Quantum mechanical measurement (schrodinger's cat)-

In summary, in the Schrodinger cat thought experiment, a camera is placed inside the chamber to record events without being watched. After one half life of decaying material, the cat's state is unknown until the chamber is opened. However, once the camera records the events and the chamber is opened, the state of the cat is known for the entire experiment. This challenges the Copenhagen interpretation, which states that measurement is necessary to determine the state of a system. In this modified experiment, the state of the system is known even without observation, suggesting that future measurement can cause the wave function to collapse in the past. It also raises the question of whether the camera itself is capable of collapsing the wave function, eliminating the need for a conscious observer
  • #1
1. Suppose in Schrodinger cat thought experiment we place a camera inside the chamber which record the events happening inside the chamber. (We are not watching inside the chamber through the camera during the period of experiment. It is just for recording purpose). After one half life of decaying material, we don’t know the state of the cat since we have not yet opened the chamber. For us, cat is in the superposed state of ‘alive’ and ‘dead’. As soon as we look inside the chamber, we make the wave function collapse to one definite state. Now, we take the camera out and watch the events which took place inside the chamber. By watching through the camera, we now know the state of the cat (and hence system) for the whole period of experiment. Hence, for whole period of experiment, we know the state of the system.
a. Tell me, how this is compatible with standard Copenhagen interpretation that we can’t know the state of the system (here cat) unless we have done the measurement.
b. In this modified thought experiment we know the state of the system even if we have not yet observed the system (though we know corresponding state not at present but only in future). Does it mean that our act of measurement in future is causing the wave function to collapse in past. (But it will also mean that recording of camera in past is dependent on our observation in future).
c. Or, we should think that camera is capable of collapse of wave function and we don’t need a conscious observer for it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Consciousness is never necessary to to the concept of measurement in quantum mechanics. In this particular case, the environment is measuring the state of the cat long before anyone opens to box.

FAQ: Quantum mechanical measurement (schrodinger's cat)-

1. What is the concept of quantum mechanical measurement?

Quantum mechanical measurement is the process of determining the state of a quantum system by interacting with it. This measurement is described by Schrodinger's cat thought experiment, where a cat in a sealed box can be both alive and dead until an observer opens the box and collapses the system into one of the two states.

2. How does Schrodinger's cat thought experiment relate to quantum mechanics?

Schrodinger's cat thought experiment is used to illustrate the concept of superposition, where a quantum system can exist in multiple states simultaneously until it is observed or measured. This idea challenges our classical understanding of the world and is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics.

3. Can Schrodinger's cat be both alive and dead at the same time?

According to quantum mechanics, yes, Schrodinger's cat can exist in a superposition of both alive and dead states until it is observed or measured. This is because at the quantum level, particles can exist in multiple states at once and only collapse into a definite state when observed.

4. Is Schrodinger's cat thought experiment just a theoretical concept?

Yes, Schrodinger's cat thought experiment is a theoretical concept used to explain the principles of quantum mechanics. It was not meant to be taken literally, as it is impossible for a macroscopic object like a cat to exist in a superposition of states in our everyday world.

5. How does Schrodinger's cat thought experiment impact our understanding of reality?

Schrodinger's cat thought experiment challenges our traditional understanding of reality, as it suggests that things can exist in multiple states at once until they are observed. This concept has led to many philosophical debates and continues to shape our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

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