Quantum Confusion - Does not exist until it's observed and age of universe

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that the concept of time may not be applicable in the quantum world and that measurements and observations are necessary to give meaning to physical properties. It also mentions ongoing research in physics regarding this topic.
  • #1
Quantum Confusion -- "Does not exist until it's observed" and age of universe


I ran across this:


"It is a problem of assuming values of properties are "out there"
independently of the acts by which the values are determined. The
whole meaning of the value of a property is the value obtained by
a physical, dynamic act of measurement. To say what the position
of an electron is "between position measurements" is as nonsensical
as to say the electron is a "Republican" or "prefers orange to peach
jelly for breakfast". Science and especially physics is about what
we know as that is defined by empirical actual experiments."

So then I suppose, by the above, to talk about the position "in the vast ocean of time before measuring devices and humans existed" is "nonsense". But that itself doesn't, erm, make sense. It would mean that entire, vast fields of science -- cosmology, archaeology, palaeontology, geology, etc. would all be utterly meaningless since they'd be talking about conditions and things in a time when no "measuring devices" existed to make physical properties of "stuff" meaningful. If anything, it'd seem to lead us to take seriously the notion of this:


-- the universe's true age is limited by the time us and our measuring devices have existed for, which means the "13.7 billion years" often cited would actually be a meaningless figure, since it makes no sense to talk about a "universe" without observers in it to make things concrete. It would indicate that the universe appeared, in essentially its full form and only _seeming_ to be old, a few decades(!) or at most a few tens of thousands of years ago, when humans (for "observers") first appeared. (I suppose we could be generous, and try pushing it back a few hundred million years even, to the point of appearance of organisms with brains and what not. But billions of years? Forget it!) But that just don't seem right! What gives? What is the meaning of "the pre-human or pre-life universe" from a quantum point of view?
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  • #2

Time is not an observable in qm, there is no time operator and it is is most likely an emergent classical parameter associated with the act of measurement. When you do a measurement, you also select a (preferred) reference frame. That's not much help on your questions, but i doubt you'd get a satisfying answer anyway.
  • #3

I agree with Maui.

Additionally, this to my understanding seems to be an idea which is assuming that a certain interpretation or one of a certain series of possible interpretations of QM or more specifically the collapse of wave function is correct which we simply do not know.
  • #4

sshai45 said:
So then I suppose, by the above, to talk about the position "in the vast ocean of time before measuring devices and humans existed" is "nonsense".

Define "measurement" and "observation."

This is actual an active area of physics research.

See http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0306072

when no "measuring devices" existed to make physical properties of "stuff" meaningful.

It turns out that any sort of interaction with the "outside world" will do as a "measurement." It turns out to be extremely hard to avoid something getting "measured."
  • #5

I would like to provide a response to this content. Firstly, I would like to clarify that the statement "quantum confusion does not exist until it's observed" is not entirely accurate. Quantum mechanics is a well-established theory that has been extensively tested and validated through experiments and observations. It describes the behavior of particles at a microscopic level, and its predictions have been proven to be accurate.

The concept of quantum observation does not mean that things do not exist until they are observed. It simply means that the act of observation affects the state of the system being observed. In other words, the outcome of a measurement is dependent on the act of measurement itself. This does not mean that the particles or properties being measured do not exist until they are observed. They exist regardless of our ability to measure them.

Furthermore, the age of the universe is not dependent on our ability to observe it. The age of the universe is determined by various scientific methods, such as measuring the expansion of the universe and studying the cosmic microwave background radiation. These methods do not rely on human observation or the existence of measuring devices.

While it is true that our understanding of the universe is limited by our ability to observe and measure it, this does not mean that the universe only exists when we observe it. Scientific theories and principles, including quantum mechanics, help us make sense of the universe and its workings, even if we cannot directly observe them.

In conclusion, the statement "quantum confusion does not exist until it's observed" is not an accurate representation of quantum mechanics. The universe and its properties exist regardless of our ability to observe them, and our understanding of the universe is not limited by our existence as observers. Science continues to expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe, and we should not discount the importance of scientific theories and principles in our understanding of the world around us.

FAQ: Quantum Confusion - Does not exist until it's observed and age of universe

What is quantum confusion?

Quantum confusion is a concept in quantum mechanics that states that a particle does not exist in a definite state until it is observed or measured. This is also known as the observer effect.

How does quantum confusion relate to the age of the universe?

Quantum confusion is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics, which is the theory that describes the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale. The age of the universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years, and quantum confusion plays a role in our understanding of the early universe and the formation of structures such as galaxies and stars.

Does quantum confusion mean that reality does not exist until it is observed?

No, quantum confusion does not mean that reality does not exist until it is observed. It simply means that particles do not have a definite state until they are observed or measured. The world around us still exists and behaves according to classical physics, but at the quantum level, things may behave differently.

How do scientists study quantum confusion?

Scientists study quantum confusion through various experiments, such as the double-slit experiment, which demonstrates the wave-particle duality of matter. They also use mathematical models and theories, such as the Schrödinger equation, to make predictions about the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

Is quantum confusion a proven concept?

Yes, quantum confusion is a well-established principle in quantum mechanics and has been supported by numerous experiments and observations. While it may seem counterintuitive, it has been consistently observed and is an essential aspect of our understanding of the quantum world.

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