Quantity of zeros on a ring - Complex Analysis

In summary, Rouche's theorem tells us that the number of zeroes of a function inside a circle is the same as the number of zeroes of the function inside a ring of a particular radius.
  • #1
Determine the quantitiy of zeroes of the function:
a) Inside the circle [itex]| z | < 1[/itex]
b) Inside the ring [itex]1 \leq | z | < 2[/itex]a)
As [itex]|h(z)| \geq |g(z)| \forall z : | z | = 1[/itex]
Then by Rouche's Theorem the number of zeros of the function inside the circle is the same than [itex]h(z)[/itex] (0 zeroes).
b) My idea was to calculate the number of zeroes in [itex]| z | < 2[/itex] and substract the number of zeroes in [itex]| z | < 1[/itex].
But I can't find a pair of functions to use Roche's Theorem.
Any hint?
I ploted here:
And I'm starting to suspect that the statement is wrong, the roots are very close to the circle and I guess that this is what make the functions so hard to find.
But I may be wrong and perhaps it's a easy way to decompose [itex]f(z)[/itex]
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
(a) is correct.
And I'm starting to suspect that the statement is wrong
Which statement?

As all roots appear in pairs, you just have to distinguish between three cases for the numbers of roots inside. It looks like a clever contour integral can help, but I'm not sure how exactly.
  • #3
The function, because b) is very hard =/ the modulus of a pair of roots is 1.993.
  • #5
Sorry... I forget to take the square root, so it isn't 1.993, its 1.412.
Thank you, I'll continue trying (I tried 5-6 decompositions until I used wolframalpha and I thought it was way harder than it's).
  • #6
My professor said that the exercise was miswritten, it was meant to be easier to use Rouche's theorem than others method.
  • #7
SqueeSpleen said:
My professor said that the exercise was miswritten, it was meant to be easier to use Rouche's theorem than others method.

Very good then. I hate it when I can't do these. Ask your professor to let us to this one instead (same problem):

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  • #8
Around the same contour this one is easy, because [itex]| 2^{7} | > | 40 | + | 12 | \geq | 5z^{3} + 12 |[/itex] (When [itex]| z | = 2[/itex])
(Triangular inequality).
Then you have 7 zeroes here (As [itex] z^{7} [/itex] has 7).
As you have:
[itex]| 12 | > | 5 | + | 1 | \geq | 5z^{3} + z^{7} |[/itex] (When [itex]| z | = 1[/itex]) you have 0 zeroes in the circle of radius 1.
Then all the zeroes are in the ring of outer radius 2 and inner radius 1.
(If the zeroes are n in the circle of radius 1 and m in the circle of radius 2, in the ring they're m-n).
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  • #9
SqueeSpleen said:
Around the same contour this one is easy, because [itex]| 2^{7} | > | 40 | + | 12 | \geq | 5z^{3} + 12 |[/itex] (When [itex]| z | = 2[/itex])
(Triangular inequality).
Then you have 7 zeroes here (As [itex] z^{7} [/itex] has 7).
As you have:
[itex]| 12 | > | 5 | + | 1 | \geq | 5z^{3} + z^{7} |[/itex] (When [itex]| z | = 1[/itex]) you have 0 zeroes in the circle of radius 1.
Then all the zeroes are in the ring of outer radius 2 and inner radius 1.
(If the zeroes are n in the circle of radius 1 and m in the circle of radius 2, in the ring they're m-n).

Very good. If the objective of this exercise is to expose and teach you Rouche's Theorem, then going through just this easy one is much better in my opinion then a lesson in frustration with one we can't do. :)

FAQ: Quantity of zeros on a ring - Complex Analysis

1. How do you determine the quantity of zeros on a ring in complex analysis?

In complex analysis, the quantity of zeros on a ring can be determined by using the argument principle. This principle states that the number of zeros within a closed curve is equal to the difference between the number of poles and the number of poles located within the curve.

2. What is the significance of the quantity of zeros on a ring in complex analysis?

The quantity of zeros on a ring in complex analysis can reveal important information about the behavior of a function. It can help identify the location of singularities, the number of solutions to an equation, and the geometry of a function.

3. Can the quantity of zeros on a ring be negative in complex analysis?

No, the quantity of zeros on a ring cannot be negative in complex analysis. This is because the argument principle only counts the difference between poles and zeros, and does not consider the individual values. Therefore, the quantity of zeros on a ring is always a positive integer or zero.

4. How does the quantity of zeros on a ring relate to the degree of a polynomial in complex analysis?

In complex analysis, the quantity of zeros on a ring is directly related to the degree of a polynomial. This is because the degree of a polynomial is equal to the number of zeros it has, taking into account multiplicity. For example, a polynomial of degree 3 will have 3 zeros on a ring.

5. Can the quantity of zeros on a ring change as the function is modified in complex analysis?

Yes, the quantity of zeros on a ring can change as the function is modified in complex analysis. As the function is modified, the location of its zeros may shift or new zeros may be introduced. However, the total quantity of zeros on a ring will remain the same unless the function has a singularity within the curve.
