Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory application ideas?

In summary, the conversation discussed ideas for creating an application related to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Some suggestions included making an application that displays a surface of water and simulates the movement of waves using scalar and vector fields. Other ideas included an application for fast drawing and computation of Feynman diagrams and an app for computing tree level amplitudes and generating visual representations of particle properties.
  • #1
First of all sorry for my off-topic question here. I'm a computer science student, who has a high interest in mathematics (especially algebraic geometry), and physics (especially quantum mechanics, quantum field theory). For this semester I'm supposed to create to applications, from which one of them will be a multi-platform computer application, and another one will be an Android based mobile application. I'm free to choose any idea for my applications. But due to my high interest in the above mentioned physics areas, I would like to create something related to them. Therefore, I need you help and idea. If you could give me some ideas, about what can I create, I mean what can be useful for general audience and physicists as well regarding quantum mechanics and quantum field theory I would be glad. I may also need some of yours help regarding the theory behind my application and coding.
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  • #2
Application of quantum theory? Couldn't you just hold up your smartphone and then say "The End!"?

  • #3
Make an application that displays a surface of water. When user taps the screen, generate a wave that flows outward (and bounces from the borders, for instance).

Express the water surface disturbance as a scalar field. Now instead of solving everything numerically, make an array of discrete wave mods and use analytic equations to solve the wave at a given time. Then render it on the screen. Make also a scrollbar to wind time forward and backward. Show how you can make time move faster and slower (and backwards). This is quite impossible to achieve this using numerical approximation, so the audience will be impressed if they know that.

If you feel advanced enough, then introduce interactions. Waves, instead of simply interfering, should alter their movement. You have to pick up some interaction term so it's easy enough to implement and gives nice visual effects. If you are good enough, then compute the wave propagation over another wave, then find a Hamiltonian that describes it.

If it is still too easy for you, then introduce water flows. Suppose that the water is flowing and it can disturb the waves' trajectory. Express the flow as a vector field. Make it static :).

Going completely hardcore, introduce transverse waves. This would be equivalent to impulses of water flow here and there. You will then have scalar and vector particles interacting.

In the final version, make it so that the surface has curvature. Say, do it on a sphere. Your app will be compatible with the future flexible pads :).
  • #4
An application for fast drawing/computation of Feynman diagrams to make reasonably advanced (1-2 loop level) computations available to a wide audience? Select an internal line/vertex and the corresponding part of the algebraic expression is picked out? Then for a sensible range of loop numbers the calculation can be carried out explicitly with appropriate regulators and a final result displayed?
Or if just for one to two loops, make it something that computes tree level amplitudes and uses those to algebraically compute differential cross section / width of the particle for external momenta, and use these to generate graphs of angular distribution / decay times / something visual?
Just some ideas, hope it's helpful :)

Related to Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory application ideas?

1. What is the difference between quantum mechanics and quantum field theory?

Quantum mechanics is a theoretical framework that describes the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and particles. Quantum field theory is an extension of quantum mechanics that incorporates the principles of special relativity and describes the interactions between particles as fields.

2. How are quantum mechanics and quantum field theory applied in real-world technologies?

Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory have been crucial in the development of technologies such as transistors, lasers, and computer memory. They are also being used in cutting-edge fields such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensing.

3. Can quantum mechanics and quantum field theory be used to explain macroscopic phenomena?

Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory are primarily used to explain the behavior of matter and energy at a microscopic level. While they can provide insights into macroscopic phenomena, such as superconductivity and superfluidity, they do not fully explain them and are still being studied by scientists.

4. How do quantum mechanics and quantum field theory impact our understanding of the universe?

Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory have challenged our traditional understanding of the universe and have led to new theories and models, such as the Standard Model and the theory of quantum gravity. They also play a crucial role in the study of the early universe and the behavior of black holes.

5. Are there any practical applications for quantum field theory beyond technology?

Aside from technological applications, quantum field theory has also been used in other fields such as condensed matter physics, high energy physics, and cosmology. It has also contributed to the development of mathematical tools and techniques that have applications in various scientific disciplines.

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