Quantum gravity vs. general relativity

In summary: But that's only one side of the coin.But this is a very deep and difficult subject. In summary, the existence of gravitons as small ripples in spacetime does not necessarily mean that there are no static fields. In fact, it is the other way around: At least in QED and QCD the static fields are derived from dynamic gauge fields, so one might conjecture the same for gravity.In summary, while gravitons may exist as small ripples in spacetime, they may not necessarily be able to detect static gravitational fields. This is because static fields are derived from dynamic gauge fields in theories like QED and QCD. Therefore, it is possible for a perfect graviton detector to
  • #36
Are you talking about MOND (= modified Newtonian dynamics)? It seems to explain DM, but acceleration is not quantizied, as far as I know.