Quantum field theory or particle physics what first?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between quantum field theory (QFT) and particle physics, and whether it is necessary to have a strong conceptual understanding of QFT before studying particle physics. Some suggest starting with particles first, while others recommend learning the language of QFT as it is essential for a full understanding of particle physics. The conversation also mentions some recommended books for studying particle physics.
  • #1
Quantum field theory or particle physics what first?

Hi at present I am confused whether i should try obtining a firm conceptual understanding of QFT before jumping to particle physics or whether aa very brief overview of QFT is enough ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That naturally depends on what you want to do in particle physics and at what level. I am inclined to say a brief overview (what is a particle, what is an interaction term, approximately how do these interaction terms lead to the pretty Feynman diagrams) is enough to get started. It's not that you couldn't go back and read up the qft stuff you skipped when needed.
  • #3
any path, but set as goal to be able to do some standard calculations by heart: g-2, Lamb shift, top quark decay, etc.
  • #4
QFT is the "language" in which particle physics speaks. If you want to become a full-blown particle physicist, you really have to learn that language sooner or later. However, there's plenty of particle-physics intro stuff that doesn't require the language. If you're interested in particles, may i suggest starting there, and picking up the language as you go along. After all, if you want to take a trip to a foreign country, you don't necessarily require yourself to become fluent in the language before you get off the plane - sometimes, a tourist guide is enough; but if you want to make your home there, that's different! :wink:
  • #5
I agree with blechman start with particles. I think physics in general, but especially QFT is easiest pedagogically if you approach it from a historical viewpoint. You need to know where these particles came from in the first place and then worry about describing them. I mean, why would you decide to use SU(3), if you didn't know about Gell Mann's eightfold way and asymptotic freedom. Why would you look at effective theories between pions and nucleons, if you didn't realize that the pion was believed to be the carrier of the strong force. Why study symmetry breaking, if you didn't know about Heisenberg's concept of isospin or the concept that symmetry breaking allows for particle decay.
Yes, start with particles. In that regard, may I recommend David Griffith's particle physics book it is so easily accessible it's scary. It's kind of hard to find and little expensive, but it is worth it. Besides, I know places where you can download it for free if your interested ;-). After reading that, then move on to a Weinberg or Itzykson and Zuber
  • #6
David Griffths particle physics book will be released as new edition march 2008. Does anyone here know if its going to contain much new stuff?

Edit: Yes, new chapters on Neutrinos oscillations and beyond the standard model.

The book you can buy today is from 1987 :O
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  • #7
Well at present I am reading Griffitths and quanrks and leptons by halzen and martin
im finding the latter better and much less superficial.
  • #8
quantumfireball: Are you also taking courses about particle physics and QFT @ your university? To really "learn" this, reading is not enough.
  • #9
Im a final year engineering under graduate in electronics
whatever physics i learn i do it by self study
but thanks to forums like these,life is better

FAQ: Quantum field theory or particle physics what first?

1. What is quantum field theory?

Quantum field theory is a theoretical framework in physics that combines the principles of quantum mechanics with the concept of fields. It describes the behavior of particles and their interactions through a field that permeates all of space and time.

2. How does quantum field theory differ from classical field theory?

Classical field theory describes fields as continuous and deterministic, while quantum field theory takes into account the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. It also allows for the creation and annihilation of particles, which is not possible in classical field theory.

3. What are the fundamental particles in particle physics?

The fundamental particles in particle physics are the building blocks of matter and include quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons. Quarks and leptons make up all known matter, while gauge bosons are responsible for mediating the fundamental forces of nature.

4. What is the difference between fermions and bosons?

Fermions are particles that have half-integer spin and follow the Pauli exclusion principle, meaning that no two identical fermions can occupy the same quantum state. Bosons, on the other hand, have integer spin and do not follow this exclusion principle. They can occupy the same quantum state and can even exist in a state of superposition.

5. What is the role of symmetry in quantum field theory?

Symmetry plays a crucial role in quantum field theory, as it allows for the conservation of certain physical quantities, such as energy and momentum. It also helps to simplify and unify different theories, such as the Standard Model, which describes the fundamental particles and their interactions. Symmetry breaking is also a key concept in understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions at different energy scales.

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