Quantum eraser and the experimenter's retina?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of interference patterns in relation to the quantum eraser experiment described in Brian Greene's book. It is stated that the observer's retina may play a role in the outcome of the experiment, but this is deemed unlikely and not supported by any experimental evidence. The main point of the conversation is that the subset of photons whose which-path information is erased continue to exhibit interference as if no information had been taken in the first place. The use of the color-blind analogy is seen as a weak attempt to explain this concept.
  • #1
Quantum eraser and the experimenter's retina!?

I just ran across the following quote from Brian Greene's "The Fabric Of The Universe":

Does this erasure of some of the which-path information– even though we have done nothing directly to the signal photons– mean that the interference effects are recovered? Indeed it does– but only for those signal photons whose idler photons [had their which-path information erased]…If we hook up equipment so that the screen displays a red dot for the position of each photon whose idler photons [had their which-path information erased] and a green dot for all others, someone who was color-blind would see no interference pattern, but everyone else would see that the red dots we arranded with bright and dark bands– an interference pattern.​

This doesn't make sense to me. If a person who can see color would see the interference pattern in the red dots, then, for a colorblind person to not see the interference pattern (albeit, more faintly), the green dots would have to be in a kind of inverse interference pattern to the red dot one, so that the total pattern was random. But my understanding is that the green dots in this experiment are not supposed to display an interference pattern.

The alternative would seem to be that Greene is saying that the observer's retina is part of the experimental equipment, so that its being able to see color or not would actually affect the outcome. That seems very unlikely to me, and if someone thinks it is true, it seems worthy of its own experiment. But I wasn't able to find such an experiment.
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  • #2
the green dots would have to be in a kind of inverse interference pattern to the red dot one, so that the total pattern was random.
I don't know the details of the setup he describes there, but I would expect that this is the key point. The green dots are complimentary to the red dots. Alternatively, there could be two event types for red dots, but then the color description is weird.
  • #3
I'd write this off as a bad analogy.

I think his point is just that the subset of the photons whose which-path information was potentially indicated but then erased continue to interfere as if no which-path information had been taken in the first place.

When I read this passage many years ago, I assumed the color-blind thing was just a weak attempt to illustrate the result... sometimes physics writes stretch a little far when trying and render their points in common terms. I suspect you are right though, in fact everyone would see a weak interference pattern, the result of partial interference overlaid with a random distribution. There is no reason -- as you agreed -- that the which-path photons would "reverse-interfere".

Related to Quantum eraser and the experimenter's retina?

1. What is a quantum eraser?

A quantum eraser is a thought experiment that demonstrates the concept of quantum entanglement, which is the idea that particles can become connected in such a way that the state of one particle affects the state of the other, even if they are separated by vast distances. In the quantum eraser experiment, this is demonstrated by showing how measuring the state of one particle can affect the state of another, seemingly unrelated particle.

2. How does a quantum eraser work?

In the quantum eraser experiment, a pair of particles is created and then separated. One particle is sent to a detector, while the other particle is sent to a detector and then through a device known as a "quantum eraser." The quantum eraser essentially erases any information about which path the particle took, which makes the particle behave like a wave and creates an interference pattern when it reaches the detector. This interference pattern is then used to demonstrate the entanglement between the two particles.

3. What is the role of the experimenter's retina in the quantum eraser experiment?

The experimenter's retina plays a crucial role in the quantum eraser experiment because it is the final detector that measures the state of the particle. The retina is made up of cells called rods and cones, which are sensitive to light and send signals to the brain. When the particle reaches the retina, it is absorbed by the rods and cones, and the resulting signal is what allows the experimenter to observe the interference pattern and demonstrate the quantum entanglement between the particles.

4. What are the implications of the quantum eraser experiment?

The quantum eraser experiment has significant implications for our understanding of the quantum world. It challenges our classical understanding of cause and effect, as the measurement of one particle can seemingly affect the state of another particle instantaneously, regardless of distance. It also raises questions about the nature of reality and the role of the observer in shaping it, as the act of measurement can influence the behavior of particles.

5. How is the quantum eraser experiment relevant to real-world applications?

The quantum eraser experiment may have practical applications in quantum computing and cryptography. Understanding the principles of quantum entanglement and the role of measurement in altering the state of particles is crucial for developing technologies that rely on quantum mechanics. Additionally, the concept of quantum erasure has been used in experiments to demonstrate the possibility of "delayed choice" quantum experiments, in which the choice of whether or not to measure a particle is made after the particle has already been detected by a detector, further challenging our understanding of causality in the quantum world.

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