QM explanation of electron conduction in crystal

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of a static electric field on a conductive crystal and how quantum mechanics describes the electron movements in this scenario. The concept of a time-dependent perturbation is introduced, and the possibility of electron excitation to different Bloch states is considered as a potential origin of electron conduction in the crystal. The issue of symmetry in such excitation is raised, and the use of a semi-classical model to account for the lattice and describe the motions of electrons is proposed. However, this approach may not fully explain superconductivity and normal conductivity in a single crystal. It is also questioned whether a wave packet can be realized in a true single crystal. The conversation also mentions the screening of static electric fields in super
  • #1
Suppose that a static electric field E is applied on a conductive crystal. Then, how quantum mechanics describes the electron movements in the crystal?

I have been trying to find an explanation, but have not found any.

As I understand it, we could treat the E field as a time-dependent perturbation, starting at t=0. But after sufficient time E would not excite any electron to any higher energy level.

However, if the electron's wavefunction is a combination of more than one Bloch functions/states, then the perturbation of E can excite the electrons to different ones of these Bloch states, which could be an origin of electron conduction in crystal.

One question, however, is that such excitation is "symmetrical", that is, it is not directional as the E field is.

Is there any problem with these considerations?
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  • #2
I don't know why you would think it is symmetrical. For actual conduction in crystal we must consider the lattice in more ways than it just being a periodic potential. Otherwise we might find that an electron in an E field just accelerates forever. A crude approach is to just use "relaxation time" in a semi-classical model to account for the lattice, and then consider the motions in the periodic potential with applied external field to describe what happens in between thermalizing collisions with the lattice.

For this let's introduce a ##\boldsymbol{\kappa}## operator, so that if ##\mid n,\,\mathbf{k}\rangle## is a Bloch wave state ##\boldsymbol{\kappa}\mid n,\,\mathbf{k}\rangle = \mathbf{k} \mid n,\,\mathbf{k}\rangle##

In the Heisenburg picture

##\dot{\boldsymbol{\kappa}} = \frac{i}{\hbar} \left[H, \boldsymbol{\kappa}\right]##
We have ##H = H_{crystal} + H_{external}## where ##H_{crystal}## includes kinetic term plus the periodic potential, and ##H_{external}## represents the applied field. Because the Bloch wave states were already eigenvectors of ##H_{crystal}## We are left with
$$ \dot{\boldsymbol{\kappa}} = \frac{i}{\hbar} \left[H_{external}, \boldsymbol{\kappa}\right] $$

We can introduce a semi-classical wave packet which has both a central position x and a central bloch wavevector k. We can create a semiclassical framework such that
$$ \dot{\mathbf{k}} = \frac{i}{\hbar}\left(-e \mathbf{E} \right)$$
$$\dot{\mathbf{x}} = \frac{1}{\hbar}\nabla \epsilon_n(\mathbf{k}) $$

Where ##\epsilon_n(\mathbf{k}) ## represents the energies in the n-th band. This topic is covered in Ch. 12 of Ashcroft and Mermin. This may not be the final word on the subject but I hope it helps.
  • #3
MisterX said:
I don't know why you would think it is symmetrical. For actual conduction in crystal we must consider the lattice in more ways than it just being a periodic potential. Otherwise we might find that an electron in an E field just accelerates forever. A crude approach is to just use "relaxation time" in a semi-classical model to account for the lattice, and then consider the motions in the periodic potential with applied external field to describe what happens in between thermalizing collisions with the lattice.

For this let's introduce a ##\boldsymbol{\kappa}## operator, so that if ##\mid n,\,\mathbf{k}\rangle## is a Bloch wave state ##\boldsymbol{\kappa}\mid n,\,\mathbf{k}\rangle = \mathbf{k} \mid n,\,\mathbf{k}\rangle##

In the Heisenburg picture

##\dot{\boldsymbol{\kappa}} = \frac{i}{\hbar} \left[H, \boldsymbol{\kappa}\right]##
We have ##H = H_{crystal} + H_{external}## where ##H_{crystal}## includes kinetic term plus the periodic potential, and ##H_{external}## represents the applied field. Because the Bloch wave states were already eigenvectors of ##H_{crystal}## We are left with
$$ \dot{\boldsymbol{\kappa}} = \frac{i}{\hbar} \left[H_{external}, \boldsymbol{\kappa}\right] $$

