Solving for the Time-Dependent Vector in QM Density Matrix

In summary, the author tries to find an expression for the time dependent vector in terms of the time evolution operator and its adjoint, but runs into trouble because of the complexity of the equation.
  • #1
We have a spin state described by a time-dependent density matrix

[tex]\rho(t) = \frac{1}{2}\left(\mathbf{1}+\mathbf{r}(t)\cdot \mathbf{\sigma} \right)[/tex]

Initial condition for the motion is [tex]\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{r}_0[/tex] at [tex]t = 0[/tex]. We are then asked to give a general expression for [tex]\rho(t)[/tex] in terms of the time evolution (TE) operator, and use that to find the time-dependent vector [tex]\mathbf{r}(t)[/tex].

The density matrix expression in terms of the TE operator i got to be

[tex]\rho(t) = \mathcal{U}(t)\rho_0 [\mathcal{U}(t)]^{\dagger}[/tex]

where [tex]\rho_0 = \rho(t = 0)[/tex]. Now that I'm going to find the time-dependent vector [tex]\mathbf{r}(t)[/tex] I'm having a bit more trouble. I've started with the equation

[tex]\rho_0 = \frac{1}{2}\left(\mathbf{1}+\mathbf{r}_0\cdot \mathbf{\sigma} \right)[/tex]

let the TE operator and it's adjoint operate on it from the left and right respectively. That has left me with the relation

[tex]\mathcal{U}(t) \mathbf{r}_0 \cdot \mathbf{\sigma}[\mathcal{U}(t)]^{\dagger} = \mathbf{r}(t)\cdot \mathbf{\sigma}[/tex]

Furthermore, the Hamiltonian for the system is

[tex]H = \frac{1}{2}\hbar \omega_c \sigma_z[/tex]

So, assuming that I'm on track so far, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may proceed next?

What I tried was to first use Euler's formula to write out the TE operator and its adjoint. Then I expanded the cosine and the sine part separately and found that the cosine part only contains even powers of the exponent, thus making all [tex]\sigma_z[/tex] become unity. For the sine part, which contains only odd powers of the exponent, all powers of [tex]\sigma_z[/tex] are equal to the matrix itself.

The problem became when I put all this into the relation I need to solve, as it gave many parts containing [tex]\sigma_z[/tex], [tex]\mathbf{\sigma}[/tex] and/or [tex]\mathbf{r}_0[/tex] multiplied in different orders, and I'm not really sure how to handle that.

So, what I need to know is if I'm on the right track, or maybe I'm ignoring something or perhaps there's an easier way to do this that I should look into. Suggestions are appreciated.
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  • #2
Spinny said:
What I tried was to first use Euler's formula to write out the TE operator and its adjoint.
In the basis where [itex] \sigma_z [/itex] is diagonal, I would think that the time evolution operator is easily found, because the exponentiation applies directly to the eigenvalues. The TE operator would be diagonal in that basis too.
Just a suggestion, I didn't work it out myself.
  • #3
Of course! Since [tex]\sigma_z[/tex] is diagonal, when it's the exponential, you just get a the same matrix with each diagonal element exponentiated!

Now I finally got an expression for the time dependent vector! It remains, however, to be seen if it's the correct expression.

Anyway, thanks for helping me on my way, vanesch. I'll probably be back with more questions though.

FAQ: Solving for the Time-Dependent Vector in QM Density Matrix

1. What is a QM density matrix?

A QM density matrix, also known as a quantum density matrix, is a mathematical representation of the quantum state of a system. It is a matrix that contains information about the probabilities of different quantum states of the system.

2. How is the QM density matrix different from the wave function?

The wave function describes the quantum state of a system in terms of probability amplitudes, while the density matrix contains information about the probabilities of different quantum states. The density matrix is a more general and flexible tool that can describe mixed states, while the wave function can only describe pure states.

3. What is the significance of the diagonal elements in the QM density matrix?

The diagonal elements of the density matrix represent the probabilities of finding the system in a particular state. This means that the sum of the diagonal elements is equal to 1, ensuring that the system is in one of the possible states.

4. How is the QM density matrix used in calculations?

The QM density matrix is used in calculations to determine the probabilities of different outcomes of quantum measurements or observations. It can also be used to calculate the expected values of physical observables, such as energy or momentum, for a particular quantum state.

5. Can the QM density matrix be used for systems with infinite dimensions?

Yes, the QM density matrix can be used for systems with infinite dimensions, such as continuous variables in quantum field theory. In these cases, the density matrix is represented by a functional rather than a matrix, but the principles and calculations are the same.

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