Quantum mechanics, bidimensional harmonic oscillator

In summary: Next, try to find the functional form of ##u_p(x)## and ##u_q(y)##. And then try to fit this with the given wavefunction ##\psi(x,y,0)##. I´ll beIn summary, the problem involves finding the total energy and probability in a two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with a given wave function at t=0. The Hamiltonian for a 2D oscillator is derived and the equations are separated in order to solve for the individual energy eigenvalues. The wave function is then expanded in terms of the individual eigenfunctions and the next step is to find the functional form of these eigenfunctions and relate them to the given wave function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

At t=0 the wave function of a two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscilator is

ψ(x,y,0)=A(4α^2 x^2+2αy+4α^2 xy-2) e^((-α^2 x^2)/2) e^((-α^2 y^2)/2)

where A its the normalization constant
In which instant. Wich values of total energy can we find and which probability?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know how to start it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can you set up the Hamiltonian of an isotropic harmonic oscillator?
  • #3
I find that the hamiltonian of the isotropic harmonic oscillator is

$$H=\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \nabla^2+\frac{1}{2}m^2w^2p^2$$

that's what you mean ?
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  • #4
That does not seem to be what we are interested in. I just searched in Google and I can find quickly enough in the first few search results. What about 1D harmonic oscillator, do you know how the Hamiltonian looks like?
  • #5
No, i don´t know, I'm really cinfused about it
  • #6
Please use ##\#\# \: \#\### delimiters for inline LaTeX equations and ##\$\$ \: \$\$## for displayed equations. I've edited your post accordingly.
  • #7
The Hamiltonian for 1D oscillator reads
H = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega^2x^2
For 2D harmonic oscillator, you clearly need to add two more terms identical to those two above only that the variable is now ##y##. If you are still confused, go back to Google.
  • #8
Developing the Laplacian for a 2D harmonic oscilator, i´ll be
$$H=\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} (\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2)+\frac{1}{2}m^2w^2(x^2+y^2)$$
  • #9
Correct, except for the absence of a minus sign in front of ##\hbar^2/2m##. Now this equation is easy to solve because the variables ##x## and ##y## are separated. Suppose the solutions of the separate Hamiltonians
H_1 = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega^2x^2
H_2 = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega^2y^2
are ##u_p(x)## and ##u_q(y)## respectively. What do you think the solution of the total Hamiltonian ##H = H_1+H_2## will look like in terms of ##u_p(x)## and ##u_q(y)##?
  • #10
I´ll be the superposition rigth?
If ##U_m(x)## and ##U_n(y)## are the solutions, the total Hamiltonian is
$$H= U_m(x) + U_n(y)$$
  • #11
No, its not a superposition. Ok let me rephrase in previous statement, I should have said "solve the Schroedinger equation", not "solve the Hamiltonian". What we want to solve is
(H_1+H_2)\psi_{pq}(x,y) = E_{pq}\psi_{pq}(x,y)
with the total energy ##E_{pq} = E_p+E_q##. Now I will give you a hint. In this problem, we have that
H_1\psi_{pq}(x,y) = E_p \psi_{pq}(x,y) \\
H_2\psi_{pq}(x,y) = E_q \psi_{pq}(x,y) \\
H_1 u_{p}(x) = E_p u_{p}(x) \\
H_2 u_{q}(x) = E_q u_{q}(x)
Using these, you are ought to find ##\psi_{pq}(x,y) ## in terms of ##u_{p}(x)## and ##u_{q}(y) ##.
  • #12
A question, ih this correct?

$$ H_1 \psi_{pq}(x,y)=H_1u_p(x)$$

As ##H_1## only depends of X, and from your last post you say ##u_p(x)## was the ##H_1## solution, Is it true?
Or i´m misreading
  • #13
Aler93 said:
A question, ih this correct?
$$ H_1 \psi_{pq}(x,y)=H_1u_p(x)$$
No, it's not like that since it will imply that ##\psi_{pq}(x,y)=u_p(x)##.
This problem actually belongs to those which can be solved by separation of variables method. I suggest you read http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/DE/SeparationofVariables.aspx, especially Example 1.
  • #14
I suppose it´s someththing like this, at page 2:


So what I understand; what we do is transform the 2d harmonic oscilator problem, into 2 1D harmonic oscilators equations, solving the Harmonic Oscillator equation, we found the energy eigenvalues for each coordinate.
Am I rigth?
  • #15
Yes, you can find what I asked at the end of page 2.
Aler93 said:
So what I understand; what we do is transform the 2d harmonic oscilator problem, into 2 1D harmonic oscilators equations, solving the Harmonic Oscillator equation, we found the energy eigenvalues for each coordinate.
Am I rigth?
Yes, that's how we should proceed. The goal at this step is just to make you aware of how the total eigenfunction looks like in terms of the individual oscillator eigenfunctions. In the next step, we are supposed to expand the given wavefunction ##\psi(x,y,0)## in terms of ##\psi_{pq}(x,y)##'s.
\psi(x,y,0) = \sum_p \sum_q c_{pq} \psi_{pq}(x,y)
with ##c_{pq}## a constant. In general, each sum above runs from ##0## to ##\infty##. However, if we can relate the appearance of ##\psi(x,y,0)## with the nature of the function ## \psi_{pq}(x,y)## for a given ##p## and ##q##, we should find that only a few constants ##c_{pq}## out of these infinite series are non-vanishing. So, your next task is to find out the functional form of ## \psi_{pq}(x,y)##. First, you have known how ## \psi_{pq}(x,y)## looks like in terms of ##u_p(x)## and ##u_q(y)##, right?

FAQ: Quantum mechanics, bidimensional harmonic oscillator

1. What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. It explains the behavior of matter and energy at a microscopic scale and is the foundation of our understanding of the universe.

2. What is a bidimensional harmonic oscillator?

A bidimensional harmonic oscillator is a theoretical model used in quantum mechanics to describe the motion of a particle in a two-dimensional space. It is characterized by a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position.

3. How does the bidimensional harmonic oscillator behave?

The behavior of the bidimensional harmonic oscillator is characterized by oscillations around its equilibrium position. The particle moves back and forth, alternating between potential and kinetic energy, with a constant frequency and amplitude.

4. What is the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. The more accurately we know one of these properties, the less accurately we can know the other.

5. How is the bidimensional harmonic oscillator used in practical applications?

The bidimensional harmonic oscillator is used in a variety of practical applications, such as in the design of electronic circuits and in the study of molecular vibrations. It also plays a crucial role in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.
