Quantum entanglement and simultaneity

In summary, the concept of quantum entanglement involves two particles that become correlated in their states, regardless of their distance apart. Measurements made on one particle will instantaneously affect the state of the other particle, according to some interpretations of quantum mechanics. However, this idea of simultaneity is questioned and there is debate on whether any physical action occurs during the collapse of the wave function. It is also worth noting that relativity and time ordering do not play a significant role in entanglement, and there is room for philosophical perspectives on this topic.
  • #1
I know very little about quantum physics. I was looking up the definition of quantum entanglement and asked ChatGPT to explain it. Here is an interesting phrase in its answer: "Once the particles are entangled, measurements made on one of the particles will instantaneously affect the state of the other particle, regardless of the distance between them."

What I've learned from studying special relativity is to be suspect of any phrase using the words "simultaneous" or "instantly".

Cross-checking with Wikipedia, I see this: "According to some interpretations of quantum mechanics, the effect of one measurement occurs instantly." There's that word again. And I think I've heard it used often when talking about entanglement.

I asked ChatGPT for a clarification and it responded: "In other words, if the particles are entangled and at rest relative to an observer, then a measurement made on one particle will instantaneously affect the state of the other particle, regardless of the distance between them, as seen by that observer. However, if the particles are in motion relative to the observer, or if the observer is in a different reference frame, then the effect of the measurement may appear to be delayed or even reversed, depending on the relative velocities of the particles and the observer."

I'm checking because this sounds like nonsense and the use of the word "instantaneously" seems like an unnecessary complication. It seems sufficient to say that, once measured, the measured state of two entangled particles will be perfectly correlated.

I suspect "instantaneously" is added because a particle is considered to exist as a quantum wave function until a measurement collapses the function. For an entangled pair, collapsing the wave function for one particle seems to collapse it for both, and classical thinking leads to talking about the collapses occurring "at the same time". However, I believe the collapse of the wave function is not detectable; therefore, worrying about the simultaneity of the wave collapse becomes a question for philosophy, not physics.

Am I thinking about this properly? If it were possible to know when a wave function collapses without making a measurement, I think I would have a lot of follow-up questions for the Special and General Relativity forum.
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  • #2
Be aware that ChatGPT is not a suitable source to cite for PF. :smile:

As to helping out with the concept of simultaneity in collapse/decoherence (or whatever you choose to call it) of the wave function for entangled pairs:

1. As far as any theory can say, it is not dependent on distance and therefore appears to be instantaneous. Actual experiments place the value at a minimum of 10,000 c.

2. It is not clear that a measurement "here" changes anything "there", or vice versa.

3. Whatever does happen, if anything, it is an example of "quantum nonlocality". Please keep in mind that what this actually means is interpretation dependent. Many here vehemently deny there is action at a distance, and in fact deny that anything physical occurs around what is called "collapse". Hopefully any debate of that will not take place in this thread, as I am simply pointing out the wide range of viewpoints on this exact issue and am not asserting a position.

4. There is therefore plenty of room to take a philosophical perspective on any discussion. Regardless, relativity is not a factor in entanglement to any significant degree - even though the best quantum field theories are themselves relativisitic.

5. Time ordering is likewise not a factor in entanglement. And in fact, there are numerous experiments that raise significant questions about the role of time vis a vis entanglement. For example, it is possible to entangle a particle AFTER it has been observed; and in fact that can occur before its entangled partner is even created. This is done via "entanglement swapping", see this experiment for example:

Entanglement Between Photons that have Never Coexisted
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  • #3
DrChinese said:
Be aware that ChatGPT is not a suitable source to cite for PF. :smile:
Of course--that's why I'm asking here. I'm always curious how far off-base ChatGPT will get with any science topic. In this case, I think it is parroting the common description that entangled wave collapse occurs simultaneously for two particles, regardless of their separation.

DrChinese said:
1. As far as any theory can say, it is not dependent on distance and therefore appears to be instantaneous. Actual experiments place the value at a minimum of 10,000 c.
Instantaneous is a term that can only be applied relative to an observer. Since the "it" in your sentence above refers to "the concept of simultaneity in collapse/decoherence", then I wonder how experiments have established that "[it] appears instantaneous".

