Quantization of Mass: Exploring the Fundamental Building Blocks of Matter

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantization of radiation, specifically in relation to the most elementary particle and the idea of a point particle. The conversation also delves into the connection between rest energy, kinetic energy, and matter wave frequency. The speaker then shares their thoughts on the potential benefits of overcoming singularities and proposes a quantized one-dimensional space with local acceleration as a solution.
  • #1
i have drawn an analogy with the quantization of radiation(EM).the motivation behind this thought was "what is the most elemetary particle?"u may say quarks but i can divide it further if i have high energy particles,so then where is ending for this?i thought it's better not end up in point particle,where it does not have any spatial extension.
rest energy+kinetic energy=hf,where h=planck's
f=matter wave frequency.
i have undergone so many crazy thoughts about this one such is there is advatage here in overcoming singularity,beacuase ther is no zero energy particle(atleast ground state of vibrational energy and rest energy).
it may look very prematured thought but let me know the wrong thinking inthis
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  • #2
Your thinking is along the same track that I have been doing. I did have problem with point mass (mass without extension).

Newton used the point-mass model for his laws. Maxwell used point-charge for his theory of electromagnetism. One of the infinite number of solution of Einstein field equations is the singularity (point-spacetime). But when spacetime is exactly zero, all physical laws become meaningless including Einstein's general relativity.

Penrose and Hawking both believe that true naked singularity cannot be seen in order to avoid theoretical complications.

My proposal is to quantized one dimensional space with local acceleration conserved for a timelike force and a spacelike force giving rise to gravity and antigravity force.

FAQ: Quantization of Mass: Exploring the Fundamental Building Blocks of Matter

1) What is quantization of mass?

Quantization of mass is the concept that states that matter is made up of fundamental building blocks with specific, discrete values of mass. In other words, mass cannot be infinitely divided, but rather, it is composed of smaller, indivisible units.

2) Why is it important to explore the fundamental building blocks of matter?

Studying the fundamental building blocks of matter allows us to better understand the universe and its laws. It also helps us to develop technologies and make advancements in fields such as medicine, energy, and materials science.

3) How is mass quantized?

Mass is quantized through the properties of quantum mechanics, which govern the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. According to quantum mechanics, particles have both wave-like and particle-like properties, and their properties, including mass, are described by discrete values and probabilities.

4) Can mass be created or destroyed?

No, mass cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be converted into energy and vice versa, as stated by Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2. This is known as the law of conservation of mass and energy.

5) How does quantization of mass relate to the standard model of particle physics?

The standard model of particle physics is a theory that describes the fundamental particles and forces that make up the universe. It includes the concept of mass quantization, as all the particles in the standard model have specific and discrete values of mass. The standard model is the most successful theory we have for understanding the behavior of matter and its fundamental building blocks.
