Quantum entangled image sensor for space camera-telescope

In summary, the possibility of sending cameras to distant places and getting instantaneous signals through quantum entanglement is not feasible due to the random nature of entangled particle properties. While quantum computing does utilize this randomness, it is not possible to control the outcomes and therefore, this idea is not viable. However, entanglement has practical applications in fields such as encryption.
  • #1
Thelonious Monk
Could this be a possibility at some point? Since entanglement is not affected by distance, could we send cameras out to extremely distant places and get instantaneous signals? Only the image sensor would have to be entangled. It would still take the same amount of time as usual to get the camera to its destination, but once there, we would be able to see things as they are, not as they were. It seems to me this would be incredibly valuable. I'm a layman, not a physicist, but I don't see why this couldn't be done, maybe even within the next 50 years, if the technology advances the way it's been going. But I'm curious to hear what more knowledgeable folks than myself have to say about it. I've never heard the idea come up, though it's hard to imagine I'm the first to think of it.
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  • #2
Thelonious Monk said:
Since entanglement is not affected by distance, could we send cameras out to extremely distant places and get instantaneous signals?

Entanglement is not affected by distance, true. But what signal would you expect to see?

Entangled particle properties have no predetermined values. When you measure one, you get a random value. The other one will exhibit a matching random value. But random outcomes don't leave room for gaining information about a remote system.
  • #3
Thelonious Monk said:
Could this be a possibility at some point? Since entanglement is not affected by distance, could we send cameras out to extremely distant places and get instantaneous signals? Only the image sensor would have to be entangled. It would still take the same amount of time as usual to get the camera to its destination, but once there, we would be able to see things as they are, not as they were. It seems to me this would be incredibly valuable. I'm a layman, not a physicist, but I don't see why this couldn't be done, maybe even within the next 50 years, if the technology advances the way it's been going. But I'm curious to hear what more knowledgeable folks than myself have to say about it. I've never heard the idea come up, though it's hard to imagine I'm the first to think of it.
As DrChinese said, it doesn't work and this is one of the first things you learn in Quantum Mechanics. Still, it is one of the most prevalent but utterly bogus "scientific" statements that you will find to be widespread in bad pop-sci presentations (and they are almost all bad). I even saw it in Time magazine last week.

  • #4
So it sounds like what you are saying is that the idea of an image sensor composed of quantum-entangled particles is flawed. My thought was that the image sensor in the space-camera could respond to light or other electromagnetic radiation to produce an image (or data that could be reconstructed into an image) and that would be reflected in its counterpart on earth, in the lab. I was under the impression that changes could be affected in quantum particles that are not random. If they are always random, and cannot be controlled, why is quantum computing even a consideration? I guess I understand this even less than I thought... I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time.
  • #5
Hey... no statements or assertions made there... just a question. I don't presume that I know what I'm talking about.
  • #6
Thelonious Monk said:
I was under the impression that changes could be affected in quantum particles that are not random.
They are random, but they are also correlated. For a simple classical example (which unfortunately does not capture one of the most fascinating things about quantum entanglement - google for "Bell's Theorem" for details), suppose that a coin is tossed 100 times, and I record the results, writing down an "H" every time it comes up heads and a "T" every time it comes up tails. I'll end up with a completely random sequence of those letters. Now if you were to to present me with another random string of those letters and we compared them and found that everywhere I had an H you had a T and vice versa, we would quickly conclude that we must have been looking at opposite faces of the same coin.

Clearly we can't send signals this way, but that doesn't mean that the result is not interesting and important. The fact that we're dealing with the same underlying quantum system is itself interesting, and doesn't emerge until we compare the two random strings for correlations. And there are practical applications in which it doesn't matter that the data is random as long as we both have it; perhaps the most important, and the reason that these long-distance entanglement setups are getting so much attention, is the exchange of encryption keys - google for "quantum key distribution" for more.

Related to Quantum entangled image sensor for space camera-telescope

1. What is a quantum entangled image sensor?

A quantum entangled image sensor is a type of camera sensor that uses quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in quantum mechanics, to capture images. This means that the sensor is able to detect and record the quantum state of particles of light, known as photons, which allows for highly sensitive and accurate image capture.

2. How does a quantum entangled image sensor work?

A quantum entangled image sensor works by using a special type of pixels, called entangled pixels, that are able to capture the quantum state of photons. These pixels are connected to each other through quantum entanglement, meaning that any change in one pixel will be immediately reflected in the other, allowing for highly precise image capture.

3. What are the advantages of using a quantum entangled image sensor for a space camera-telescope?

There are several advantages to using a quantum entangled image sensor for a space camera-telescope. These include higher sensitivity and accuracy, as well as the ability to capture images of very faint objects in space. Additionally, the entangled pixels are less prone to noise and interference, making them ideal for use in the harsh conditions of outer space.

4. Are there any limitations or challenges with using a quantum entangled image sensor for space photography?

While quantum entangled image sensors have many advantages, there are also some limitations and challenges that come with using them for space photography. One major challenge is the difficulty in manufacturing and integrating these sensors into the complex systems of a space camera-telescope. Additionally, the technology is still in its early stages and there may be unforeseen hurdles or limitations that arise.

5. What are some potential applications of a quantum entangled image sensor in space exploration?

There are many potential applications of a quantum entangled image sensor in space exploration. These include imaging distant planets and galaxies, studying dark matter and dark energy, and detecting gravitational waves. The high sensitivity and accuracy of these sensors could also greatly enhance our understanding of the universe and aid in the search for extraterrestrial life.

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