DrChinese said:
4. There is therefore plenty of room to take a philosophical perspective on any discussion.
I usually separate philosophy from physics based on whether something is testable.

I was speculating that the wave collapse is not an observable event, therefore philosophy; a measurement is observable, therefore, physics.

DrChinese said:
5. Time ordering is likewise not a factor in entanglement.
Ok, you blew my mind (which generally happens about 2 minutes after I start looking into any quantum concepts). The paper is way beyond my pay grade.

Let me try again.

We have two entangled particles 5 light seconds apart. Each particle has a nearby observer. The two observers and particles have a relative velocity of 0 with respect to each other. The two observers have clocks that are are synchronized using a standard simultaneity convention.

Observer 1 measures his particle at time 0. Observer 2 measures her particle at time 0. Both observers' measurements, once compared, show a correlation. This seems clear.

We now change this so that the observers have a relative velocity of 0.866c. At time 0, they are co-located and synchronize their clocks to 0. Let's say at time 100, the first observer measures his particle. For the second observer to measure her particle at the same instant, we would have to decide whose frame of reference to use. If it were observer 1's frame, observer 2 would measure her particle at her clock time 50. If it were observer 2's frame, her measurement would be at time 200.

What I'm theorizing is that it doesn't matter. Observers 1 and 2 can make their measurements at any time and in any order relative to any observer. When the measurements are eventually compared, they will show that the particles are entangled.

Therefore, I conclude that any statement about the simultaneity of a wave collapse is philosophy, not physics. If one were able to detect a wave collapse, then I would have a lot of interesting follow-up questions for the General and Special relativity group.

Am I way off base here?
  • #4
Freixas said:
Of course--that's why I'm asking here.
You should not be asking ChatGPT in the first place. "Hey, ChatGPT said this--is it right?" is not a valid question here at PF.

Thread closed.
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  • #5
Freixas said:
According to some interpretations of quantum mechanics, the effect of one measurement occurs instantly." There's that word again. And I think I've heard it used often when talking about entanglement.
These descriptions are only used in the context of non-relativistic QM, where we are allowed to ignore relativistic complications like frame-dependent simultaneity.

The treatment of entanglement in relativistic quantum field theories is completely different and, as we would expect of a relativistic theory, avoids any notion of simultaneous global collapse of the wavefunction.
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FAQ: Quantum entanglement and simultaneity

What is quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles become interconnected in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by large distances. This means that the measurement of one particle's state instantly influences the state of the other entangled particle(s), no matter how far apart they are.

How does quantum entanglement affect simultaneity?

Quantum entanglement challenges classical notions of simultaneity because it implies that changes to the state of one particle are reflected instantaneously in its entangled partner, regardless of the distance separating them. This instantaneous correlation appears to occur faster than the speed of light, which conflicts with the theory of relativity that limits the speed at which information can travel. However, it’s important to note that this does not allow for faster-than-light communication.

Can entangled particles be used for faster-than-light communication?

No, entangled particles cannot be used for faster-than-light communication. While the state of one entangled particle instantly correlates with the state of its partner, this phenomenon does not transmit usable information at superluminal speeds. The process of measuring one particle's state and then using that information to infer the state of the other requires classical communication, which is still bound by the speed of light.

What experiments have demonstrated quantum entanglement?

Several key experiments have demonstrated quantum entanglement, most notably the Bell test experiments. These experiments test the predictions of quantum mechanics against local realism (the idea that information about the state of a particle should not travel faster than light). The results of these experiments consistently support quantum mechanics, showing correlations between entangled particles that cannot be explained by classical physics alone.

What are the practical applications of quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement has several promising practical applications, particularly in the fields of quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation. In quantum computing, entanglement is used to create qubits that can perform complex calculations more efficiently than classical bits. Quantum cryptography leverages entanglement to create secure communication channels that are theoretically immune to eavesdropping. Quantum teleportation uses entanglement to transfer quantum information from one location to another, potentially revolutionizing data transmission and storage.

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