Quantum/linear algebra and vector spaces

In summary, the conversation discusses a collection of polynomials with complex coefficients and explores whether they form a vector space. The conversation also considers different requirements for the polynomials such as being even, having a leading coefficient of 1, having a value of 0 at x=1, and having a value of 1 at x=0. The main focus is on determining if these requirements affect the vector space and what basis and dimension would be appropriate.
  • #1
I have never taken linear algebra, but we're doing some catch-up on it in my Quantum Mechanics class. Using teh Griffiths book, problem A.2 if you're curious.

Please explain how to solve this, if you help me. If you know of resources on how to think about this stuff, I'd greatly appreciate the assistance.
Consider the collection of all polynomials (with complex coefficients) of degree less than N in x.
a.) Does this set constitutte a vector space (with the polynomials as vectors)? If so, suggest a convenient basis and give the dimension of the space. If not, which of the defining properties does it lack?
b.) What if we require that the polynomials be even functions?
c.) What if we require that the leading coefficient (i.e., the number multiplying x^(N-1)) be 1?
d.) What if we require that the polynomials have the value 0 at x=1?
e.) What if we require that the polynomials have the value 1 at x=0?

My attempt at a solution is:
a.) Yes, it doesw consitute a vector space. Any vector would be an ordered N-tuple (?) constructed from teh coefficients. How would I answer about the dimension of the space? Does it have N dimensions? I'm not sure if I understand what is being asked.
b.) Nothing changes?
c.) Then you'd have a pretty boring vector space? But I think all the rules would work.
d.) Still a vector space?
e.) Still a vector space? I don't see why that would change, I must be missing something.
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  • #2
So first of all, what are the axioms for a vector space?

a) Yes it does. So they ask for a basis. That means, give a bunch of polynomials in x, so you can express every polynomial of degree less than N in x as a linear combination. Don't think too hard, it's really straightforward :P The dimension is the minimal number of such functions that you need (and it's easy to check once you have a set, just check if you can indeed express every polynomial as a linear combination in your basis, and if you take one out you can find an example where this no longer works).
Note that every vector is now a function of x, although you are right that it is isomorphic (i.e. bijectively mapped and equivalent as a vectorspace) with RN by writing down a vector of N coefficients, in a particular basis you have chosen. This is not unique though: just post your basis and I will give you another one, which is equally good (in terms of being able to express all the functions) but where the coefficients for the same function look entirely different in both.
Note how you have to let go of the idea of vector as a set of numbers, and think of it as an abstract "point" in a vector space... it's similar to having a vector in RN: although a given vector is a unique point in the space, the coordinates you write down between the brackets which you call "the vector" are actually dependent on the basis you have chosen for the vector space. [Perhaps this confuses you now, if you want to ever seriously do something like quantum physics, think about it :smile:]

b) Why does nothing change? You need to show this: check the properties of a vector space (is 0 even? is the sum of two even polynomials even? ...)

c) Again, check the rules. I wouldn't call it a boring vector space... (boring is a subjective word, but vector space is not :P )

d) Show it! Check the rules!

e) Try it! Check the rules!
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FAQ: Quantum/linear algebra and vector spaces

1. What is the difference between quantum algebra and linear algebra?

Quantum algebra is a specialized branch of mathematics that deals with the algebraic structures and properties of quantum systems, such as those found in quantum mechanics. Linear algebra, on the other hand, is a more general branch of mathematics that deals with vector spaces and their linear transformations. While both fields involve the study of vector spaces and their operations, quantum algebra focuses specifically on the unique properties and rules of quantum systems.

2. What are vector spaces and why are they important in quantum/linear algebra?

Vector spaces are mathematical structures that consist of a set of objects, called vectors, and a set of operations that can be performed on those vectors. They are important in quantum/linear algebra because they provide a way to represent and manipulate complex systems, such as quantum states, using simple algebraic operations. This makes it easier to analyze and understand these systems and their behaviors.

3. How are vector spaces and matrices related in quantum/linear algebra?

Matrices are used to represent linear transformations in vector spaces. In quantum/linear algebra, matrices are also used to represent quantum operations, such as rotations and measurements, on quantum states. This allows for the use of linear algebra techniques to analyze and manipulate quantum systems.

4. What is a basis in vector spaces and why is it important?

A basis is a set of vectors that span a vector space, meaning that any vector in that space can be expressed as a linear combination of the basis vectors. In quantum/linear algebra, bases are important because they provide a way to represent any quantum state or operation using a finite number of components. This simplifies the analysis and manipulation of these systems.

5. Can quantum/linear algebra be applied in other fields besides physics?

Yes, the principles and techniques of quantum/linear algebra have applications in various fields, including computer science, engineering, and economics. For example, quantum algorithms, which use quantum operations and states, have potential applications in cryptography and optimization problems. Linear algebra is also used extensively in machine learning and data analysis.
