , p_2## collide and become particles with momenta ##p_3, p_4##, am I supposed to ignore all terms that don't contain an equal number of a and a-dagger operators?

FAQ: QFT and transitions between momentum states

1. What is QFT and how does it relate to transitions between momentum states?

QFT stands for Quantum Field Theory, which is a theoretical framework used to describe the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. It combines principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity. In QFT, transitions between momentum states refer to the change in momentum (or energy) of a particle as it interacts with other particles or fields.

2. What is the significance of transitions between momentum states in QFT?

Transitions between momentum states play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. They allow us to predict and calculate the probability of a particle transitioning from one momentum state to another, which is essential in experiments and understanding the fundamental forces of nature.

3. How are transitions between momentum states described in QFT?

In QFT, transitions between momentum states are described using mathematical equations and tools such as Feynman diagrams. These diagrams represent the possible interactions between particles and their corresponding probabilities, allowing physicists to make predictions and calculations.

4. Can transitions between momentum states be observed in experiments?

Yes, transitions between momentum states can be observed in experiments such as particle accelerators. By colliding particles at high speeds, physicists can observe changes in their momentum states and study the interactions between particles. These observations provide evidence for the validity of QFT and help refine our understanding of subatomic particles.

5. How does QFT explain transitions between momentum states in the context of the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle, a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics, states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be precisely known at the same time. QFT provides a mathematical framework for understanding this principle and explains how transitions between momentum states are affected by this uncertainty. It also allows for the calculation of probabilities for these transitions, taking into account the inherent uncertainty in measuring the momentum of a particle.

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