Qualifying Propylene Glycol amounts for specific volume

In summary, the product suggests using Propylene Glycol as a main ingredient to control relative humidity and it appears to be a poor consideration for these types of instruments. The Dow document provides formulas for calculating how much water is needed to maintain equilibrium in contact with air, depending on the temperature and humidity. This product requires a significantly larger quantity of solution to be effective, and may also evaporate.
  • #1
Hello all, I am a newbie to this site and have found some interesting discussions herein, so I thought it worthwhile asking the collective wisdom of this group about Hygroscopic liquid calculations that I am struggling to correlate.

It has been several years now since I worked as an electronics engineer for the science industry, and am now a bit rusty in my skill set. As a hobby, I am evaluating many types of desiccants (and humectants) for assisting in the maintenance of wooden acoustic musical instruments. I have been reviewing a product that appears to use Propylene Glycol as a main ingredient, within a method of controlling relative humidity and I cannot seem to qualify the claims made by the manufacturer, leaving me to suspect it is a poor consideration for these types of instruments.

Dow has a 'guide to Glycols' that I am using:

The product under review is found at:

This company suggests "Saturate each sponge with approximately 1 oz. of Activation Solution" and identify an ingredient of the solution as "CONTAINS PROPYLENE GLYCOL".

The Dow document Figure 3 provides percent by weight (PBW) of glycol in water solution required to maintain equilibrium in contact with air of various temperatures and humidity’s. I have extrapolated formula from calculations Dow provides in their 'Humectancy Example' as;

x = quantity of water required
y = quantity of solution needed
z = total amount of PG required

y = x / (1 - PBW/100)
z = y - x

The wikipedia definition of 'Humectancy' "is one of a group of hygroscopic substances used to keep things moist; it is the opposite of a desiccant." This product appears to be suggesting it is a solution towards maintaining an equilibrium, regardless of whether their customers keep acoustic musical instruments in dry/arid or humid environments, and makes no mention of vapour pressure, etc.

Referring to http://www.thomasnet.com/articles/chemicals/liquid-desiccant-drying, Propylene Glycal (PG) does not seem an ideal choice for that purpose as it requires higher concentrations to achieve equilibrium and may also evaporate (is typically used in lower temperature operations in which evaporation rates are lower). A significantly larger amount of solution is necessary to work as a desiccant; only so far as its volumetric nature allows it to gather water, the capacity of PG to absorb water is very minimal.

HumiCase - humidification guidelines: (HumiCase Product Care Brochure, n.d.)
• Y = 2 * 1oz 'solution' = 60ml activation solution
• 'compound' treated Sponge

The percentage by weight ratio of water to Propylene Glycol is very important for specifics environmental conditions. For 50% RH @ 27 ºC, the ratio of y = (z / 0.81) for a solution of y. "Assuming" that this product has taken this into account, I am still left with the question;

Q. At what volume of environment would this be likely to be effective and for how long?

A few other concerns evolve about storing any quantity of liquid with a wooden acoustic instrument and the ratio of solution from head to body of the guitar since a guitar body is ~90% of the volume; we want to equalise the RH between ends.
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Any comments, experiences, or advice from anyone, on the efficacy of a product like this and/or my calculations, would be greatly appreciated.Thank you for your time.

FAQ: Qualifying Propylene Glycol amounts for specific volume

What is propylene glycol and why is it important in specific volume calculations?

Propylene glycol is a chemical compound commonly used as a solvent or humectant in various industries. It is important in specific volume calculations because it can affect the density and viscosity of a solution, which in turn can impact the volume measurement.

How do I determine the appropriate amount of propylene glycol for a specific volume?

The appropriate amount of propylene glycol for a specific volume can be determined by using the specific gravity (SG) of the solution and the desired volume. The formula for calculating the amount of propylene glycol is: Amount of PG (in ml) = (SG of solution - 1) x Desired volume (in ml).

Can I use any type of propylene glycol in specific volume calculations?

No, not all types of propylene glycol can be used in specific volume calculations. Only pure propylene glycol or diluted solutions with a known SG can be accurately measured. Other additives or impurities in propylene glycol may affect the density and therefore, the specific volume.

Is there a specific temperature at which propylene glycol should be measured for specific volume calculations?

Yes, the temperature at which propylene glycol is measured can affect its density and therefore, the specific volume. The standard temperature for measuring propylene glycol is 20 degrees Celsius.

What are some common applications of specific volume calculations using propylene glycol?

Specific volume calculations using propylene glycol are commonly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverage, and industrial chemicals. It is used to accurately measure and control the volume of solutions in various products and processes.

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