Quantum attraction by exchange of particles

In summary, The standard explanation for particle exchange to produce repulsion and attraction is that each particle emits virtual photons in all directions, which results in a net exchange of photons between them. However, this explanation has two problems: 1) in the case of repulsion between two electrons, the direction has to be fine-tuned for the photon to hit the absorbing electron, which has a probability of zero, and 2) there is an asymmetry in which one electron is an emitter and one is an absorber. An alternative explanation is that the net effect of the emission and absorption of photons between two particles results in either repulsion or attraction, depending on the relative charges of the particles. This can be thought of as a casimir
  • #1
the standard (?) explanation for particle exchange to produce
repulsion and attraction is at:

this seems to me to have two problems.

1.) in the case of repulsion beteen two electrons,
the direction has to be fine tuned to contrive that the
absorbing electron gets hit by the photon.
the probability of that happening is zero.
(the probability of a straight line eminating from a
point hitting some other random point in 3-d space is zero)

2.) asymetry in that one electron is an emitter and one
is an absorber.

3.) attraction requires quite a bit of hand waving for such a
fundamental response (and also still requires a special fine tuning)

how about this for an alternative:

each particle emits virtual photons in all directions
(i am thinking sin waves in this example)
two electrons intereract because everything cancels out except
for the wave between them

-(e)=(e)- net effect: (e)=(e)

the net affect is a photon exchanged between them and repulsion
aka the usual feynman diagram >-<

electron and a positive charge interact similary, but because
of opposite charge

-(e)0(p)- net effect: -(e)0(p)-

the interior photon cancels to zero
leaving a net attraction
net efect is a feynman diagram -< >-

its kind of like a casimir effect.

for charge/EM the photon is like cos(q*wt + phi)
with phi the angle of emmission.
looking along the x-axis
for two charges q1 and q2
to the left
left=cos(q1 wt + pi ) + cos(q2 wt + pi)
in the middle
middle=cos(q1 wt + 0) + cos(q2 wt + pi)
to the right
right=cos(q1 wt + 0) + cos(q2 wt + 0)

if(q1 == q2) {
then left=0; right=0;
and there is an exchange of
photons in the middle = repulsion}

if(q1 == -q2){
then left=-2cos(qwt);right=2cos(qwt);

even more speculative, if you say the phase of the
photon is somehow a property of the spin , this could
also explain why gravity is always attractive

what do you think? crazy? already done?
i should go back to work?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
i think i have a sign wrong in my math, but you get the idea (i hope)
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your alternative explanation for quantum attraction by exchange of particles. Your idea is interesting and certainly worth exploring. However, it is important to note that the standard explanation for particle exchange is based on well-established theories and experimental evidence. While it is always valuable to consider alternative explanations and continue to question and explore scientific concepts, it is important to critically evaluate and test these ideas before accepting them as valid explanations. It is also important to consider the limitations and complexities of the theories and concepts involved, as well as the evidence supporting them. Ultimately, the scientific community will continue to investigate and refine our understanding of quantum attraction through further research and experimentation.

Related to Quantum attraction by exchange of particles

1. What is quantum attraction by exchange of particles?

Quantum attraction by exchange of particles is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where particles, such as electrons, exchange virtual particles called force carriers, which results in an attractive force between them.

2. How does quantum attraction by exchange of particles differ from classical attraction?

In classical attraction, particles are attracted to each other due to the force of gravity or electric charge. In quantum attraction, particles do not directly interact, but instead exchange virtual particles that create an attractive force between them.

3. What are some examples of quantum attraction by exchange of particles?

One example is the exchange of photons between two charged particles, such as electrons, which creates the electromagnetic force. Another example is the exchange of gluons between quarks, which creates the strong nuclear force.

4. How does quantum attraction by exchange of particles contribute to the stability of atoms?

Quantum attraction by exchange of particles is responsible for the strong nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, as well as the electromagnetic force that holds electrons in orbit around the nucleus. Without these forces, atoms would not be stable.

5. Can quantum attraction by exchange of particles be observed in real-life situations?

Yes, quantum attraction by exchange of particles has been observed and confirmed in various experiments and observations in the fields of particle physics and quantum mechanics. It plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and the structure of matter.

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