Quantum Entanglement on two particles

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantum entanglement and its relationship to measurements and changes in particles. It is explained that entanglement persists as long as there is nothing that disturbs the state of the particles, and there is no way to send a message using entangled particles. The conversation also mentions the controversies surrounding this phenomenon.
  • #1

Imagine a system of two particles, A and B, where they are entangled.
I've been studying a little bit of quantum entanglement and I understand how measurement of one property of a particle A leads us to find indirectly the value of that property to the particle B. My question is: if I act on one of the particles, let it be A, so that the particle changes in some way, will the particle B also suffer that same change? Or is quantum entanglement strictly related to measurements?

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  • #2
If a pair of photons are prepared with entangled polarization states entanglement persists as long as there is nothing in the way of either photon which disturbs the polarization state. Such a disturbance might be a collision of either of the photons with another particle or absorption by a measuring device.
  • #3
And is there anyway to send a message via morse code with a pair of entangled particles? Let's imagine we're dealing with two particles of symmetric spins separated by a large distance. If I manage to change the spin of one of the particles will the other one's spin also change?
  • #4
Jalo said:
And is there anyway to send a message via morse code with a pair of entangled particles? Let's imagine we're dealing with two particles of symmetric spins separated by a large distance. If I manage to change the spin of one of the particles will the other one's spin also change?

There is no way of sending a message.

You measure the spin, you get a spin-up result, you know the other guy's measurement will yield the opposite result. But when he gets spin-down, for all he knows he's made the first measurement, you haven't made a measurement yet, and when you do you'll get spin-up. Likewise, when you get your spin-up result, you have no way of knowing whether he's sending you a message ("I just got a spin-down result") or whether you're making the first measurement.
  • #5
Nugatory said:
You measure the spin, you get a spin-up result, [...]

And there's no way to control in advance whether you get spin-up or spin-down, and thereby originate a signal, any more than you could with a monkey pounding randomly at the key of a Morse-code telegraph machine.
  • #6
And there's no way to control in advance whether you get spin-up or spin-down

yes, the first measure is pure chance, 50/50 you'll get either one. But the entangled measurements ALWAYS correlates to the first measure...

See the first two sections here for some introductory insights...and some of the controversies surrounding this phenomena:


FAQ: Quantum Entanglement on two particles

What is quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two or more particles become connected and exhibit correlated behavior, even when separated by large distances.

How does quantum entanglement work?

Quantum entanglement occurs when two particles are created or interact in a way that their properties become linked. This means that any change in one particle will affect the other, regardless of the distance between them.

What are the potential applications of quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement has potential applications in quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation. It also has implications for understanding the foundations of quantum mechanics and the nature of reality.

What is the difference between entanglement and superposition?

Entanglement and superposition are both phenomena in quantum mechanics, but they are fundamentally different. Entanglement refers to the correlation between particles, while superposition refers to the state of a single particle existing in multiple states simultaneously.

Can quantum entanglement be used for faster-than-light communication?

No, quantum entanglement cannot be used for faster-than-light communication. While changes in one particle can instantly affect the other, this does not allow for the transfer of information faster than the speed of light.

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