Quantum Harmonic oscillator, <T>/<V> ratio

In summary, the homework statement says that the kinetic and potential energy in an electron in a 1 dimensional harmonic potential are inversely proportional to each other.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider an electron confined by a 1 dimensional harmonic potential given by ## V(x) = \dfrac{1}{2} m \omega^2 x^2##. At time t=0 the electron is prepared in the state

[tex]\Psi (x,0) = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \psi_0 (x) + \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \psi_4 (x)[/tex]

with ## \psi_n (x) = \left( \dfrac{m \omega}{\pi \hbar}\right)^{0.25} \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2^n n!}} H_n \left( \sqrt{\dfrac{m \omega}{\hbar}}x \right) exp \left( - \dfrac{m \omega}{2 \hbar} x^2 \right) ##

the normalised solutions to the time independent Schrodinger equation, with ##H_n## being the Hermite Polynomials.

(a) Express the square of the momentum operator as ladder operators.
(b) Give the ratio of the expectation values of the kinetic and potential energies as a function of time.

Homework Equations

## \hat{x} = \sqrt{\dfrac{\hbar}{2m \omega}} (a_+ + a_-) ##

## \hat{p} = i \sqrt{\dfrac{\hbar m \omega}{2}} (a_+ - a_-) ##

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first one I got:

[tex]\hat{p}^2 = \left[ i \sqrt{\dfrac{\hbar m \omega}{2}} (a_+ - a_-) \right]^2 = -\dfrac{\hbar m \omega}{2} (a_+a_+ - a_-a_+ - a_+ a_- + a_-a_-) [/tex]For the second one, I attempted it using the operators
[T = kinetic energy, V = potential energy]

[tex]\displaystyle <T> = < \dfrac{\hat{p}}{2m} > = \int \Psi^* \left[ \dfrac{\hbar \omega}{4} (a_+a_+ - a_-a_+ - a_+ a_- + a_-a_-) \right] \Psi dx [/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle <V> = <0.5 \omega ^2 \hat{x}^2> = \int \Psi^* \left[ \dfrac{\hbar \omega}{4} (a_+a_+ + a_-a_+ + a_+ a_- + a_-a_-) \right] \Psi dx[/tex]Now each of them will split into 4 integrals. The a+a+ and a-a- operator integrals will evaluate to zero because of its orthogonality properties. That leaves us with:

[tex]\displaystyle <T> = \int \Psi^* \left[ \dfrac{\hbar \omega}{4} (- a_-a_+ - a_+ a_-) \right] \Psi dx [/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle <V> = \int \Psi^* \left[ \dfrac{\hbar \omega}{4} (a_-a_+ + a_+ a_-) \right] \Psi dx[/tex]That'll mean those terms disappear, and then... we end up with -1 as a ratio?? What did I do wrong?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Cogswell said:
[tex]\displaystyle <T> = < \dfrac{\hat{p}}{2m} > = \int \Psi^* \left[ \dfrac{\hbar \omega}{4} (a_+a_+ - a_-a_+ - a_+ a_- + a_-a_-) \right] \Psi dx [/tex]

Did you drop a minus sign when substituting for ##\hat{p}##2?
  • #3
Seems to me you forgot a minus sing in ## \langle T \rangle ##
  • #4
Oh right, yea there should be a negative there.

That just gives me 1 as the ratio, and it's independent of time.

Does that mean that the ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy, no matter when it is, is always 1?
  • #5
Well, the expectation value of T equals the expectation value of V at any time. The values of T and V themselves are uncertain.
  • #6
TSny said:
Well, the expectation value of T equals the expectation value of V at any time. The values of T and V themselves are uncertain.

Hmm, interesting. I cannot really visualise expectation values so it's sort of hard.

So in a simple harmonic oscillator, I'm guessing the kinetic energy is sort of like a normal distribution, peaked at the center. Therefore the expectation value is at the middle.
The potential energy is at both sides equally, and so its expectation value is in the middle as well.
I guess that makes sense.

FAQ: Quantum Harmonic oscillator, <T>/<V> ratio

1. What is a quantum harmonic oscillator?

A quantum harmonic oscillator is a physical system that exhibits periodic motion and is described by the rules of quantum mechanics. It consists of a particle confined to a potential well, which can be thought of as a spring-like force that pulls the particle back towards the center. The quantum harmonic oscillator has a discrete energy spectrum, meaning that it can only have certain energy levels.

2. What does the / ratio represent in a quantum harmonic oscillator?

The / ratio in a quantum harmonic oscillator represents the ratio of the kinetic energy (T) to the potential energy (V) of the system. It is a measure of the balance between the energy associated with the oscillating motion of the particle and the energy associated with the potential well that confines it.

3. How does the / ratio change with increasing energy levels in a quantum harmonic oscillator?

The / ratio increases with increasing energy levels in a quantum harmonic oscillator. This is because as the energy of the particle increases, the amplitude of its oscillations also increases, leading to a higher kinetic energy and a higher / ratio.

4. What is the significance of the / ratio in quantum mechanics?

The / ratio is significant in quantum mechanics because it helps us understand the behavior of a quantum harmonic oscillator. It tells us about the balance between kinetic and potential energy and how this balance changes with increasing energy levels. It also plays a role in determining the probability of finding the particle at a certain energy level, as described by the Schrödinger equation.

5. How does the / ratio differ from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics?

In classical mechanics, the / ratio for a harmonic oscillator is always equal to 1, meaning that the kinetic and potential energies are equal. However, in quantum mechanics, the / ratio can take on different values, depending on the energy level of the system. This is due to the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and the discrete energy levels of a quantum harmonic oscillator.
