Quantium Physics or Theorectial Physics?

  • Thread starter Radiatedtheory18
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In summary, particle accelerators are used to target beta particles at alpha targets. While it is possible to collide alpha and beta particles, it is more efficient to direct an electron beam at stationary helium ions. Particle physics experiments typically use electron-positron or proton-antiproton colliders to produce new particles. Colliding particles allows researchers to observe and study various subatomic particles, such as quarks and mesons, that are produced in the collisions. This method allows for a more detailed understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter.
  • #1
Beta particles can be targeted at a alpha target (negative vs positive). I was wondering that this can be done using a Particle accelerator. This guy i saw working on this was working with sub atomic particles quarks etc if I am correct? I was wondering what would be the reason this was being done? in physics terms of course
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sure, you could smash alpha particles and beta particles together, but since the two particles have radically different masses, you wouldn't use a collider. You'd instead just direct an electron beam (beta ray) at a stationary sample of helium ions.

Particle physics is largely done with electron-positron colliders (LEP @ CERN) and proton-antiproton colliders (Tevatron @ Fermilab) these days.

The reason we collide particles is because the energy is manifested in lots of new particles -- say you smash a proton and an antiproton together -- you get out huge jets of (sometimes) thousands of particles. We sift through all the debris from hundreds of thousands of interactions to find the particles we want to find -- for example, a particular quark or meson resonance.

- Warren
  • #3
Don't forget new heavy ion colliders, like RHIC at Brookhaven.

FAQ: Quantium Physics or Theorectial Physics?

1. What is quantum physics?

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It explains the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of these particles and their interactions.

2. What is the difference between quantum physics and theoretical physics?

Quantum physics is a specific field within theoretical physics that focuses on the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Theoretical physics, on the other hand, encompasses a broader range of theoretical frameworks and models used to understand and explain various physical phenomena.

3. How does quantum physics impact our daily lives?

Quantum physics has had a significant impact on various technologies that we use every day, such as transistors, lasers, and computer memory. It also plays a crucial role in modern medicine, including MRI machines and radiation therapy. Additionally, many of our modern communication technologies, such as smartphones and GPS, rely on the principles of quantum physics.

4. How does quantum mechanics challenge our understanding of reality?

Quantum mechanics challenges our traditional understanding of reality by introducing concepts such as wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement. These ideas suggest that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously and that their behavior is unpredictable. This differs from our classical understanding of the world, where objects have a definite position and predictable behavior.

5. What are the real-world applications of quantum physics?

Quantum physics has many practical applications, including quantum computing, cryptography, and quantum sensors. It also has potential uses in energy production, such as in more efficient solar panels, and in materials science for developing stronger and more lightweight materials. Additionally, quantum physics is being explored for its potential in creating new medicines and improving drug delivery methods.