We can introduce a semi-classical wave packet which has both a central position x and a central bloch wavevector k. We can create a semiclassical framework such that
$$ \dot{\mathbf{k}} = \frac{i}{\hbar}\left(-e \mathbf{E} \right)$$
$$\dot{\mathbf{x}} = \frac{1}{\hbar}\nabla \epsilon_n(\mathbf{k}) $$

Where ##\epsilon_n(\mathbf{k}) ## represents the energies in the n-th band. This topic is covered in Ch. 12 of Ashcroft and Mermin. This may not be the final word on the subject but I hope it helps.

Semi-classical wave packet, or localization of wave function (WF) of electron, works well as basis for explaining electron transportation in semi-conductors. But it seems failed in explaining superconditivity and normal conductivity in a single crystal.

In addition, it is doubtful whether the WF of an electron in a single crystal can be localized; the WF would be a summation of discrete Bloch functions. Can any summation of a set of (a limited number of) discrete periodic functions be local? This question seems partly taken care of in the textbook material at:

where it is said in its discussion of wave packet:

"If the crystal is infinite in size, the wave number
can take any value. (For a crystal in a finite-size periodic box as studied in chapter 6.22, the values of
are discrete. However, this subsection will assume an infinite crystal.)"

Does it indicate that a wave packet cannot be realized in a true (finite) single crystal?
  • #4
At least in a superconductor, the situation is easy: There can be no static electric field inside as it will be screened perfectly.
In a metal, the electric field is usually similar. There is practically no electric field inside the conductor.
You could also consider the following situation: The conductor has the shape of a ring and you are ramping up at constant rate a magnetic field in its center (but with B=0 in the conductor). This gives rise to a constant electric field in the conductor which can be derived from a vector potential A(phi)=-Et.
As A does not depend on phi, the eigenvectors are still Bloch functions with constant k, however, the energy of the k states increases with time. The current is j=dE/dA=e/m(k-eA) and increases linearly with time as should be, if there is no resistance.

FAQ: QM explanation of electron conduction in crystal

1. What is the quantum mechanical explanation for electron conduction in crystals?

The quantum mechanical explanation for electron conduction in crystals is based on the concept of band theory. In this theory, electrons in a crystal are described as existing in energy bands, with a large number of closely spaced energy levels. The electrons in the highest energy band, known as the valence band, are tightly bound to the atoms in the crystal. However, there is also an empty band of higher energy levels, known as the conduction band, which allows some electrons to move through the crystal and conduct electricity.

2. How do energy levels in a crystal affect electron conduction?

The energy levels in a crystal determine the conductivity of the material. In a perfect crystal, the energy levels are arranged in a continuous band, allowing electrons to easily move from the valence band to the conduction band. In imperfect crystals, such as those with impurities or defects, the energy levels may become localized, making it more difficult for electrons to move through the material.

3. Why do some materials conduct electricity while others do not?

The ability of a material to conduct electricity is determined by its band structure. Materials with a large energy gap between the valence and conduction bands, such as insulators, do not allow electrons to easily move between the bands and therefore do not conduct electricity. In contrast, materials with a small energy gap, such as metals, allow electrons to easily move between the bands and conduct electricity.

4. How does temperature affect electron conduction in crystals?

Temperature plays a significant role in electron conduction in crystals. As the temperature increases, the energy levels in the crystal become more populated, allowing electrons to move more freely between the bands and increasing the material's conductivity. In contrast, at very low temperatures, the energy levels may become too spread out, making it more difficult for electrons to move and decreasing the material's conductivity.

5. Can quantum mechanics explain all aspects of electron conduction in crystals?

While quantum mechanics provides a comprehensive explanation for electron conduction in crystals, it is not the only factor at play. Other factors, such as crystal structure, impurities, and defects, also play a role in determining a material's conductivity. Additionally, at very small scales, the laws of classical physics may also come into play, making a complete understanding of electron conduction in crystals a complex and ongoing area of research.
