Quadratic equations and inequalities

In summary, the solution to the inequality |x-1|-|x|+|2x+3| > 2x+4 is the interval [0, 1), which can be determined by using the method of intervals and considering the sign of each expression involved. This method involves identifying the points where the argument of the absolute value function is 0 and using them to determine the intervals where the inequality holds true. The final solution set is the interval where all three expressions are positive, which in this case is [0, 1).
  • #1
Well suppose for an example of an inequality,
|x-1|-|x|+|2x+3| > 2x+4

Well in one of its solutions we were told to apply the method of intervals, rather than taking say what; like 8 combination of signs.

For everyone of its intervals(say -3/2 [itex]\leq[/itex]x <0) we are said that 2x+3 [itex]\geq[/itex] 0, x<0 and x-1<0.

Is it just an intuitive outcome(guessing by the extremities of the limits) or did we do something to predict what the signs of the expressions will be?(as i was wondering if any such intervals, which violated an intuitive outcome ?)
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  • #2
I'm not sure what you mean by "intuitive" but the method of "predicting" the sign is to use the definition of "absolute value": |x|= x if [itex]x\ge 0[/itex], -x if x< 0.

Of course that says that the "change" comes when the argument of the absolute value function is 0. In order to deal with |x-1|-|x|+|2x+3| > 2x+4, I would note that x-1= 0 when x=1, x= 0 when x= 0, of course, and 2x+3= 0 when x= -3/2. Now put those in order: -3/2< 0 < 1. So if x< -3/2, it is also less than 0 and 1 and all of x-1, x and 2x+3 are negative. For x< -3/2, the inequality becomes -(x- 1)-(-x)+ (-(2x+3))> 2x+ 4. That is the same as -x+ 1+ x- 2x- 3= -2x- 2> 2x+ 4 which is, in turn, equivalent to -6> 4x or -3/2< x. Of course, if x< -3/2, "-3/2< x" can't be true so there is NO value of x, less than -3/2, satisfying that inequality.

If [itex]-3/2\le x< 0[/itex], x and x- 1 are still negative but 2x+3 is now non-negative and so the inequality is -(x-1)-(-x)+ (2x+3)> 2x+ 4. That is the same as -x+ 1+ x+ 2x+ 3= 2x+ 4> 2x+4 which is, again, never true (they equal not "larger than"). There is no x between -3/2 and 0 satifying this inequality.

If [itex]0\le x< 1[/itex] both 2x+3 and x are positive but x- 1 is still negative. Now the unquality is -(x-1)- x+ (2x+3)> 2x+ 3. That is the same as -x+ 1+ x+ 2x+ 3= 2x+ 4> 2x+ 3 which is always true. Every value of x, [itex]0\le x< 1[/itex] satisfies this inequality.

Finally, if [itex]x\ge 1[/itex] all three of x-1, x, and 2x+3 are positive. Now the inequality is (x- 1)- x+ (2x+ 3)= 2x+ 2> 2x+ 3. That is never true.

Putting all of those together, the original inequality is satified for all x, [itex]0\le x< 1[/itex] and no other x. The solution set is the interval [0, 1).

FAQ: Quadratic equations and inequalities

1. What is a quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is a mathematical expression of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are constants and x is the variable. It is a polynomial equation of degree 2 and has two solutions or roots.

2. How do you solve a quadratic equation?

To solve a quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula, which is x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a. You can also factor the equation or use the completing the square method. Additionally, there are many online calculators and software programs available for solving quadratic equations.

3. What is the discriminant of a quadratic equation?

The discriminant of a quadratic equation is the value under the square root in the quadratic formula, b^2 - 4ac. It determines the nature of the roots of the equation. If the discriminant is positive, the equation has two distinct real roots. If it is zero, the equation has one real root. And if it is negative, the equation has no real roots.

4. What is the difference between quadratic equations and inequalities?

A quadratic equation is a mathematical expression that is set equal to zero, while a quadratic inequality is a mathematical expression that is set to be greater than or less than zero. In other words, an equation has an equal sign, while an inequality has a greater than or less than sign.

5. How do you graph a quadratic equation or inequality?

To graph a quadratic equation or inequality, you can use a coordinate plane and plot points to create a parabola. The equation or inequality will determine the shape, direction, and location of the parabola. You can also use online graphing tools or graphing calculators for more accurate and efficient graphs.

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