Quantum homework - Average Expectation Values?

In summary: After spending the first few weeks of the semester doing just that, I finally asked him about it and he said "I don't have to, you're smart enough to understand it." Although I eventually got the gist of it, and was able to do the calculation for myself.
  • #1
Quantum homework - Average Expectation Values??

Hi people,
I'm struggling with my quantum mechanics homework - I've included links to photographs of my attempts at solutions, but i know they are wrong because I am given what the answers are supposed to be. Can somebody help me spot where I am going wrong? I don't have a keyboard key for psi(x) so i'll use Y(x) for wavefunctions. Here is the question:

My particle, described by the wavefunction Y(x) = Ax(L-x) is confined to a region 0<x<L.
A is a constant.

a) Normalize the wavefunction to unity.
b) Compute the average value of position <x> , <x^2> , <p> and <p^2>.

Here is my solution to part a).
Have i done what is being asked of me, ie. square the wavefunction, and set the integral of that, within the limits of x, equal to 1??


Here are my solutions to part B.
The thing about these ones is, i don't think there is a problem with my actual calculations since I have done them a few times and got the same result. I think its with the initial equations for <x>, <x^2>, <p> and <p^2> that I start out with.

<x>: http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g33/long_john_cider/xavexpv.jpg

<x^2>: http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g33/long_john_cider/x2avexpv.jpg

I am supposed to use these answers to get this result, but my answer is nowhere near:
Δx = sqrt(<x^2> - <x>^2) = L / sqrt(28)

<p>: http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g33/long_john_cider/p2avexpv.jpg

<p^2>: http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g33/long_john_cider/p2avexpv.jpg

I am supposed to use these answers to get this result, but again my answer is nowhere near:
Δp = sqrt(<p^2> - <p>^2) = H(sqrt(10) / L

where H = h/2pi , h bar in other words.

Can anybody spot what I am doing wrong? I greatly appreciate any help because I have followed my notes perfectly but I am still getting the wrong answers.
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  • #2

Well, first of all, you almost did a) correctly: you calculated the integral of psi^2 (actually, psi* psi) and set it to one. But then somehow you missed the point of the exercise: L is the given width of the "box" your particle is in, while A is the normalisation factor. So the idea is to solve the expression you have for A.

Then you will get, for example, for <x> a very nice answer. It's instructive to try and guess what it should be in advance, based on your physical intuition (sketch the wavefunction, where do you think will be the most probable place for the particle?)
I'm not sure about your <x^2>, it looks unfamiliar. Maybe if you express it just in terms of L (by rewriting A, using a)) you will find the correct answer? I think you should have something withan L^5, not L^2, there.
  • #3

aah thank you CompuChip, my answer for <x> turns out to be L/2 (which seems to make sense), since my normalization constant is A^2 = 30/(L^5).

thats my problem with quantum, I've only been doing it a few weeks and i often have no idea how to attack a problem. If you hadn't suggested it there was no way I would ever have thought that A was the normalization constant, or that I was even supposed to be looking for one. My lecturer is awful, he never explains anything.
  • #4

Very well, so you can take Y(x) = sqrt[30]/L^(5/2) x (L - x)
and calculate <x^2>.

And I know your problem, I had a QM1 lecturer like that. He raced through the theory and then spent his time showing nice Mathematica plots which seem to have been very interesting. He refused to explain Fourier transformations, as only a small part of the class had taken that optional course, and told us to read up on them ourselves.

FAQ: Quantum homework - Average Expectation Values?

1. What is a quantum average expectation value?

The quantum average expectation value is a measure of the expected value of a physical quantity in a quantum system. It is calculated by taking the sum of the product of each possible measurement outcome and its corresponding probability, weighted by the wave function of the system.

2. How is the average expectation value calculated in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the average expectation value is calculated using the Schrödinger equation and the operator corresponding to the physical quantity being measured. The wave function is multiplied by the operator and then integrated over all possible values to obtain the average expectation value.

3. What is the significance of the average expectation value in quantum mechanics?

The average expectation value is significant in quantum mechanics because it provides a way to predict the most likely outcome of a measurement in a quantum system. It also demonstrates the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, as the average value is not necessarily equal to any specific measurement outcome.

4. How does the uncertainty principle relate to average expectation values?

The uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty, is related to average expectation values. This is because the average expectation value represents the most likely outcome of a measurement, but it does not provide complete information about the particle's properties.

5. Can average expectation values be measured experimentally?

Yes, average expectation values can be measured experimentally by performing repeated measurements on a quantum system and then using statistical analysis to determine the average value. However, due to the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, the measured value may not match the theoretical average expectation value exactly.
