Quantum expectation value (griffiths)

In summary, the expectation value of x, <x>, represents the most likely position of a particle. When a measurement is taken, the wave function collapses and the particle is found at the measured position with a 100% probability. Subsequent measurements will repeat the same result, as the system has been disturbed and will only reset if the system is reset. The particle's evolution according to the Schrödinger equation will only continue after a measurement "ends".
  • #1

Homework Statement

If x is the position of a particle then the expectation value of x, <x> is :


(I got lazy and just copied an image from Wiki, just pretend <x> is on the lhs of the eqn)

When Griffith derives an expression for d<x> / dt, he uses the fact that dx/dt is zero, since "the wave function collapses after the first measurement and subsequent measurements will repeat the same result, if they're performed quickly."

What does he mean by this? Surely the wave function evolves according to the schrodinger equation after the first measurement... so how fast must the subsequent measurements be taken to ensure that dx/dt = 0?
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  • #2
What he means by 'collapsing wave function' is the fact that the wave function just represents a probability of where the particle is most likely to be. When you take a measurement, you now know where the particle is, so there is a 100% chance of finding the particle of where you have measured it, and a 0% chance of finding it anywhere else. Because of your measurement, you've disturbed the system, and unless you reset the system, nothing is going to change. The whole 'if they're performed quickly' thing is just a statement of the fact that your particle is going to move from where you measured it eventually, but to all intents and purposes, you can say that it won't, and thus the same result will be repeated each time you make a measurement.

Unfortunately you're going to have to get used to statements such as 'if they're performed quickly'; he's basically covering his back from someone saying 'well what if you wait 1 million years...' etc.
  • #3
So the wave-form of that particular particle only begins again, and evolves according to the schrodinger equation, right after a measurement "ends"?
  • #4
I don't know Griffith's book, but I may imagine what he wanted to say (skipping math and derivations - find them at Griffith's book):

We have some quantum process. E.g. an radioactive atom decaying with emission of alpha particle. This particle may go anywhere. Till now the process is described by Schrödinger's equation. But the alpha particle goes into our favourite Wilson chamber. It ionizies some molecule (we'll see a drop of mist here later). That is our first measurement. It may occur anywhere - we can't say what direction alpha particle takes after decay.
But as the particle got measured, its further evolution must be calculated using Schrödinger's equation with new starting conditions: not as it origines from original atom, but taking as a starting point the place where it got measured. A very short while later it ionizies another molecule - very close to previous one. And so on. Thus we may see the track of the particle - even, if it is a quantum particle. Every measurement is very unprecise (the drop in Wilson chamber has one micrometer or so in diameter - that's large span from atomic perspective) - so it don't affect by Heisenberg Principle particle's momentum significantly.
  • #5
novop said:
So the wave-form of that particular particle only begins again, and evolves according to the schrodinger equation, right after a measurement "ends"?

Yes, basically!
  • #6
Thanks to both of you, makes sense.

Related to Quantum expectation value (griffiths)

1. What is quantum expectation value?

Quantum expectation value is a mathematical concept in quantum mechanics that represents the average value of a physical quantity in a particular quantum state. It is calculated by taking the inner product of the state and the operator corresponding to the physical quantity.

2. How is quantum expectation value different from classical expectation value?

In classical mechanics, expectation value is simply the average of a physical quantity over all possible states. In quantum mechanics, however, the state of a system can be a superposition of multiple states, and the expectation value is calculated based on the probability amplitudes of these states.

3. What is the significance of quantum expectation value?

Quantum expectation value is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to make predictions about the behavior of quantum systems. It also plays a crucial role in the measurement process, as the measurement of a physical quantity corresponds to the collapse of the system's state to the eigenstate of that quantity with the highest expectation value.

4. Can quantum expectation value be negative?

Yes, quantum expectation value can be negative. This is because the probability amplitudes in a quantum state can be positive or negative, and when calculating the expectation value, these signs can cancel each other out resulting in a negative value.

5. How is quantum expectation value experimentally determined?

Quantum expectation value can be determined experimentally by performing multiple measurements of the same physical quantity on a large number of systems in the same quantum state. The average of these measurements will give the expectation value of the physical quantity in that state.

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