Quantum Information and General Relativity

In summary, the speaker is a graduate student in physics who is interested in general relativity and quantum field theory. They initially wanted to research quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, but were unable to find an advisor for this topic at their university. They were presented with two other options for research: (i) quantum information theory applied to black holes and (ii) extended bodies in general relativity using Dixon's approach. The speaker is unsure if either of these topics would be worthwhile for a master's thesis, as they are more interested in mathematical approaches to physics. They also have some concerns about the level of mathematics involved in these topics and whether they would be able to incorporate more general relativity into their research. Ultimately, the speaker is seeking
  • #1
Last year I've finished the undergraduate course in Mathematical-Physics and Mathematics and this year I've started on graduate school on Physics in order to obtain a master's degree. What I'm really interested are two main topics: general relativity and quantum field theory. I also like mathematicaly rigorous approaches to physics, which I agree are available in GR but unavailable in QFT.

My initial guess for research topic on the graduate research was to deal with QFT in curved spacetimes, since I'd be working on both things I like.

It happens that when I was searching for an advisor, unfortunately I wasn't able to find anyone working on this topic on the university I study. After talking to some professors there were two main topics that are available at first, and they are: (i) quantum information theory applied to the study of black holes and (ii) extended bodies in general relativity following Dixon's approach.

Considering (ii) I found it a nice thing, but I don't know if it would be worthwhile to dedicate a whole master thesis for it. I mean, there is quite a bunch of interesting mathematics that goes into it. I just took a look on Dixon's papers, and one deals with the theory of vector bundles and connections and a lot of results from differential geometry. So it can be cast into a rigorous and rich differential geometry form and is GR after all. It also seems to have interesting applications such as describing the dynamics of planets, and perhaps even bigger objects like galaxies. It is fully classical though and I don't know if something nice in astrophysics and cosmology, for example, could be derived from it.

As for (i), a professor whose main interest is quantum information said he was interested in the results quantum information could provide in the context of black holes (something about correlation, if I understood well) and suggested a research together with professor which works in general relativity, since he doesn't know much about it.

I have considered working on this topic, but since I'm more inclined to mathematical-physics, I'm unsure if that would be a good topic to work with. My main concerns are:
  1. I don't know if there's much of interesting mathematics to deal with in this topic. Take General Relativity for instance. I find Differential Geometry a quite rich and interesting mathematics topic. Now, I have no idea if the mathematics used in this research would be interesting as well. This concerns me because as someone with an undergraduate course in mathematics I really want to deal with more advanced and rigorous mathematics, in particular differential geometry.
  2. My main interest is GR. My impression (which might be totally wrong, being one of the main reasons for this thread) is that studying quantum information on black holes doesn't involve GR at all, apart from defining what a black hole is. My impression is that it is much more of information theory than GR.
In summary, I'm quite confused on what to choose - to pick either of these topics, or look for other options.

Regarding quantum information and black holes, is there something I could do, on which I would be able to deal with a little more of General Relativity and more interesting mathematics? Or it will certainly fall into just information theory (which seemed to me as a pretty boring thing from the mathematical point of view)?
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  • #2
Your problem with ii is that the treatment is entirely classical, and consequently, you can't see if anything interesting can come from it.

Many papers by S Chandrasekhar involve beautiful mathematics and results, (e.g see Stochastic Problems in Physics and Astronomy, It is one of the most cited papers in the field over about 7 decades). I think it runs about 100 pages and I don't think there is a single h-bar in all that. Many aspects of astrophysics are entirely classical.

Many interesting results are entirely classical. In contrast, many results that are irrelevant may come from quantum mechanical treatments. I think sometimes physics programs are in such a hurry to produce researchers in quantum fields they skimp on the possibilities of classical treatments to their problems.

In addition, you are considering a Master's thesis. The first page in most theses state. "a thesis given in partial fulfillment for the degree: Masters of Science", or something like that. A Master's program is usually about 2 years. Given this: You do not know if (ii) is worth dedicating a whole master's thesis on it? You are not committing a 30 year career on it. It is a Master's thesis. (By the way, your thesis advisor, (I presume this is your funding source) will be most concerned with your results and progress, than whether you find the project interesting. You can do a good job on something you consider dull, especially when it is a year, maybe 2 year effort and commitment.)
  • #3
mpresic said:
Your problem with ii is that the treatment is entirely classical, and consequently, you can't see if anything interesting can come from it.

Not only that. As I said, my main interest is both GR and QFT. It is not that someone has told that things must be quantum (nor do I think like that by the way), is just what I'm interested in.

mpresic said:
It is a Master's thesis. (By the way, your thesis advisor, (I presume this is your funding source) will be most concerned with your results and progress, than whether you find the project interesting. You can do a good job on something you consider dull, especially when it is a year, maybe 2 year effort and commitment.)

I still think that if one has decided to produce such a thesis, it must be something they actually find interesting, by the way.

But still this isn't really my point. I'm trying to decide wheter or not I'd find (i) interesting considering the points I made in the OP, and finaly decide which of the two subjects I would prefer. The issue is that even though I have idea on what (ii) is about because I have prior experience with DG, I have no idea on what to expect of (i) as detailed in the two points I made in the OP.

So my question remains about the first topic. I want to know more about it, so that I can take a decision with knowledge of what I am deciding. If in the end I find (i) boring and uninteresting, I would certainly pick (ii) even though it is classical.

Related to Quantum Information and General Relativity

1. How do quantum mechanics and general relativity relate to each other?

Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale, while general relativity is a theory that describes the behavior of gravity on a macroscopic scale. These two theories have been incredibly successful in their respective domains, but when combined, they present challenges that are still being explored by scientists. The search for a theory of quantum gravity, which would unify these two theories, is currently an active area of research.

2. What is the role of information in quantum mechanics and general relativity?

In quantum mechanics, information is a fundamental concept that is tied to the probabilistic nature of the theory. In general relativity, information plays a crucial role in the concept of black holes, which are objects with such strong gravity that even light cannot escape from them. The study of quantum information and general relativity aims to understand how information behaves in these two theories and how they may interact with each other.

3. What is the importance of quantum entanglement in the study of quantum information and general relativity?

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This concept is crucial in quantum information, as it allows for the secure transmission of information and the potential for quantum computing. In general relativity, the study of quantum entanglement may provide insights into the nature of space-time and the behavior of particles within it.

4. How does the concept of time differ in quantum mechanics and general relativity?

In quantum mechanics, time is treated as a parameter and is not considered a fundamental aspect of the theory. In general relativity, time is a crucial component of the theory, and it is affected by the presence of massive objects. This difference in the treatment of time presents a challenge in the unification of these two theories. However, some theories, such as loop quantum gravity, propose a discrete structure of space-time, which may help reconcile this discrepancy.

5. What are some potential applications of the study of quantum information and general relativity?

The study of quantum information and general relativity has the potential to lead to groundbreaking technologies, such as quantum communication and quantum computing, which could greatly advance fields such as cryptography and data processing. Additionally, a better understanding of these theories may also provide insights into the fundamental nature of the universe and help us answer some of the most profound questions in physics.

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