QM interpretation like Many Worlds but with 'real' particles?

In summary: The wavefunction is thought of as an integer (or a function that takes integers as input), and this integer representation is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle at a certain location in configuration space. This integer representation is not a 'real' thing, it's just an approximation.
  • #1
Hello Forum,

I've been reading about MWI, the Bohm interpretation, and Feynman QED.
Combining elements from these interpretations, I've been building up my own simple mental model of 'how to picture the state of affairs', and I've been speculating about the feasibility of interpretations which employ some or all of the following aspects:

-One would consider the configuration space where any possible (positional) arrangement of particles in the Universe is a valid 'world' (or we could say 'observable moment')

-Configurations that are identical in every way except for phase are 'summed together' to give one resultant 'world', using the vector addition of phase; this would produce interference phenomenon by "cancelling out" the existence of particles at certain positions
(or a different approach might be necessary in considering which worlds to sum together)

-To determine phase, consider all state-transition-paths (for each particle) leading to a given world from any other world, using something like a Feynman path integral

-Time only exists as an emergent thing; rather we only have 'changes of configuration' which can step backwards and forwards in so-called 'time'

-The Wave Function would perhaps not need to be considered 'real', but would just emerge from the ensemble behaviour of particles and the rules for summing path integrals

I think such an interpretation would yield appealing features such as Determinism, Configuration-Space Locality, and perhaps a straightforward approach to the Measurement Problem. On the other hand, I may be making all kinds of mistakes! :)

Question1: can anyone point me to any links/articles/discussion of interpretations similar to what I am describing?

Question2: are there any obvious flaws or 'gotchas' you see already in this type of interpretation?

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  • #2
Well, I admit I'm new to the forum and something tells me I asked too much at once.
Let me try to start more simply:

As mentioned in
http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Interpretations_of_quantum_mechanics#endnote_note3 , particles are considered 'real' entities in de Broglie-Bohm theory.

Does anyone know of interpretive theories similar to Many-Worlds but with particles as 'real entities' rather than the universal wavefunction?
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  • #4
Thanks Fyzix, that link looks really helpful.

And it's good to see the lingo people are using around these ideas, so I can express myself better, e.g."The most obvious way to do that might be to assume that the wavefunction is represented by an integer function on configuration space rather than a continuous function. (If configuration space is also discrete, that is one way an approximate discrete numerical representation of a continuous wave function might be done on a digital computer.)"

This is a concept I've been trying to phrase properly.

FAQ: QM interpretation like Many Worlds but with 'real' particles?

1. What is the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics?

The Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics proposes that every time a quantum event occurs, the universe splits into multiple parallel universes, each containing a different outcome of the event. This means that all possible outcomes of a quantum event actually occur in different universes simultaneously.

2. How does the Many Worlds interpretation differ from other interpretations of quantum mechanics?

The Many Worlds interpretation differs from other interpretations, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, in that it does not involve wave function collapse. Instead, all possible outcomes of a quantum event are realized in different universes, rather than just one outcome being chosen.

3. Are the parallel universes in the Many Worlds interpretation real?

The Many Worlds interpretation posits that the parallel universes are equally real and exist simultaneously. However, it is important to note that these parallel universes are not accessible or observable from our own universe, so they cannot be confirmed or disproven by scientific experiments.

4. How does the Many Worlds interpretation handle the measurement problem?

The measurement problem in quantum mechanics refers to the question of how a quantum system's wave function collapses into a single state upon measurement. In the Many Worlds interpretation, this is not an issue, as all possible outcomes exist in different universes, so there is no need for a collapse of the wave function.

5. Can the Many Worlds interpretation be proven or disproven?

Since the Many Worlds interpretation involves parallel universes that are not observable or testable from our own universe, it cannot be proven or disproven by scientific experiments. It is considered a theoretical interpretation of quantum mechanics and remains a subject of debate and speculation among scientists.

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