Quadratic equation with rational roots

In summary, the equation is $ax^2 + (a+k)x + (a+2k) = 0$, and the solutions are $x = \frac1{2a}\bigl( -a-k \pm\sqrt{(a+k)^2 - 4a(a+2k)}\bigr).$ The condition for rational roots is that the expression under the square root should be a square, namely $(a+k)^2 - 4a(a+2k) = \Box.$ Write that as $(k-3a)^2 - 3(2a
  • #1
Gold Member
form quadratic equation $ax^2 +bx+c=0$ in parametric form such that a,b,c are integers in AP and it has got rational roots
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  • #2
I worked this out when thinking about http://mathhelpboards.com/challenge-questions-puzzles-28/forming-quadratic-equation-10437.html.

[sp]Let $b = a+k$ and $c = a+2k$. Then the equation is $ax^2 + (a+k)x + (a+2k) = 0$, and the solutions are $x = \frac1{2a}\bigl( -a-k \pm\sqrt{(a+k)^2 - 4a(a+2k)}\bigr).$ The condition for rational roots is that the expression under the square root should be a square, namely $(a+k)^2 - 4a(a+2k) = \Box.$ Write that as $(k-3a)^2 - 3(2a)^2 = \Box$. This shows that we are looking for integer solutions of the equation $x^2 + 3y^2 = z^2.$

That is similar to the Pythagorean triples equation. As in that equation, we look for primitive solutions (those in which $x$, $y$ and $z$ are co-prime). The method is similar to the Pythagorean case, and the parametric formula for the solution is that for any co-prime integers $m$, $n$, with $m$ not a multiple of $3$, we have $x=3n^2 - m^2$, $y = 2mn$ and $z = 3n^2+m^2$. In terms of $a$ and $k$, that gives $a = mn$, $k = m^2+3mn+3n^2$. Finally, if we substitute into the expressions for $b$ and $c$, we see that the primitive solutions are $$a = mn,$$ $$b = m^2 + 4mn + 3n^2,$$ $$c = 2m^2 + 7mn + 6n^2,$$ where (as before) $m$ and $n$ are co-prime and $m$ is not a multiple of $3$.[/sp]
  • #3
kaliprasad said:
form quadratic equation $ax^2 +bx+c=0$ in parametric form such that a,b,c are integers in AP and it has got rational roots
let $a=b-d, c=b+d$
if it has got rational roots
we have :$b^2-4(b+d)(b-d)=b^2-4(b^2-d^2)=4d^2-3b^2=k^2$
here $b,d,k\in Z$
there are many quadratic equatons meet the restriction
in particular if $c=(b+d)=0 \,\,or\,\,(d=-b)$the equation will be:
and the solutons are $x=0,$ and $x=\dfrac {-1}{2}$
if $b=0 \,\,and\,\,(d\neq 0)$the equation will be:
and the solutons are $x=\pm1$
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  • #4
This is to reconcile Albert's solution with mine.

[sp]I defined a primitive solution to be one in which the coefficients $a$, $b$, $c$ have no common factor (other than $\pm1$). In Albert's family of equations $2bx^2 + bx = 0$, the only primitive solutions are those where $b = \pm1.$ In particular, if $b = -1$ then the equation becomes $(-2)x^2 + (-1)x + 0 = 0$, which occurs in my family of primitive solutions by taking $m= -2$ and $n=1$.

That example raises something that I overlooked in my solution. My formula for the common difference $k$ in the AP is $k = m^2 + 3mn + 3n^2$. That expression is positive definite, so my formula only covers equations whose coefficients form an AP in which the common difference is positive. But if $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ has coefficients forming an AP with negative common difference then by taking its negative you get the equation $(-a)x^2 + (-b)x + (-c) = 0$. That is obviously just a different way of writing the same equation, but this time the coefficients form an AP with positive common difference.

So I need to reformulate the definition of a primitive solution to be one in which $a$, $b$, $c$ have no common factor (other than $\pm1$) and the common difference $b-a$ is positive. Then the formula $$a = mn,$$ $$b = m^2 + 4mn + 3n^2,$$ $$c = 2m^2 + 7mn + 6n^2,$$ where $m$ and $n$ are nonzero co-prime integers, $m$ is not a multiple of $3$, and $n>0$, gives what the OP wanted, namely a parametric form for the primitive solutions. The general solution is then obtained by multiplying all the coefficients in a primitive solution by some nonzero integer $d$.[/sp]
  • #5
my solution

Let the quadratic equation be

$ax^2+bx+c = 0$as the coefficients are in ap so let common difference be y so b-a = y c-b = y

or a = b-y and c = b+ y

for the equation to have rational roots we have

discriminant is a perfect square that is say $n^2$$b^2 – 4 ac = n^2$

or $b^2-4(b-y)(b+y) = n^2$

or $b^2-4(b^2 – y^2) = n^2$

or $4y^2-3b^2= n^2$

dividing by $n^2$ and letting $\frac{b}{n} = t$ and $\frac{y}{n}$ = s we get

$4s^2-3 t^2= 1$ ..1

s and t are real numbers

And from inspection we have a root s = $\frac{1}{2}$, t =0 is a rational root and to find another rational root we draw a straight line from (0,1/2)

We get $s = mt+ \frac{1}{2}$is a general root …(2)

So we put in 1 to get the intersection of the curve given in 1 with this straight line to get

$(2mt+1)^2 - 3t^2 = 1$

Or $4m^2t^2 +4mt+1 – 3t^2 = 1$

Or$ (4m^2-3)t^2 + 4mt = 0$

ignoring the starting solution t = 0 we get

$t= \frac{- 4m}{4m^2-3}$

so $s = mt+ \frac{1}{2}$ we get $s = -\frac{4m^2-8m + 3}{8m^2-6}$

now putting $n = 8m^2-6$ to get rid of denominator we get

b = -8m and $y = -4m^2+3$

so we get

$a = 4m^2 – 8m + 3$
$b = - 8m$
$c = -4m^2 -8m -3$

and taking m as different integers we get different solutions in integers

for example
m = 1 gives (-1,-8, -15) multiply by one we get x^2+ 8x + 15 = 0 giving factor (x+3)(x+5) rational
m = 2 gives (3,-16, -35) we get 3x^2 -16x -35= 0 giving (3x+5)(x-7)
m =3 gives (15,-24,-63) divide by 3 to get 5x^2-8x-21 = (5x+7)x-3)

so on

Related to Quadratic equation with rational roots

1. What is a quadratic equation with rational roots?

A quadratic equation with rational roots is a polynomial equation of degree 2 in which the coefficients and solutions are all rational numbers. This means that the equation can be written in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are rational numbers.

2. How do you know if a quadratic equation has rational roots?

A quadratic equation has rational roots if the discriminant, b^2-4ac, is a perfect square. This means that the square root of the discriminant is a rational number.

3. What is the formula for finding the roots of a quadratic equation with rational roots?

The formula for finding the roots of a quadratic equation with rational roots is x = (-b ± √(b^2-4ac)) / 2a. This is known as the quadratic formula.

4. Can a quadratic equation have rational roots even if the coefficients are not rational numbers?

Yes, a quadratic equation can have rational roots even if the coefficients are not rational numbers. This can occur if the irrational coefficients cancel out when using the quadratic formula.

5. What are some real-life applications of quadratic equations with rational roots?

Quadratic equations with rational roots can be used to model various real-life situations such as projectile motion, profit and loss in business, and the shape of a parabolic antenna. They are also commonly used in engineering and physics to solve problems involving motion and forces.

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