Quantity conservation and calculus

In summary, the conversation discusses the motion of a planet around the sun and the governing equation for this motion. The participants then explore the conservation of various quantities, including total energy, angular momentum, and the Lenz-Runge vector. The conversation also includes hints for interpreting the constancy of J geometrically and proving that L points in the direction of the major axis of the ellipse. The participants seek guidance on how to approach these tasks.
  • #1
Hi, I was hoping someone could offer some guidance with the following, I don't even know how to start it.

The motion of a planet of mass m around the sun of mass M is governed by the following equation (note r is a vector):

d^2r = -k r (this should be the second derivative of vector r dt but I could not get it to underline)
dt^2 ||r||^3

where K=Gm (G is the gravitational constant) and r(t) is the position of the planet relative to the sun.

1. Show the following quantities are conserved.

a. Total energy (the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of the planet).

b. The angular momentum of the planet J.

c.The lenz- Runge vector L= dr x J - mk r
dt ||r|| (the dt should be under the dr and the ||r|| under the J - mkr )
Hint: (a x b) x c = (a.c)b- (b.c)a (note a.c is scalar product of a and c similarly b.c is scalar product of b and c).

2. (a) Interpret the constancy of J geometrically.
(b). Assume the planet moves in an ellipse with one focus at the sun, show by considering the point when the planet is furthest from the sun that L points in the direction of the major axis of the ellipse.
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  • #2
For 1. I would start by taking the derivatives of both sides of the equation and showing that they are equal to zero. For 2. (a) I'm not sure how to interpret the constancy of J geometrically and for 2. (b) I'm not sure how to show that L points in the direction of the major axis of the ellipse. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  • #3


Conservation laws are fundamental principles in physics that describe the behavior of physical systems. In this case, we are dealing with the conservation of energy, angular momentum, and the Lenz-Runge vector for a planet orbiting the sun. These quantities are conserved because the gravitational force between the planet and the sun is a conservative force, meaning that it does not depend on the path taken by the planet.

1. To show that the total energy is conserved, we can use the equation for the total energy of the system:

E = K + U = 1/2 mv^2 - GmM/r

where K is the kinetic energy, U is the potential energy, and v is the velocity of the planet. Taking the derivative with respect to time, we get:

dE/dt = mv(dv/dt) - GmM(dr/dt)/r^2

Using the given equation for the motion of the planet, we can substitute dv/dt and dr/dt to get:

dE/dt = -kv^2/r^2 - kv^2/r^2 = 0

Since the derivative of the total energy is zero, we can conclude that the total energy is conserved.

To show that the angular momentum is conserved, we can use the definition of angular momentum:

J = r x p = r x mv

where p is the momentum of the planet. Taking the derivative with respect to time, we get:

dJ/dt = r x (mdv/dt) + (dr/dt) x mv

Using the given equation for the motion of the planet, we can substitute dv/dt and dr/dt to get:

dJ/dt = r x (-kr/r^3) + (dr/dt) x mv

= -kr x (r/r^3) + (dr/dt) x (dr/dt)

= -kr x (1/r^2) + (dr/dt) x (dr/dt)

= 0

Since the derivative of the angular momentum is zero, we can conclude that the angular momentum is conserved.

To show that the Lenz-Runge vector is conserved, we can use the definition:

L = dr x J - mk r/||r||

where k is the gravitational constant. Taking the derivative with respect to time, we get:

dL/dt = (d^2r

FAQ: Quantity conservation and calculus

1. What is quantity conservation?

Quantity conservation is a fundamental principle in science that states that the total amount of a substance or quantity in a closed system remains constant over time, regardless of any transformations or changes that occur within the system.

2. How does calculus relate to quantity conservation?

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and accumulation. It is used to model and analyze systems where quantity conservation is present. By using calculus, scientists can understand how a system's variables change over time and how they affect the overall quantity conservation.

3. Can quantity conservation be violated?

In a closed system, quantity conservation cannot be violated as the total amount of a substance must remain constant. However, in an open system where matter or energy can enter or leave, quantity conservation can be violated if there is a net change in the system's total quantity.

4. What is the role of differential equations in understanding quantity conservation?

Differential equations are mathematical equations that describe the relationship between a quantity and its rate of change. They are used to model and predict how a system's variables will change over time, allowing scientists to understand and analyze the principles of quantity conservation.

5. Are there any practical applications of quantity conservation and calculus?

Yes, there are many practical applications of quantity conservation and calculus in various fields of science and engineering. For example, in physics, calculus is used to understand the conservation of energy and momentum. In chemistry, it is used to study reactions and the conservation of mass. In economics, it is used to analyze changes in supply and demand. In general, the principles of quantity conservation and calculus are essential in understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems.
