QFT operators time/space asymmetry?

In summary, I think Srednicki's book is okay for people who are already familiar with the basics of QFT, but I would recommend another book for a first introduction.
  • #1
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Gold Member
I'm slowly working through Srednicki's QFT book and I had a question about section 3 (canonical quantization of scalar fields). At one point, he shows that the creation and annihilation operators ##a(\mathbf{k})## and ##a(\mathbf{k}')## are time-independent via the equation:
$$a(\mathbf{k}) =i\int{d^3x e^{-ikx}[i\partial_0 \varphi(x) +\omega\varphi(x)]}$$
I thought that was kind of odd given that the theory was supposed to be relativistic and one should expect to see time and space treated in an equal way. In one sense, we have the ##e^{ikx}## factor, where ##kx## is the dot product of the position and momentum four-vectors, so this part is at least nominally time dependent (except maybe it's constant, since it's a dot product?). On the other hand, tracking down where ##a(\mathbf{k})## came from in the first place, we have the solution to the KG equation, which Srednicki gives as the sum of plane waves weighted with arbitrary functions of the wave vector:
$$\varphi(\mathbf{x},t) =\int{ \frac{d^3k}{f(k)} [a(\mathbf{k})+b(\mathbf{k})]e^{i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{x}-i\omega t}}$$
My question is this: since the Klein Gordon equation is symmetric in time and space, why aren't the ##a(\mathbf{k})##'s functions of frequency as well? e.g., why don't we have:
$$\varphi(\mathbf{x},t) =\int{ \frac{d^4k}{f(k)} [a(\mathbf{k},\omega)+b(\mathbf{k},\omega)]
e^{i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{x}-i\omega t}}$$
Does this have something to do with the on shell condition? Srednicki mentions it briefly in this section but doesn't elucidate why it's important. Thanks for any help you can give!
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  • #2
...or I could just plug the general solution into the KG equation and see that ##\omega## and ##\mathbf{k}## have to be related by ##m##... I feel kind of dumb now :sorry:
  • #3
The non-covariant equations you have written above can also be written in forms which look more covariant. For instance, (3.16) in Srednicki is derived from an invariant expression with ##\delta(k^2+m^2)##, which expresses the mass shell condition. But non-covariant forms are used because they are more practical for actual calculations.
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  • #4
The canonical formalism is not manifestly relativistically covariant. This is because in the canonical formalism you have X and P at a particular time t.

So you have equal time commutation relations, rather than commutation relations for two arbitrary spacetime points.

There is a way to make the canonical formalism covariant, where the phase space is not the set of X and P at a time t but the space of solutions of the equations of motion.

You sometimes see the fact mentioned that the equal time commutation relation is equivalent to the general spacetime points commutator [φ(x), φ(y)] = iΔ(x, y).

This commutator corresponds not to the poisson bracket of the usual canonical formalism but the so-called Pierls bracket of the covariant canonical formalism mentioned above where the phase space is the space of classical solutions.
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  • #5
Demystifier said:
For instance, (3.16) in Srednicki is derived from an invariant expression with δ(k2+m2)δ(k2+m2)\delta(k^2+m^2), which expresses the mass shell condition.
I think part of the problem is that Srednicki introduced the mass shell condition without really explaining why it was important. It seems like a necessary consequence of the Klein Gordon equation. Wikipedia said something about how virtual particles can be off shell, but I should probably just keep going through Srednicki's book and hope that he explains it eventually.

Ddddx said:
The canonical formalism is not manifestly relativistically covariant. This is because in the canonical formalism you have X and P at a particular time t.

So you have equal time commutation relations, rather than commutation relations for two arbitrary spacetime points.

There is a way to make the canonical formalism covariant, where the phase space is not the set of X and P at a time t but the space of solutions of the equations of motion.

You sometimes see the fact mentioned that the equal time commutation relation is equivalent to the general spacetime points commutator [φ(x), φ(y)] = iΔ(x, y).

This commutator corresponds not to the poisson bracket of the usual canonical formalism but the so-called Pierls bracket of the covariant canonical formalism mentioned above where the phase space is the space of classical solutions.
My next question was actually going to be about this equal time requirement. It didn't really make sense that we would work so hard to find solutions to the Lorentz invariant KG equation, only to throw them into a clearly non-Lorentz invariant commutator. Are you saying that equal time commutation relations are covariant, just not manifestly so?
  • #6
TeethWhitener said:
I think part of the problem is that Srednicki introduced the mass shell condition without really explaining why it was important. It seems like a necessary consequence of the Klein Gordon equation.
Yes, that's explained in Eq. (3.11), but perhaps not sufficiently clearly. Maybe Srednicki is not the best book for a first introduction to QFT. I would suggest you to try with Klauber:
It is much more pedagogic for a first book on QFT.
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  • #7
Since the hamiltonian E = √(P2 - m2) is relativistic, the theory is relativistic in the end. Its just that the language is non-relativistic because E and P enter into usual hamiltonian mechanics in an asymmetric manner, not respecting relativity.
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  • #8
Thank you both for your help.
  • #9
Demystifier said:
Maybe Srednicki is not the best book for a first introduction to QFT. I would suggest you to try with Klauber:
It is much more pedagogic for a first book on QFT.

So would I, plus:

Before that I suggest (in the following order):

I am a firm believer these days in doing any physics slowly, step by step. Starting out with really easy, even on the surface beginner trivial stuff, then slowly going more complex.

In QM I didn't do that and suffered badly - I recovered but it would have been better not to do it that way. I started, mind you I mean that, started with Dirac - Principles of QM and Von-Neumann Mathematical Foundations of QM. Von-Neumann a piece of cake because I had studied Hilbert Spaces undergrad - but Dirac was another matter. I should not have not done that - slowly does it - build up to Ballentine - then Dirac and Von-Neumann.

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FAQ: QFT operators time/space asymmetry?

1. What is the concept of time/space asymmetry in QFT operators?

In quantum field theory, operators are mathematical objects that represent observables, such as position, momentum, and energy. Time/space asymmetry refers to the fact that these operators do not behave the same way under time or space translations. This means that the laws of physics are different when observed from different points in time or space.

2. How does time/space asymmetry affect our understanding of the universe?

The concept of time/space asymmetry challenges our traditional understanding of the universe as being symmetric in time and space. It suggests that the laws of physics are not invariant under certain transformations, leading to a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

3. What are some examples of time/space asymmetry in QFT operators?

One example is the CPT (charge-parity-time) symmetry, which states that the laws of physics are the same under a simultaneous reversal of charge, parity, and time. Another example is the violation of time-reversal symmetry in certain processes, such as the decay of subatomic particles.

4. How do scientists study time/space asymmetry in QFT operators?

Scientists study time/space asymmetry by using theoretical frameworks, such as quantum field theory, to model and predict the behavior of particles and systems. They also conduct experiments, such as high-energy particle collisions, to test these predictions and explore the fundamental nature of the universe.

5. What implications does time/space asymmetry have for the future of physics?

The concept of time/space asymmetry challenges physicists to further investigate the fundamental laws of the universe and to develop new theories and frameworks that can explain and predict its behavior. It also has potential implications for fields such as cosmology and quantum gravity, as well as for technological developments in areas such as quantum computing.

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