Quantization of Length: Can You Achieve Every Length Between 1" and 2"?

In summary: Quantization is the only way to encode all the information that we can know about a system. It provides a way of managing all the information. It is only natural of course that Uncertainty and quantization are related in this way. Quantization is the only way to encode all the information that we can know about a system. It provides a way of managing all the information.
  • #1
Do I understand this?-if I stretch a rubber band from a 1" length to a 2" length...

If I stretch a rubber band from a 1" length to a 2" length, is it true that it was not all possible lengths between 1" and 2" sometime during the stretch?

In other words, at some level, quantization enters in and makes it impossible to achieve every possible length between one and two inches?
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  • #2

Axuality said:
If I stretch a rubber band from a 1" length to a 2" length, is it true that it was not all possible lengths between 1" and 2" sometime during the stretch?

In other words, at some level, quantization enters in and makes it impossible to achieve every possible length between one and two inches?

No. In QM only stationary sates are quantized so there are non stationary, transient states (described with superpositions of stationary ones with changing coefficients) when intermediary positions are possible.
  • #3

Bob_for_short said:
No. In QM only stationary sates are quantized so there are non stationary, transient states (described with superpositions of stationary ones with changing coefficients) when intermediary positions are possible.

Thank you. And then am I to understand that I couldn't have STOPPED the rubber band at any length I so choose, (in other words at one of those transient states)?
  • #4

The length is never quantized in QM so any length is possible. On a quantum level it will just fluctuate a little bit.
  • #5

Bob_for_short said:
No. In QM only stationary sates are quantized so there are non stationary, transient states (described with superpositions of stationary ones with changing coefficients) when intermediary positions are possible.

Thank you. And then am I to understand that I couldn't have STOPPED the rubber band at any length I so choose, (in other words at one of those transient states)?
  • #6

There's no quantization of length in the current theories, but there might be in a quantum theory of gravity. There is however another problem that will make it impossible to give your rubber band exactly the length you want it to have. None of its component particles has a position that's perfectly well defined. Their positions are always "smeared out" over some small region.
  • #7

I was about to post the same points as Fredrik ...In addition, Leonard Susskind in THE BLACK HOLE WAR claims such energy states ARE quantized, but for all practical purposes appear continuous on macroscopic scales...He also mentions the Braginsky standard quantum limit which reflects the optimal (but limited) accuracy of submicroscopic measurements...
  • #8

Fredrik said:
There's no quantization of length in the current theories, but there might be in a quantum theory of gravity. There is however another problem that will make it impossible to give your rubber band exactly the length you want it to have. None of its component particles has a position that's perfectly well defined. Their positions are always "smeared out" over some small region.

It appears evident that the smearing out of which you speak, explained by the Uncertainty Principle, is the mother of quantization of length. Due to the uncertainty, no length actually exists until it is defined(specified). Until all possible lengths are defined(unreasonable), then in the only reasonable definition of terms, all lengths do NOT exist yet. Hence quantization of length is actually necessitated and supported by the second problem you mention, uncertainty.

It is only natural of course that Uncertainty and quantization are related in this way.

FAQ: Quantization of Length: Can You Achieve Every Length Between 1" and 2"?

1. What is quantization of length?

Quantization of length is the concept that states that lengths can only take on discrete values or multiples of a smallest unit. This means that not all possible lengths between 1" and 2" can be achieved, as there is a minimum increment that must be followed.

2. Why is quantization of length important?

Quantization of length is important because it helps us understand the fundamental nature of space and measurements. It also has practical applications in fields such as physics and engineering, where precise measurements are necessary.

3. Can you achieve every possible length between 1" and 2"?

No, due to quantization of length, not all possible lengths between 1" and 2" can be achieved. There will always be a smallest unit that must be followed, making some lengths impossible to achieve.

4. How is quantization of length related to other concepts like Planck length?

Quantization of length is related to Planck length, which is the smallest possible length that can exist in the universe. This means that all lengths are quantized in multiples of the Planck length.

5. Is quantization of length a proven concept?

Quantization of length is a well-established concept in physics, with evidence from numerous experiments and theories supporting its validity. However, it is still a topic of ongoing research and there may be aspects of it that are yet to be fully understood.
