In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of adapting the Poisson distribution to include an additional parameter while maintaining the completeness condition. The idea of using a beta function is proposed, but there is difficulty in defining the measurement operators in a way that satisfies the completeness condition. A potential solution is suggested, but it is not clear if it fully addresses the issue.
  • #1
Danny Boy
The following is a somewhat mathematical question, but I am interested in using the idea to define a set of quantum measurement operators defined as described in the answer to this post.

The Poisson Distribution ##Pr(M|\lambda)## is given by $$Pr(M|\lambda) = \frac{e^{-\lambda}\lambda^M}{M!}~~~~M = 0,1,2...$$ with mean ##\lambda##. In addition, the distribution has the property that $$\int_{0}^{\infty} Pr(M|\lambda) d \lambda = 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)$$ as is proved in the post. I am interested in adapting this Poisson Distribution so that it can include an additional parameter (say ##\mu##) which determines the width of the distribution (much like the variance does for the normal distribution. Does anyone have any ideas of how this can be achieved while still maintaining that property ##(*)## holds?

Note I want to specifically work with the poisson distribution rather than the normal distribution due to how the shape of the poisson distribution at zero.

Thanks for your time and let me know if you have any queries.
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  • #2
It can't be done. If you add another parameter it is not a Poisson distribution. You need a 2-param function lke a beta function that starts at 0 and can be shaped by the parameters. There are some plots in this document
  • #3
Thanks for your response. I have previously defined a set of quantum measurement operators by $$A_C = \sum _M \sqrt{Pr(M|C)} |M \rangle \langle M|~~~~~~~~~~~(*)$$ where ##Pr(M|C)## is the Poisson distribution $$Pr(M|C) = \frac{e^{-C}C^M}{M!}~~~~M = 0,1,2...$$ with mean ##C## and ##|M \rangle## are eigenstates of some observable and where there are finite members of ##\{ |M \rangle \}_M##. In order to be a suitable Kraus measurement operators I need the set of operators to satisfy the *completeness condition* $$\int_{C}A_C^{\dagger}A_C dC = I.$$

This is satisfied if I use the Poisson Distribution since $$
\int_0^\infty \mathrm{Pr}(M|C) \: \mathrm dC
= \int_0^\infty \frac{e^{-C}C^M}{M!} \mathrm dC

The problem is that I want more control of the shape of the probability ##Pr(M|C)##, which is not allowed when using the standard Poisson Distribution. The Beta function as you proposed does allow freedom to manipulate the shape of the distribution but I am having difficulty seeing how we can define ##A_C## in the way above ##(*)## so that the completeness condition is satisified. Is it at all clear to you how this can be done in some way?
  • #4
If you want discrete outcomes then one could divide the x-range into intervals ##i_n## and write ##P(x\in i_n) =B \int_n^{n+1}\beta(x;a,b)dx## from which your *completeness condition* follows if ##B^{-1}=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\beta(x;a,b)dx ##
  • #5
Thanks for your response but I'm not really following your reasoning as to how you would define the measurement operators ##A_C = \sum_{m}\sqrt{Pr(M|C)}|M \rangle \langle M|## using the Beta functions. In my scheme above using the Poisson distribution, I used the mean ##C## as the index for the measurement operators ##\{A_C\}_C## and then used the fact that ##\int_{0}^{\infty}Pr(M|C)dC = 1## to show that the *completenes relation* ##\int A_{C}A_{C}^{\dagger}dC = I## is satisfied.. Explicitly how are you proposing to define measurement operators with the Beta function?
  • #6
Is the idea you are referring to something like this:
Define $$A_{C} := \sum_{x}\sqrt{\text{Pr} (x|n)}|x \rangle \langle x |$$ where $$\text{Pr}(x|n) :=
\begin{cases}\text{Pr}(x \in i_n) = \frac{\int_{n}^{n+1}\beta(x: \alpha, \beta)}{\int_{0}^{\infty}\beta(x:\alpha, \beta)}~~~~~~\text{if }x \in i_n\\ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\text{if } x \notin i_n

Hence ##\sum_n A_n^{\dagger}A_n = \sum_{x}\bigg[\sum_n \text{Pr(x|n)} \bigg]|x \rangle \langle x | = I##
  • #7
Danny Boy said:
Is the idea you are referring to something like this:


Hence ##\sum_n A_n^{\dagger}A_n = \sum_{x}\bigg[\sum_n \text{Pr(x|n)} \bigg]|x \rangle \langle x | = I##
I don't know. I don't understand what you've written. I would write
\text{Pr}(i=n) = \frac{\int_{x_n}^{x_{n+1}}dx\beta(x: \alpha, \beta)}{\int_{0}^{\infty}dx\beta(x:\alpha, \beta)}
where the ##x_n## are the boundaries of your your discrete regions. ##i## is a discrete random variable that depends on ##x## and the ##x_n##. It can betailored to suit.

Related to Quantum measurement operators with Poisson distribution

1. What is a quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution?

A quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution is a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics to calculate the probability of obtaining a certain outcome when measuring a quantum system. It takes into account the inherent randomness of quantum measurements, which follows a Poisson distribution.

2. How is a quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution different from other measurement operators?

A quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution differs from other measurement operators in that it takes into account the discrete nature of quantum measurements and the inherent randomness of the outcomes. It also considers the fact that multiple measurements of the same quantum system can yield different outcomes.

3. What is the role of a quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution in quantum mechanics?

A quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution is an essential tool in quantum mechanics as it helps to predict the probabilities of obtaining different outcomes when measuring a quantum system. It is used in various applications such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation.

4. Are there any limitations to using a quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution?

Like any other mathematical model, a quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution has its limitations. It assumes that the measurement outcomes are independent of each other, which may not always be the case in complex quantum systems. It also does not account for any external disturbances or decoherence that may affect the system during measurement.

5. How is a quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution calculated?

A quantum measurement operator with Poisson distribution is calculated by taking the square root of the measurement operator, which is a Hermitian matrix, and then multiplying it by the square root of the probability distribution function. This calculation results in a non-Hermitian matrix, which is then used to determine the probabilities of different measurement outcomes.

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